Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Funny how many times “Lara” has mentioned her husband. Well done detective.


It’s certainly not surprising, anyway.


No……nobody did or would solicit you!
MB invited JK and KK to meet him and Justin even before LK came to Florida in the hopes LK would come by herself. You really have no idea what you’re talking about. Here are the initials of 3 people in your neck of the woods who you know well.
They all know MB poached LK from her NC trainer and they all know no BNT would ever think of poaching you!
Are you ready? DK, AB, RB

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What does hypothetical client poaching have to do with the topic of this thread, which is the current civil suit, and the K clan’s refusal to respond to multiple subpoenas?


This ^ . Lauren Kanarek also made these forums her personal soapbox - in an extremely ill-advised way.
IANAL so maybe someone who is - like IM if he is posting as himself tonight - can explain to me how any of this rage posting by any member of the Kanarek family is helpful to any of their cases? I cannot see how it would be beneficial in any way. As erinmeri said - enlighten us.

ETA: That is, IF you can pause in your continuing crusade to flush your cases down the drain…




Aww come on now IM, no need to start slinging mud! Tsk tsk.


I suppose it depends on your discipline. A BNT in the Eq world wouldn’t necessarily have gone to the Olympics, but if they went to finals (or their clients did), they sure would be.

[ETA: thanks for admitting you haven’t been in that world.]

Sorry for your friends who were over-horsed. Been there. And yes, good trainers are worth their weight in gold. But, if you don’t know or what you speak, maybe pipe down?


So you had to have a meeting with your 30 odd some year old daughter’s potential trainer? For what purpose? Your child cannot function as an independent adult and make these decisions on her own?

I doubt there is much truth to it. Are BNTs now banging down your daughter’s door to take her on?


God I hope AB is Alan Buck. That would make this whole thing full circle. Lol


It was tagged and hidden before I saw his post. I thought who the heck is ****? Well, probably a wrong guess anyway. Then I saw other posts stupidly post the entire name, both probably wrong. Just dumb dumb dumb behavior.

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Hey, let “IM” do “his” own thing. Lol.


Seems more likely than RG the hero taking on the taliban. The Marines may overlook an arrest record for certain people, but MULTIPLE arrest records??? Unless he’s some very high value special forces, I highly doubt it.


:rofl: At this point, nothing would surprise me.



I really want to make sure I have this right…

At some point in 2018, MB noticed your daughter’s riding. Your daughter was in her late thirties at the time, and riding 1st level.

So MB invited the 60 something year old parents of this 1st level rider to meet him and Justin, in hopes of convincing LK to come to Florida?

This is so bizarre. Your daughter is an adult. Why are you all so involved in her life decisions? Do you know much about codependent relationships in families? It’s really not healthy.


What is your definition of BNT? Going to finals or having their clients go to finals? At what level?

It just keeps getting better and better.


Wasn’t LK’s recent attempt at an alter on a previous thread in response to someone pointing out the non-BNT status of her current trainer?


Having communicated with COTH editors, owners, or staff is not as impressive a thing as JK would like people to believe.

We all know that their email addresses are publicly available on the website and that they are very responsive to members.


Heck I live here and I don’t have any clue who AB is! They must not be that big of a BNT.

Both RB and DK are excellent trainers with spotless reputations but neither had/have room for LK’s horses. RB doesn’t have a facility and boards her horse, and DK has a small barn at her home with no indoor arena. So, I’m at a loss as to IM’s point.