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My horrible experiences with Texas horse trainer/instructor Ellen Doughty-Hume

The fact is that Ellen has been asked to leave 4 different barns in the area in 6 years time.

For those of you supporting Ellen Doughty-Hume, giving her the benefit of the doubt or trying to cast a doubt on Stormy17’s post, please by all means, DO NOT DO YOUR RESEARCH and offer Ellen a training/coaching job (preferrably as far away from Area V as possible).


The fact is that Ellen has been asked to leave 4 different barns in the area in 6 years time.

For those of you supporting Ellen Doughty-Hume, giving her the benefit of the doubt or trying to cast a doubt on Stormy17’s post, please by all means, DO NOT DO YOUR RESEARCH and offer Ellen a training/coaching job (preferably as far away from Area V as possible).

For everyone else, do you research - but sadly you’ll need to dig deeper for reasons that have been made abundantly clear on this forum.


I am not exactly blaming the OP for not leaving. However, to list that many problems at one barn certainly raises some questions. It suggests either that (a) these other issues are only seen as problems in hindsight and/or (b) that they are exaggerated.

It’s also interesting that some of the house guests are defending the OP by saying two rather incompatible things. One, that people are afraid to leave the training barn or to speak up. And, two, that “everyone” in the “tight-knit” community knows about the bad practices in the barn. These cannot both be true. If the barn in question was a known bad apple, then the horse owners leaving the barn would get a lot of support, maybe a warning in advance, and people would certainly help them “escape.”




OK, this is genuinely getting interesting!!

Scribbler - Actually they CAN both be true. Most people that have had problems are new to the area, Eventing, or horses in general. So they actually DON’T know. But everyone who has grown up here does. And, I’m sorry, but people ARE afraid to speak up.


Heeey, Scribbler, please add a NSFW next time you link to a porno site. I am sitting at work and clicked on that.


Scribbler - congratulations?

I don’t think Stormy was trying to hide her identity in the slightest, but her profession truly has absolutely zero bearing on this discussion.


For the record people, the OP now has 4 of her horses at my barn and another 3 at a friend’s barn. My barn has a waiting list so I had to toss my own competitive horses out to pasture to make room for her - which I gladly did that because she is a friend who had finally run out of patience and run into desperation.

And before you ask, Stormy17 also travels a lot for work and rely on other’s to care for her horses (meaning, she has little choice but to board her horses). Having a place of her own is not exactly the answer.

“Why didn’t she move sooner?” Let’s be honest, the people that know Stormy17 rhetorically asked the same question - but the reaility is that she didn’t move because (1) she is generous and loyal to a fault and (2) there actually was no where to move that many horses.

She still never technically found a place but instead has had to split up her herd and board them a hour and a half apart. So stop judging. It is unnecessary and quite frankly ridiculous.

7 horses. Area barns full and with waitlists. Travel schedule. Family. And a genuinely decent person who wants to see the best in people (even if they don’t deserve it). For those of you who continue to want to ask then question “why didn’t you move sooner”, please take some time to explain to all of us how you would have handled the situation differently.


I think a lot of it has to do with the friendship that is developed between rider/owner and trainer. Not as many people are so willing to leave a barn when there’s a “barn family” or a good trainer friendship. For some people, their horse barn might be the only social environment they have. So this combined with having a large amount of horses with specific care needs, a lack of qualified facilities with open stalls and even just ability to commute are all factors.

I think it shows a lot of guts to do what OP did. Wouldn’t you want to know these type of things before moving your horse into an upper level eventing facility ? I’m sure it wasn’t cheap to board there. I don’t know Ellen, I don’t know the inside details but I can sense it took awhile for the OP to reach her breaking point . Sad it had to come to this.


Gotta love it. So much time spent critiquing the OP and her profession than what is being said in the post.

Knowing the OP personally, I can attest that all of these events are, in fact, true. And no, I’m no houseguest. I may not be active all the time, but I’m not the OP. With that being said, these events are not exaggerated nor are they false. I think it is interesting that the automatic focus is on what the OP “should have done” rather than the events themselves. As for those of us who have spoken up to verify the events in question (ahem, SendenHorse), it because it seems to be quite necessary.

And so what of the OP’s profession? Does that automatically make her a liar and someone who shouldn’t be believed? If so, that’s really rich. It’s not even remotely relevant to this post, but kudos to you for bringing it up.


Also Scribbler, since you seem to be enjoying the research, please know that the horse you linked a picture to died in a tragic accident on Sunday. Perhaps be a decent human being and take that link down so that when Stormy comes through later and reads these posts she isn’t visually reminded of her recent loss.


Gotta love it. So much time spent critiquing the OP and her profession than what is being said in the post.

Knowing the OP personally, I can attest that all of these events are, in fact, true. And no, I’m no houseguest. I may not be active all the time, but I’m not the OP. With that being said, these events are not exaggerated nor are they false. I think it is interesting that the automatic focus is on what the OP “should have done” rather than the events themselves. As for those of us who have spoken up to verify the events in question (ahem, SendenHorse), it because it seems to be quite necessary.

And so what of the OP’s profession? Does that automatically make her a liar and someone who shouldn’t be believed? If so, that’s really rich. It’s not even remotely relevant to this post, but kudos to you for bringing it up.


For Scribbler and anyone else researching, PLEASE warn us what the links are that you post, if they’re not something that multiple-aged family members should see. TIA


Advice to the houseguests: if you’re going to create multiple COTH id’s you need to vary your writing style. Other than the OP, this thread reads like the same person posting over and over again from multiple screen names.

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OK, this is genuinely getting interesting!![/QUOTE]

Please help me understand why this is even relevant to the conversation?

Since you’re determined to deflect from the real conversation and focus on things that are totally irrelevant let me add a few comments for you to consider.

Stormy17 is an amazing person. She is smart, determined and one hell of a businesswoman. She is one of the most generous and kindest people to walk the face of the planet. She loves her horses. She loves her friends. She loves her family. Not that any of this matters either.

All that matters is that she is stating the facts and is the first person to actually have the guts to say something.


I will freely admit I and Flaxenfilly23 are the same person. Not trying to cause confusion, I am just logged onto one account on my phone and one on my computer.


Im not a “house guest” either… Im not all that active, but been a member since 2008. As a personal friend of the OP, I can wholeheartedly attest to the internal debate shes been going through as to whether or not to speak up. Ultimately, this post boils down to wishing to warn others and keeping other people’s horses (and finances) from a similar fate. This is not mal-intent or “dirty laundry,” this post stems from the fact that no one ever speaks up or says ANYTHING for fear of reprisal. It took immense guts to say what she did.

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This thread is crazypants. Even for COTH.

For those calling fouls on house guests, consider that sometimes house guests are actually alters. I post regularly here but specifically made an alter for this thread.

I am not the same as anyone else on this thread. I am just me, and I have no use for multiple accounts on here as I only come on for certain things. I’ve been on here longer than any of the other accounts who have posted.