Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

If a BNT is Olympic quality and riding is full time training of horse and rider no.

If it is a clinic, possibly, if a BNT can be other than Olympic quality.

I have audited BNTs.

I have taken lessons and clinics with well known trainers and lesser known trainers.

I have 3 friends I can think of that sold or lost their fun in their safe horse and were then over-horsed by the trainer who wanted the ride on the better horse. Two of those three no longer ride and they were way better riders than I was. I lost track of the third. One of those who no longer rides was buying horses with 6 digit sales prices.

I am forever grateful for my trainers and my not so perfect to some trainers but oh so perfect to me horses who have had the patience of Job to work with me to improve my riding.


It probably depends on how you define “crap.”

Does that definition include pointing out that JK and KK have been ignoring their subpoenas for months, and continue to do so?

Which is a completely factual observation.


Perhaps because @Inigo-montoya was actually named in civil suit filings as being Jonathan Kanarek? If you are not Jonathan Kanarek, then who are you? Any sane person would surmise that you ae him at this point. Nobody has objected, yourself included. Enlighten us


It depends on $$$$. I have seen BNTs approach friends with money. “Come up here and train with me.”

Funny @Inigo-montoya, because if the moderators here thought @trubandloki was doing anything not in compliance with the rules of the forum, they would have dealt with it a long time ago without your prompting. Moderation here is excellent in that regard.

You can attempt to flaunt your relationship with the editor all you want. Not only are many of us unimpressed, it just goes to show how out touch you truly are.


IM please stop. You are doing yourself no favors. You seem to be unaware that you have already made it clear who you are.

If your daughter’s lawsuit hasn’t been tanked already, you are well on your way to making her case worse than it already is.



That’s exactly what George Santos said about Joe Biden, lol. I believe this is called projection.


What now? You’re bumping YOUR OWN POST as evidence of me somehow baiting and goading you? Try again.


Meh, I don’t want to being politics into this, but I think you can generally lump all of them into the “pathetic pathological liar” category.


I think Santos is pretty much in a league of his own on that score, so it is quite ridiculous for him to point that finger at anyone else.


Well you just doxxed more than he did. For goodness sake, who knows how many have that first name and I haven’t seen a correct guess yet.

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What is going on here is that you are digging your hole deeper… and deeper… and deeper… and making yourself and your family just look worse. But by all means carry on with your inappropriate commentary… I guess you do not care.


Yes, very much so!

No, you speculated that YD was a particular sister of LKs by researching her professional record online, and saying that YD/LKs sister would have had the information to doxx whoever YD doxxed. You then speculated that I was YD because I happened to use the same two word phrase that YD once used! It was quite hilarious.

But the mods were fine with it, considering it just “speculation”.

Wasn’t he going to have Helgstrand close the forums? You know those meaningless forums for middle-aged women with nothing to do that now seem to have someone in a tizzy. Why does this family care so much about this insignificant forum? Maybe it isn’t as insignificant as we think it is? Hmmm, that’s something to ponder. If it is significant is it appropriate for parties of pending legal action be here rage posting?


Watch out y’all, he’s pulled out the big gun…the editor.


Does anyone else think it’s telling that Hut Ho has been right and left accusing people of doxxing, when they haven’t been, yet is silent when IM has blatantly done it?


In all fairness, I find the incessant tagging annoying. But to be equally fair, you have not answered a single question. Also, “Jonathan and Kirby Kanarek” made a misguided decision to join these forums. So… :woman_shrugging:


Give it a rest. If it really is her, then you and @BigMama1 can’t keep your fingers off the keyboard.

None of y’all have guessed right on anything else. It’s just more coth trash talk.