Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Happy New Year everyone! It was nice to see a GFM update along with some generous donations. Hopefully we will see an update soon that shares some really good news for MB.

Off subject but do any of you have “that friend”? A horse friend and I stopped into a cute store that sells home decor, seasonal items and women’s clothing. Sorry guys-nothing for you here.
My friend was looking at a women’s top that had a handwritten size of WB. There were also some in WP (petite?) My friend said to the clerk “I see you have this in warmblood and pony sizes but do you have any in cob?”
I explained to the confused clerk that my friend was looking for a medium. Fortunately she found one. We never did find out what WB size meant. I’ve not seen that before. :slightly_smiling_face:


No, poke is the just sprouted version of the red purple berries on the tall weeds. It is toxic if not prepared correctly

No, pokeberry is very different. Perhaps you’ve seen tall weeds that have bright purple berries around August that the birds devour. That is pokeberry plant and the leaves are cooked like other greens and become what is known as poke salad, or as real old times coders say, poke salat. I find them very bitter and used to push them around the plate when my grandmother served them. She used everything she could forage from the land, from greens to mushrooms to all sorts of berries and nuts. Of course everything was cooked in lard on a wood stove! I don’t think I could eat like that today but as a kid it was pretty good!

Good heavens, I think I’m the oldest person on these forums!


Wow @cutter99! Good for you. I might have to give them a try.

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I have these in the oven as I type. I used some different flavorings- Everything Bagel, pepper and cheese, and candied bacon.

Will be interesting to see how they turn out!


I dunno. Myself, I go back a long way.

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@cutter99, those pickle appetizers sound amazing!

How did the bacon appetizers turn out?

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I missed the changing attorneys part. I expect its buried back 500 posts under a bunch of house guests and Christmas cookies. Can you recap? It’s significant if Mr Ambulance Chaser parted ways. What does it mean to the case?


The change of attorney notification was filed within the last week or so.

There was much speculation on the thread about whether that meant the old attorney washed his hands of the Ks, or the Ks washed their hands of him, or what have you. No definitive word yet either way, I believe.


Ah thank you. I ended up bailing from the thread because it was getting too big for my phone to open :slight_smile: and I lost the plot. I expect that the houseguests turned up at the same time as the lawyer change.

Even though I have some posters blocked, when a thread goes on for days and days with people arguing with invisible ghosts I can’t see :slight_smile: I tend to wander away.


Ekat told us in post #411 on my device anyway.


@trubandloki the bacon crackers were very yummy!

The candied bacon ones were good, as were the peppered. The cheese were okay but not great. I used Gouda as Mr. Cutter scoffed at using Parmesan. The Parmesan would probably be better. The best crackers were the ones that I put a pinch of Everything Bagel seasoning on top! That was da bomb!


Dang it, now I have a hankering for appetizers! Since it’s snowing like gangbusters, I have to stick with what I have. Think I will stuff dates with some blue cheese and bake until gooey.


That’s weird. All the snow finally melted here and it was almost 60 in the last day or two.

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Here is a link to the post with the change of attorney document.


Removed the video as it was not linkable…. Tragic! It was a compilation of photos and videos of Boyd Martin in 2022 to music. Happily I can replay - wanted to be generous and share… but alas- go to his Facebook page and watch! Be still my heart….


Dang it!!!

Seriously …. Go to Boyd Martins Facebook page …. Words fail…. Swoon…. So mean FB doesn’t allow to copy videos … or I am to dumb to know how to do it….


“Be still my heart” is right. Dang, Boyd.


Did you watch the video to music!?!?!? I can’t stop watching…. He is …. I can’t formulate the word…