Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Prob Allie Brock lol but Alan Buck would have been WAY more fun.


Yes, Seeker and LK self identified.

IM never admitted to being JK. It was widely speculated and assumed on these threads that IM was JK shortly after he started posting and a year, at least, before the “by information and belief” statement in the court documents. The court documents did not claim that IM s identity had been confirmed by COTH.

JK is speculating on the identity of @trubandloki . Just like everyone has speculated on the identity of IM and several posters have speculated on my identity. Speculation is allowed.

How is @Sdel linking me with LKs sister (a real life person) not doxxing by your definition? I thought it was at the time, but the mods said that it was just speculation and acceptable.

Actually I think you have it backwards. If you speculate on an identity by asserting a link, without providing public information to substantiate the link, that’s just speculation, and it’s allowed.

If you provide outside documentation to back up your speculation, that’s doxxing.

She’s not in NC.


What’s so funny?


That makes sense. It was HH that kept pushing the idea that Allie Brock got LK into Paradigm….

So, :thinking:


Yeah… you’re right. Point taken.

Maybe it is a version of the line from Hamilton when he wrote up The Reynolds Pamphlets to admit to his sleazy affair…

Madison, Burr and Jefferson say…

Have you read this?
Did you ever see somebody ruin their own life?

Only in this instance, substitute “case” for “life”.

We are in the midst of a howling windstorm here - if the power goes there may be so many posts added to this thread by morning that I may never catch up…


He definitely was never any part of a special forces unit.

I agree with you that this is an AWFUL lot of arrests for the Marines to overlook. And recruiting standards were tighter pre 9/11.

@LexInVA has looked into public info about RG’s possible service before. It’s unknown if RG made it much past bootcamp.

It’s also unknown as to how he was discharged from the military.

A thinking person wonders about that, because the behavior involving arrests related to drugs, trespassing, and assault ? That behavior both pre-dates, and follows his alleged (though nebulous) period of military service.

If the behavior was ongoing while RG was serving? He might have a problematic service record. Just saying.


What??? Am I on bath salts? You can’t honestly believe what you just posted can you?

[edited post d to posted]


That’s such a ridiculous statement, thank you.

I’m not currently riding so how/why would a BNT come to me? Is that your attempt to tell me I’m fat? Because I am. And I’m still a much better rider than your progeny.


It doesn’t sound like IM is speculating.

No one ever called you Hillary or Emily.


His poor wife.


not enough evidence? He outed himself.


What part of what she’s posted is untrue? I get the impression from your attempt to change the discussion from her questions about the texts to her identity, that you’re really upset about those texts coming out.


No, it’s not a factual observation. It’s a taunt meant to misrepresent and harass.

Plaintiffs counsel has filed the appropriate motion to have the subponeas quashed. That’s not ignoring them.

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Don’t worry. Half of them will probably be gone by morning, one way or another.


Afterthe time limit to respond.


Just when I thought you cared about the truth.
What does it matter if LK was 15 or 50.
MB invited us to meet him and Justin and check out his facility. He asked us to encourage LK to meet him when she got to Florida.

Yeah, you woulda told MB “sorry, we don’t wanna meet you.”

You really have zero interest in the truth.

Hey, CH and HH, do you see this post? The one where IM refers to himself and KK as “us,” LK’s parents?

Is that proof enough for you of IM’s identity?

Side note. Most 15 year olds have their parents involved in their horse related decisions. Most 30/40/50 year olds don’t.


Well that’s ironic.


I don’t recall any court documents that identified the identity of Trubandloki, but I definitely recall one identifying InigoMontoya. If that document was incorrect all you have to do is say so.

Funny that you post here so infrequently and yet you know I’m Canadian. Almost as if you’ve looked me up, identified me, and perhaps the people I work for or train with. What a strange and rather creepy coincidence… And yet I’m one of the few people here who gave your daughter the benefit of the doubt and I still maintain that we don’t know what happened on that fateful day.

Since you’re here, would you mind explaining why she refused to leave the farm after you, MB and the lawyers made all the effort to arrange for a place with a very well-known trainer down the road? Was it because she disapproved if his training methods and didn’t want her horses there? Or because she simply didn’t want ti leave MB’s farm?

And could you also explain the context of the texts about the generator? It sure sounds like someone was planning g malicious damage to the property in an effort to render MB homeless, possibly putting horses at risk in the process. If that’s not the right interpretation Im sure you’re anxious to correct the record.