NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Not at all. I had actually replied to someone else entirely by accident, but was speaking to the general feverish speculation and rumor perpetuation that I find really disturbing.


Well good. I expect then in the future youā€™ll walk on by threads that you find filled with speculation and rumor that you find disturbing.


This! ^^


When I was about 21 I was commuting home from work. As I got off the train it started to pour. I called my friend who had a car and asked if she wanted to pick me up and weā€™d hang out and I wouldnā€™t have to make the 10 minute walk home in the rain. She picked me up and said she had to stop at her brothers house, so we did.

He lived in a house where the first floor was a dentistā€™s office, the 2nd floor was an apartment. When we got there I was the first to walk up the stairs to 2nd floor. As I got to the top I turned right and saw the living room was full of overturned furniture and people laying face down on the floor. I said wow, they must have had some party. As I turned back to the left the left temple of my head was stopped by the barrel of a gun being held by a masked male. Full blown face mask.

Long story short, folks got robbed, one guy got pistol whipped, we were held face down on the floor, then taken one by one to a back bedroom and had to lean face first against a mattress stood against the wall, all with a total of 3 masked gunman waving guns yelling at us. They kept on demanding keys to the dentistā€™s office as they wanted drugs.

After several hours of this they left and we called the police. Told the police they wanted the dentist drugs.

The next day the newspaper had the story, front page. We were never interviewed by the press. The front page article named each of us victims, our ages and our towns and said we were involved in a drug related robbery and worded the article like it was a drug dispute gone sour.

My parents, family, coworkers, horse people all read the article. I went from robbery victim to drug dealer just like that.

I learned that day that the press often scrambles facts. Iā€™m sure lots of folks speculated, etc.

Thatā€™s just what happens. And it happens all the time.


Question about the Court Filingā€¦is it common to have such, relaxed language? Compared to a criminal complaint, which is usually very structured.


Wow! Iā€™m so sorry you experienced this trauma on so many fronts.


@Knights_Mom that sounds horrific! I am glad you made it out alive.


Question from a person with no legal education - what do you mean?


Actually quite curious to follow actual developments.

Perhaps the reason I am disturbed by some of the commentary is that I had someone in my family who was quite similar to LK, or at least from the speculations and allegations I have read here. She was manipulative, a drug addict, and left a wake of disaster behind her in all areas of life with little to no accountability. Save for being shot, she was actually worse than LK from what I have read. I wouldnā€™t actually know. I donā€™t know LK. But she devastated me and those I love for years.

Regardless, perhaps from the outside it may have seemed that said family memberā€™s behavior was condoned by the family. It wasnā€™t. Granted, nobody bought this person horses or threatened anyone with litigation or other legal consequences if they didnā€™t house them. That saidā€¦ The family tried for decades to get her help from all angles. It never worked, not for long, anyways. And then in December, she took her own life.

When I got the call, I was gutted, but also relieved. Because I knew in my heart that she would meet a terrible end, and I was relieved that nobody else had killed herā€¦ and that she hadnā€™t physically harmed anyone in those final moments.

I spent most of my life mortified by this family memberā€™s behavior. I am actually quite ashamed of that now. I feel terribly sorry for her that she never could find a way to right herself in her mind or in the world. And I know that it was not her, rather her illness, that drove the chaos. And I do know that nobody was ā€œproudā€ of any of it. We were all holding our breath hoping for the best and devastated and heartbroken when the inevitable worsts came around. And there were a lot of them.

So, yeah, some of the commentary I do find disturbing. Mental illness and drug addiction are tough beasts to overcome (if indeed those were factors here as has been alleged or speculated). If those were at play, then the finger pointing and blame are, to me, even more disconcerting.


Neither mental illness or addiction (in particular) are acceptable excuses for treating people badly.


How do you react to talk shows, reality shows, the local and national news, etc. All contain speculation, innuendo, information you donā€™t agree with. You can simply change the channel when it is something you disagree with. Itā€™s the same idea here.


I am VERY sorry you went through this. It is heartbreaking.


I totally get it. My only younger cousin who had everything to live for freaked out in some sort of drug episode and squoozed through a small window from the 2nd floor, landed on his head (they say), got up, ran to the front of the house and dropped dead. Normally his mom would have been there but she was at my wedding. She was my momā€™s sister.

These things are always tragic. I had asked him about drugs a few months before and he looked me in the eyes and lied.

You canā€™t help them. They must find their own path. Some will make it, some wonā€™t. Personally, if I see him in heaven heā€™s going to have a problem because he ruined the lives of those he left behind, his mom and his brother. These things - behaviors - acts leave nothing but wreckage. It is exceedingly selfish behavior.

I feel bad for the families. But in think thereā€™s a fine line between understanding, supporting a family member and enabling.

Iā€™m not going to judge as to which thing fits these scenarios but know every action causes a reaction and some things canā€™t be taken back.

Everyone has trauma in their lives somewhere. Everyone.

Please forgive me if Iā€™m rambling. Iā€™m home sick today LOL


Feel better and thank you for sharing your story.


I do not practice criminal law, but I have read many complaints in civil cases. I do know that crim law is very statutory in nature, so I would imagine a criminal accusation would contain the verbage in the statute.

In civil cases, there is a lot of hyperbole. I have read complaints that made me wonder what world the plaintiff is living in? Certainly the alleged facts cited in the complaint contain no resemblance to reality.

So, take the complaintā€™s allegations with a grain of salt and remember none of it is proven fact, just one personā€™s view of the facts.


Being aware that itā€™s an illness (mental health, addiction, etc) and mortified by their actions arenā€™t mutually exclusive


Yep. Nor does it exclude them from getting a dressing-down every.single.time they act in an abhorrent way.

My friendā€™s adult son is a high-functioning autistic and treats her like crap. He doesnā€™t do that around me anymore, because I chewed him out and made an ass out of him one too many times, and it left an impression on him. I donā€™t care that heā€™s autistic. He graduated college with a degree, he doesnā€™t treat his friends that way - heā€™s just an asshole to his mother. Ha, boy, nope. Not around me you wonā€™t be.

He needs to move out of that house, but there are complicating factors (like his random ā€œI donā€™t feel like taking my meds todayā€ shit). Still, I am encouraging my friend to boot his ass into a studio apartment nearby where she can check on him but he canā€™t be such an arrogant prick to her all the time.


I can only speak for myself, but my speculation and questions should not be confused with conclusions.
My questions and speculation are not conclusions. They are questions and speculation. Those questions and speculation are based in the facts we know, and the comments made here, on social media, and to the press by the parties involved and those with personal experiences with the parties involved.


I canā€™t see the reply you are quoting but I think this answers my question, like I had thought. This is the plaintiffs run down of events but nothing that is proven true yet - I am guessing if was it would be presented as an agreed fact?

This complaint reads a littleā€¦teenager like compared to a criminal one.


Until this recent development, we had only heard a version of events from one side.

Now weā€™ve heard a version from the other side.

That doesnā€™t mean either version is accurate, or inaccurate. It just means now weā€™ve heard something from both sides.

Hopefully the legal system will sort it out correctly.