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Need some jingles, please!

Your vet sounds awesome!

It’s a shame animal welfare doesn’t attract more money. And a lot are overwhelmed after all the returns once the COVID lockdown ended.


Small update - Taffy ate a little more, and drank some milk. Then she asked to get out of the crate, so I held her steady while she figured out how to walk to the litter box, and helped her into it. She had to go, poor girl! She remained standing for quite a while, figuring out how to move her feet a little. She has no balance yet, but we’ll see. She’s just so affectionate, poor baby.


Great update ~ Jingles for some rest & recovery for all ~


I am so sorry to hear about the poor kitten.
I hope Taffy will keep getting better. Sending jingles and prayers.
You are awesome.


Way to go Taffy!!


So sorry about both kitties. :sleepy:
Bunches of jingles and hugs to Taffy and you. You’re a special human. Thanks so much!! :kissing_heart:


Morning Jingles for Miss Taffy and her family !


Jingling like crazy for Taffy!


Another quick update: she wanted out of the crate again this morning. She can get up on her own now more easily, and is figuring out how to place her legs in order to walk, so that’s a lot better than she was yesterday at this time. She even scratched her ear last night.

I helped her into the litterbox, and ran to grab another puppy pad to replace the one in her crate. I was gone less than a minute, but when I got back, she’d figured out how to get out of the litter box and was standing upright in the floor, taking a few tottering steps on her own.

The big trick right now is eating - she’s being a bit finicky, and I’ve noticed that chewing is hard for her to do, even with just bits of canned food. I will get some KMR at noon, since she liked the milk I gave her last night.


maybe try some meat flavored baby food? or even something like nutracal. both should be smelly for enticement and easy to lap up.


:clap::tada: Great update on Taffy!

Your neighbors suck :frowning:
I just posted this on another thread, but maybe you also need to check your place for this Hobo Art:



I’m so sorry about the kittens! :cry: :cry:

Glad to hear that Taffy is home and doing better. Jingling like mad for Taffy!


I have some Nutracal, and figured I would try to give her some tonight.

She liked the KMR at noon - enough that I was able to put her Verflox in it - and after she drank, she did eat about 1.5 oz of canned food. The vet sent some prednisone home with me, too.


This sounds like very good progress to me as a former ICU vet tech.

For food, meat baby food is a decent short term easy to eat option. You can also check with your vet about something like Hills a/d --it’s the same consistency as baby food, but nutritionally dense. It’s designed for cats and dogs recovering from trauma or illness and is highly palatable. (It can also be syringe fed or tube fed for animals that need that support.)

The difficulty eating could be neurologically related OR from pain in her mouth or jaw. (or some nausea) Was the vet able to assess her mouth? Since she had a nystagmus, I am assuming there was some head trauma which means there could also have been some injury to her jaw or oral structures.

Thank you for helping her and the others. :heart:


I believe they did a physical under sedation - not sure if they checked her mouth, though.

She seemed to eat better tonight - she had a much better appetite and seemed more coordinated. She’s also stretching both front and back legs, seems to have better control over her legs, but the balance isn’t there yet.


Quick update for this morning: she seemed more coordinated last night, and definitely more coordinated this morning. She’s walking better - I still assist her, but she’s not just toppling over with every step. She is eating better - an entire 3oz can of food, PLUS dry this morning! And best of all, I can hide her Veraflox and prednisone in the KMR and she never knows it’s there. How did I not know this before? So much easier than putting it down them with an eyedropper, for sure . . . Her attitude is much better, too; she wants out of the crate, she’s exploring the laundry room a bit.


Such a positive update!! Yay!!

So glad to hear she is doing better. :heart:


Woohoo!! So glad to hear she’s doing so much better!!

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Sunshine Jingles & AO ! You two are doing GREAT !


She ate another 3oz can of food tonight and wandered around the laundry room for a while. Still wobbly and unbalanced, but much improved.

Here’s a photo of her sweet face. You can see she is still tilting her head to the right.