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My Horse Is So Beautiful!

@Bluey yours always look so well cared for. Look at the coat on the “old man!”

@widge that looks like a White Nostriled Treat Bandit.

@tabula_rashah They look like they’re about to drop a hot new single.

@PeteyPie she looks good for an older lady! I would never guess her age.

@sparkygrace very handsome!

@Syrynx I love that nose/chin marking… he’s too cute! Is that the guy I said should be called Ever Given for show?

@endlessclimb all lovely. I love your red boy. so shiny. Confession looks like a heck of a horse, and Shayney looks like a cuddler.

@Laverne77 adorable… and the driving pick of Elwood is great!

@JBCool OMG the Cookie Burglar! I would give him ALL the Newtons!


:slight_smile: oh thank you and yes, his show name is Ever Given.


You just made a wonderful thread better with your awesome comments, thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


gets that confidence from his sire Lone Star Longmire who is a young horse. Fig was one of his first products. This link is to the breeder’s web page of stallions they have, scroll down to Lone Star Longmire there is a series of photos/videos of him

We were pleased with Sock’s mare breeding, then when we lost him were able to purchase Fig in utero without knowing just what the foal was to be… every one was surprised to see the bay colt

here is a better photo of Fig, he was four months old in this photo


forgot I had these of Lexie (GW Inspiration)… glamour photos by older daughter taken in our garage

Lexie was a five year old pasture horse until this summer when she was first saddled, she is a quick learner… August she was taken to her first show to qualify for the Morgan Nationals, she was ridden in introductory dressage (A & B) at a large regional open dress show… and was officially measured at 14h

She won her classes, here she is saying “see those ribbons, THOSE are mine”


What a pensive, pretty face that. :sunglasses:

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she knows it too :rofl:

but after seeing that photo was when I said she looked a lot like Foxie


Lovely both of them!

@KayGee Wow! He looks very athletic.


Just had to share some photos from this summer, one from each show we went to.

The screen shot was kind of a flyer but he was a good sport about it :sweat_smile: He was such a good boy for our whole show season. We were supposed to move up to the .90s this year, but at our move up show, trainers/riders held the ring for TWO HOURS between my .80 class and what was supposed to be my .90 class. The ring was empty. They kept saying “you’re going soon!” so we couldn’t go back to the trailer to untack, etc. It was infuriating, we were both tired and he was getting hungry so I scratched. Shortly after that show, I decided we’re going back to eventing. We both enjoy that a lot more.


your horse is nice and as you noted just might like eventing more

my daughter’s buckskin really like to show off on the cross country courses


but he just liked doing a variety of activities, competitive trail he could do 55 miles without even a second thought



Thank you! He is the most athletic horse I’ve owned or ridden for that matter. He’s so much fun to ride!

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Oh we both do, we evented through Novice years ago but had to take a break due to limited access (didn’t have our own rig). Now that we have wheels, we’re able to do it again :star_struck:


might as well post Foxie’s competitive trail photos, she at first would not step over running water that was coming down the street. Her first P&R check she thought it was “the line up for a Western Pleasure Class” the other horses had dropped their head trying to get their breath and heart rates down, She was all squared up head up ears forward ready for the Judge …the vet asked what’s she doing…oh she thinks this is Class line up. (She caught on quickly and became a regional and national champion in NATRC competitive trail)

this daughter and wife on a 55 mile ride



My girl, who really isn’t as chubby as this picture makes her look!


Cynthia and her friend on skis at a skijoring clinic in 2010. DH was able to create a terrific packed snow runway. This is the first time I noticed his inclination to locate the photographer - Cynthia’s mom- and look right into the lens. I’m walktrot, Cynthia was canter for five years.

Kristina took over the canter 11 years ago. She learned to ride on Speckles. She spent 2-1/2 years in Wellington at a top-notch dressage barn as a working student. Speckles loves to gallop in the snow, and nibble when it’s fresh and fluffy. He’s also a perfect therapy horse.

We had snow that sticks last noght. This is what riding in the winter in Maine looks like. 15F was my usual cut-off.


I love this whole thread. So much happiness :heart::heart:


She is just adorable! I love her expression!

That looks like so much fun!

I live vicariously on horse pics! Best thread ever.


Can’t resist sharing a pic of my boy. I still remember the moment I first saw him in person. I’ve always been a sucker for a bright chestnut!


This is so fun! I love seeing everyone’s horses.

It got me thinking and I haven’t taken photos of mine much in the last couple of years, which sort of reflects how my horse life is going. But I have a few from not too long ago.


winter riding at its best, youngest daughter with her horse Foxie… both were the same ages so grew up together (note she does have her helmet on)… Foxie has the look What Is She Doing?