Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I admit I am tired from a long day at the barn and cranky from the ski traffic. I do not understand why it is necessary to feed the trolls.


Has he said anything along the lines of “I know you’re Lara” because of these outside documents (doxx) that indicate you’re Lara?

Several people have already stated that they’re “not buying it”, so he’s hardly provided convincing documentation (doxx) of his speculation.

No documentation, no doxxing.

TBH, I’m going to be shocked if @trubandloki actually is LO.

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Now I have that earworm…


I could verify this post within 15 minutes with 2 phone calls but so what? Who cares or believes that an almost 40 year old woman has her daddy go on scouting trips for her?

It’s odd that Barisone had no idea who Lauren Kanarek was until she entered one of his clinics.

These emotional posts are not healthy for you or your daughter’s case. As you’ve said before, who cares about this forum other than you right now?
It is understandable you are stressed and emotional with so much going on in your life.
Posting your anger here is not helpful.


Fatten 'em up for troll stew.


Yes, @Sdel identified me as the sister of LKs who worked in HR.

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At least it’s a good one.

Well maybe those over-reaching parents were also indicating that they have deep pockets to give LK the “unlimited means” that she bragged about.


What you fail to realize @Inigo-montoya, and have always failed to realize, is many here care very, very much about the truth, and that is why we have followed the Barisone threads and trial very closely.

See, many middled aged women, who have nothing better to do with their lives than comment on an internet message board, have been around the block more than once, and know a load of bull hooey when we hear it.

Your daughter’s story has been bull hooey from the moment we heard it, so forgive us if we don’t believe much of what you have to say either.


Maybe. If any of it actually happened.


Perfect post! Thank you!


Indeed. @Inigo-montoya certainly has our attention tonight if he wants to keep telling his truths. Perhaps he can shed some light on some of the fuzzier details.


Makes sense. Must be a European thing.

So @Inigo-montoya, where did Lauren keep her horses in FL before she was with MB? Just curious…


I had some great versions of these fairy tales when I was a kid, and I wish I still had the books. I remember a version of Cinderella called Little One Eye, Little Two Eye, and Little Three Eye, where the little girl with two eyes was made fun of because she had two eyes, by the her step sisters, Little One Eye and Little Three Eye. It was much more dastardly than Cinderella. Anway, I digress…


Oh me either. I don’t for a second think that TrubandLoki is LO. I don’t believe anything that IM says. I just found the doxxing attempt rather pathetic. Much the same way I found someone contacting my editor and trainer pathetic. They thought it was pretty pathetic too lol.


She says that about Jonathan Kanarek. I guess you are confirming that is you?


Love those types of old children’s books. Sometimes they are spot on. Mirror, mirror on the wall…


I’m pretty sure that middle-aged women with nothing else to do make up the majority of clients to whom Helgstrand sells very pretty and expensive horses in Florida. I’m sure he wouldn’t want to take away their forum, not to mention all the clicks and advertising revenue they generate lol.


He’s not in the military. Its another lie by Lauren to shore up her pretend image.