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Most Bizarre gone wrong thread?

No that one didn’t involve any horses - it just go so fricking bizarre.

It didn’t on the thread but I knew one of the parties involved and it did IRL.

Sarah Stetner, Village …um…expert



OMG I had forgotten

Too bad the videos are gone.




Oh it really is, the measuring your horse was my favourite by far…


The parody video made it clear how bizarre the measuring video must have been.:smiley:

I think this is the thread -



Crazy Crayola Trainer! And the Gypsy Vanner woman who claimed someone hijacked her computer. Wasn’t that one of the first occurrences of houseguests?


That one wasn’t crazy at all, but in my mind it is one of the all-time greats that needs to be preserved in crystal and memorialized. For education + drama it is my personal all-time COTH classic. I learned stuff from that thread that I’ve thought about often since then. Even privately compared our rigorous screening of importing of livestock diseases with this covid catastrophe.

The suspense on that one was interminable, it lasted so long. The poster associated with the situation was a good sport to keep COTH updated.

I agree, there are two categories here, and maybe some sub-categories as well. The ones that are just irrational meltdowns (houseguests are not a good sign), vs the ones that are a true saga that actually has a lot of learning opportunities embedded. Plus, there is discussion, and there is argumentative, and usually both in the same thread.

And get 50 different strong opinions going and a classic is in the making.

I’m thinking that the SafeSport threads are destined for this library. And the Barisone threads, parts of which belong in both categories.

How far back do COTH threads go? I’m thinking about how to search for a few really old ones.

We’ve had a few COTH members over the years that could take any thread down the drain, no matter how soundly grounded, by foolishly badgering other posters who couldn’t just not respond. Those I can skip! :winkgrin:


Also a side entertainment is to look to the left of the thread and see how many of the OG’s have since been banned. Perhaps some just cancelled their memberships and that’s the default that shows?

Back when I first joined there was a very entertaining thread about an Arabian jumper (as best I can recollect) and the OP was completely, 100% insane. Honestly,it made me wonder what I was getting into. I’d love to find that thread again!

I’m not on here much but I just read the HH thread today. 😳 Onto the Arabian jumper next. Thanks for the Sunday entertainment

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The original “houseguests” were on the Arabian Jumper thread, where posters claiming to be houseguests of said jumpers owner started posting. That one was a real classic!

ETA: https://www.chronofhorse.com/forum/forum/discussion-forums/hunter-jumper/2417-attention-arabian-jumpers-jump-for-5000


Oh, that thread… that one was really bizarre! :yes:


Just caught up on “the chicken in the oven” and the follow up The Chicken, such fun.

The last post though

A friend and I were talking about epic coth threads - the one with the ice cream cake recipe. And I thought of this one.

Ice cream cake recipe?

No, they were banned.:wink: You are not considered banned if you leave of your own volition.

An easy way to find controversial threads from the past is to go to a specific forum, Dressage, Hunter/Jumper etc…

At the top right of the screen there is the selection “filter”. When you click on that you will have the choice of “sort by”. If , under “sort by” you select “replies” you will see the threads that have had the most participation on COTH. Many are old threads and you will see that most train wrecks have been “closed”.


I remember this bizarre thread. A request by the OP for the loan of an EQ horse. The OP deleted their posts but most were quoted. Many members took the time to give good advice.

It was very confusing, right up until the moderator solved the mystery at the very end.https://www.chronofhorse.com/forum/f…0-would-anyone

Perhaps you are thinking of this?