NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Weird, but not abnormal for these threads. Can’t believe people are deep diving into the personal, financial and employment history of some folks who are wholly disconnected from the story. :confused:


Agreed. These folks have nothing to do with any of this!


It wasn’t intentional I’m sure. It was to see if the place was still a barn or if it was storing big cement mixer trucks.



I just wondered if it was still being used as a horse farm. Which it is. Yay!


Everybody starts somewhere and any barn that is kid- and beginner-friendly gets a lot of appreciation from me. May they grow up and still be involved with horses. Trail, dressage, hunt, barrels, driving, whatever.

Best wishes for many happy successful years!


I like the idea of multi-disciplinary approach. I can see how her trail experience could be great for getting a re-train to hack out, or how it could be fun and interesting to have barn friends who are doing something completely different. Always fun to see and learn about new things. Maybe they could become a nice Pony Club barn, too, with all the kids. It would certainly be nice to begin your riding career in such nice surroundings.

I’m also glad it’s not a subdivision with McMansions on it. Well done to the new owners and many happy returns!


I am just about giddy that the place is now up down lessons with ponies. That seems like the perfect use for it. Ponies get to live in a nice facility, lesson kids get a nice facility. Win all around.

Now back to the real subject.


We removed some recent posts with speculation regarding individuals not clearly directly involved with the case being discussed. Back to the main topic please.


“There are other residents of WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP who have been
subjected to the same illegal and unlawful treatment by WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP and its

Sounds like there are more examples that will be used in the case. I also expect there were cameras in the lobby of the police department that captured MBs attempt to speak to a supervisor.
I bet Washington Township PD is sweating bullets (no pun…) and should be. Given the mention of other witnesses at the barn, I expect this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding new information coming out.

LK sounds like a dangerous unhinged person suffering from PD who finally went too far. I hope her mommy and daddy are proud.


Where’s “she/he who must not be named”, or has she/he been banned? Unusual that completely contradictory information hasn’t been presented and all of us firmly admonished … :wink:


The little Anger character from Inside Out? That is how I picture this forum being read.


Consider the source. While I am not saying that this case has no merit (how would I know?), I can say as a rational human being that it was filed by a person facing very serious criminal charges.

While LK sounds unhinged (cannot argue there), your leap is vast and your speculations are just that. At the end of the day, this is why I find these threads so distressing… we don’t know what happened behind barn doors but we (g) are awfully quick to jump to conclusions! Let’s leave it to the court. That’s more interesting than idle, baseless speculation.


Did not mean to call out a single poster. The way this whole thing is being read by outsiders is best summed up by a mix of horrified emojis and honest horror over the gross rubber necking. I have had two people in my life end up in national tabloid news as a result of their murders. While some may have had speculations, they really wanted law enforcement to figure things out. I, personally, am horrified by what I am reading here. Rubber neck all you want… but unless you have something truly valuable to add? Maybe shut your trap. Just a thought.


I think you mean “shut”…

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You beat me to it!!! (Siri!)

You win the autoconnect fail of the day!

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Just replying to get updates, but, wow.

Not my first autocorrect fail. Lol!

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I certainly hope you weren’t telling me to shut my trap. I have as much right to post my interpretation here as anyone else, just as you have your right to walk on by this thread and not read all the speculations of posters like myself.