New filing on ecourts re MB

There are just so many posting about the law incorrectly even with dumbed down articles for laymen (such as most of us) by real lawyers who work in those fields and have experience and no bias in this particular situation that I feel obligated to raise the intelligence levels of the discussions above the name calling level. Consider it a public service. You are welcome! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Do you feel obligated to use proper grammar and sentence structure?


Hey, if anybody wants to do a quick legal review course before taking their BB law degree exam, the movie My Cousin Vinny is about to start on AMC on the East Coast.

Just FYI.


Awe! I was contemplating a Legally Blonde moment, but MCV is infintely better!


How about the University of American Samoa? Jimmy McGillā€™s, aka Saul Goodman, Alma mater!


I never watched the Saul show. Better Call Saul?

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One of the greatest TV series of all time. And he never consulted Google!


I know itā€™s a little bit of a standing joke, but one of the worst vets Iā€™ve ever crossed paths with went to that vet school in the Bahamas, or wherever it was. Wow, that person was really bad at vet care. Yikes.


We could toss this HHā€™s way - itā€™d make more sense.


Sorry. Iā€™m way behind because Iā€™m on vacation. I didnā€™t see any confirmation that SGF paid LK. Is the statement by CH about this a fact or is it just another scene in her movie? TIA


I worked with one who got his degree in the Bahamas. Bad vet but the culmination of his career was calling the tech on call to come in and help him with dog who had been maced. When she walked into the clinic the smell of a skunked dig filled her nostrils.


Movie scene. Supposedly, the only money that changed hands was between RCā€™s insurance company and LK. Maybe. That info came from IM, who has a dubious connection with the truth.


Both LK and her parents have said that several times on these threads throughout the years. Weird that such astonishing proof of pre-meditated murder wasnā€™t raised at the trial ā€¦


No one knows what the SGF settlement was as it is private. LLCs do not protect against liability of individuals when there is ā€œwrongdoingā€ so all scenarios are possible. We donā€™t know what RCā€™s settlement was either except for what IM said.

Speculation either way is merely that.

What we do know is all parties reached agreement in mediation and that is outstanding news for all parties. They can all move forward in other areas of their lives. I believe there is a good chance MB, so long as his problems are not physically caused, has a good chance of recovery, I hope sooner than later, and return to his farm in Florida. I also hope to see YouTube and Facebook videos of LK showing again.

I would never have thought either possible when this started. Itā€™s exciting and great news. Congratulations to them both.


We actually do not know this either.

We actually know that GAS approach Michaelā€™s side and asked them if they would drop their counter claim if Lauren Kanarek dropped her claim.
Nothing that has been said notes or implies that this happened at mediation.


Iā€™ve been wondering about something - and apologies if it has already been discussed. (I missed a lot last week due to job responsibilities.)

The stipulation for dismissal that was filed last week states that it applies to claims between LK and MB. Was there a similar document filed that refers to claims between LK and SGF, or between LK and RC?

Wonā€™t there need to be something filed that states that all matters have been resolved before the case can be officially closed in the court record? It is still showing as Openā€¦

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Previously RC reached a settlement agreement. You might remember Jonathan Kanarek bragging about it here. GAS filed that there is a confidential settlement agreement between Lauren Kanarek and SGF (that is the document that is attached on one of these threads, I think this thread, somewhere).


There was this letter from GAS.

Settle.pdf (26.3 KB)

ETA: not its original filename. I changed it when I downloaded it.


Actually if you have a dog at ground zero for a skunk attack that typical skunk smell is not at all noticeable. It is all you can do to keep your eyes and nostrils and throat open. Dogs will present with eyes swollen shut and vomiting and in distress. The last one I had the driver had to pull over multiple times as she could not see to drive. She had no idea it was a skunk and rushed to us immediately when she saw the dog in distress. I have no trouble believing that someone would suspect Mace or tear gas. And after treating one you yourself cannot detect the skunk smell due to the inflammation in your mucous membranes. It took about an hour for the typical skunk smell to occur in the clinic in the case I had referenced above. Most dogs are sprayed at a distance and do not get the full impact.


Thanks for this, @roseymare. Who knew? Well, you did, of course.