
Good friends, I for one am anxiously and eagerly awaiting the Mosby’s Mixer. I think we will need to book the entire bar for Friday, Saturday and Bunch Sunday! We can go to the Shark Club for after hours and dance the soles of our boots off. YIPE, WOO WOO. Buy the plane ticket Colin. Or maybe we can cajole the Middleburg Yacht Club into letting us use their facility for our fine extravaganza…

Sorry, Benaja…didn’t make much money at all on Colin. I just wanted him to go to a good home, as I’m not financially strong enough to support him in his retirement…at least not in the manner in which he is accustomed to!

Ahh! I wish I could come…Think you can sneak me in Colin hehe We’ll all have to go some place where Alex and I can come!! heheh

Colin – a ring leader??? HAH! Colin can’t even control her own life, let alone all the loonies in BB land! I think the real mastermind behind the VA Clique is that sneaky Sea Urchin…who has many, many disguises…

Look up about 4 posts, Anyplace! Colin is BEGGING YOU to come!

Can the Va Clique come to Florida? We need to start a cult here - it’s way TOO quiet and/or dull! Retrophish can be the leader! Is there a meeting place in Citra, Retrophish?

Slugger, I will email you about the possibility of a road trip. Colin and I have already been talking about it. Now I just have to get speedracer away from her husband and pets for a long weekend…

Jair, if you can make it to New York, slugger and I will save a seat in the car for you! Nordstrom’s here we come… I’m heading right for the shoe department. Oh, I forgot, it’s my horse who gets to wear expensive shoes these days!

Kennett Square - of course you can stay at my B&B. Inverness hasn’t returned my calls, so I don’t know where she is staying. But Retro, AHC, Slugger are all staying there too. I think posisbly Jeb and Moesha too, but I’m not sure if they’re still talking to each other. Should be ok as long as Sea Urchin doesn’t come too. Could be trouble otherwise. LOL!

Kryswyn - I have decided to have an intimate dinner party instead of going to a restaurant. I hope you will come? I just picked up the latest Martha Stewart Living and have chosen some divine recipes and floral arrangements for the occasion. Having just come from my city’s Pride Parade I am thinking of a rainbow motif…

I hope Colin doesn’t forget she’s bringing the alcohol!

The white reeboks definitely Retro. But be sure to poof up your hair a bit too. (ha ha ha I’m one to talk about “poofy”!! aren’t I? )

Yes, Colin is teaching ball room dancing! Can’t wait to see her tiarra and crystal stiletto heels! Poor Sea Urchin had better watch out or he’ll lose his toes as well as his toupee!

Soooooooo, is anyone bringing their horses to this shindig? Besides Anyplace, who has the perfect horse for Colin, I mean? Not to Mosby’s but to Middleburg? Heck or to Mosby’s?! My amateur hunter can drink y’all under the table and then some! I don’t know where he puts it, must be hollow legs… Come to think of it, he’s FROM VA!! And he’s been known to snatch ladies’ unmentionables off neighboring clothes lines… Oh Kennett Square?? Do you by chance breed TBs??

[This message has been edited by slugger (edited 08-03-2000).]


Sorry to say that I don’t breed TB’s or any other types/breeds of horses. I’m just a hard working girl trying to make a few extra dollars to pay off my bar bill at Mosbys and the Shark Club. That is when I can’t get the kindness of strangers to do it.

Ms. Kryswyn,

I can’t help my aversion to taupe/elephant/mocha/gray britches! I think they do nothing to enhance ones coloring nor horse. Let’s get back to the good old days, beige and rust. I can even deal with the varying shades of sage or khaki. But NO NO just say no to taupe. I fear you will haunt me the rest of my days with the mantra…Taupe good …Kennett Square bad. When we met at Mosby’s we will try to resolve the issues, I’ve already lined up Peter Foley to give me big hair ( remember the higher the hair the closer to God) and I have the perfect red feather boa to sasha the runway with. Now if the bad ankles will just hold out one night for the 6 inch CFM heels!!! We still are trying to figure out what sort of outfit to wear in between… Hmmm I must look a little deeper in the closet.

Kryswyn, I think Moesha’s plane is landing at the private strip as we (Mo, Retro, Jeb,AHC and Slugger) are heading off for some fine dining before heading to Mosby’s - care to come? Colin said she’d meet us there provded she could find the right hair stylist to plait the main beads into her coiffure.

Anyone else concerned that we haven’t heard from Moesha? He must be off on one of his adventures. Funny, haven’t heard from Jeb lately either…

Benaja – Mosby’s is a restaurant/bar in Middleburg, Virginia. The Middleburg Classic Horse show will be going on the weekend we are planning to meet! It’s a wonderful show in a beautiful area!

Colin, don’t mean to pester you, but does your motel have a 1-800 number? I wanted to call for reservations. Do you think maybe I could watch a hunt while I am there? Is the pool indoor/outdoor?

Colin…$3.50 cab ride home to be exact!!!..LOL! <BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colin:
GTG – I will make sure you get sufficiently hooked up at Mosbys so you won’t need the shark club! But then again, a cab ride home from the Shark Club is probably a lot cheaper for you than a cab ride home from Mosbys!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, Utah.

Hats off, I know you can eat in Moseby’s; you just can’t Drink there or sit at the bar!

Brenna, who could trust anyone named after a hair tonic? Or is that Brill Cream? You underestimate Colin…she has her followers brainwashed! Look, she’s even made a fellow Utahian say the word “brothel”.

Who is going to make sure there are no trainers at our shin dig? That could be VERY VERY DANGEROUS!

Hattie aren’t you too busy “positioning” your clients? LOL You are the Hattie in Sidelines, yes?