NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Two words. Goat yoga?


The owner I found was listed with a Belmar beachside home owned by a 33 year old gal with the name Megan Judith Coleman from Staten Island. So maybe property records are weird. Many NY folks own homes in either the Hamptons or Jersey Shore.

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That’s an interesting website.

The have a real mixed bag of offerings, they have a coach straight out of an equine program, and are running a schooling show series of short stirrups and mostly 2 foot 6 type stuff.

There are no photos of shows or clients. The whole website reads startup to me.

Yeah the goat yoga the salt cavern and the wine tasting are the kind of things you do to diversify if your horse business is thin.

It looks like a vanity project to me. Money being earned elsewhere, let’s start a barn.


Best of luck to them. Seriously.

At least it’s still a horse farm instead of a housing development.


Ok, it turns out all the action for Lotus Equestrian is on FB. They do have photos of kids on ponies at their schooling shows, suitable horses for lease, and a summer camp program. All geared for low level kiddie beginners, but all looks correct and happy and in good repair.


The girl who is the head trainer is also listed as a trainer at another barn, about 100 miles away.

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Wow. So now it is the police departments fault that Barisone shot her? Ridiculous. Someone is pretty desperate and jumping on the ‘ blame the police’ bandwagon.
And sounds like some people have been watching too much TV


A tri-state area business with strange shell companies, random offerings, and owners who seem out of their depth? Color me shocked.

OTOH, it’s nice to see a barn with a lesson program and summer camps, and all sorts of fun stuff for kids to participate in. The ponies seem very cute.

Just bizarre to see up-down kids in an arena where international competitors trained.



FB says they have a new trainer, very similar in age and qualification.

It looks like your basic kiddie lesson barn

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Probably not the first time that’s happened, nor the last.


I also expect that anyone who was high end and knew the story might be a little spooked at being in That Barn so soon after. Better to switch to a market segment that doesnt know any of the former players.


Another quick thought
I guess this report would provide a handy comparison to how the police wrote up this report as compared to how they wrote up MB’s reports. If they weren’t equally dismissive
may indicate a problem to exploit.


From memory this simply turned out to be a neighbor.

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Yes, but as I understand, LK did call 911 about it, stated she was afraid, hours after the fact, in a situation that was escalating, and where the police had been called out multiple times already. It would be an interesting comparison since we are speculating that the police didn’t have anything to act on in either party’s 911 calls leading up to the shooting.


Yes, this is exactly it.


Yeah, I don’t think that whatever the new owners of the property are doing, or have done, has any place here. They have no connection to the story, and it doesn’t help to ponder on their financial dealings or suggest that they’re dodgy. Good that they’ve got horses, and good luck to them, let’s leave them to get on with it.


Weird (but in true COTH fashion) that the conversation leaps from Barisone to wondering about the financials of a barn that is only connected to Barisone in that they bought the property. As said above, I’m happy they kept it a running barn rather then turn the property into the same boring houses with very little yard squished together (as is happening in many places).


Very fortunately the property is preserved farmland. It is stunning and a great location so I am happy that they are trying to share it with the local H/J community, the rings are a bit of a tough size to run hunter jumper shows, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they make some adjustments.


That’s really good to hear. It looks like a beautiful place.


For police not taking into account fear on the phone and what can escalate, watch a documentary called Saving Candice.

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