New filing on ecourts re MB

Ok…my favs…

And what did LK/JQ squawk about? My theory that RC/MB had put the gun in the safe and that LK had access to it. The timing on the BI&FM removing all the sleeping bodies that were between LK and the office/safe was too much to be a coincidence. And thanks to the lovely spillage of the texts….we now know that was something they’d been “holding off on”….


I also don’t remember seeing this previously.


Okay, I remember the broken hand, arm, finger claim. Didn’t remember this part.


Especially since they defended RC, who definitely committed a felony for illegally bringing the gun into the state.

Also, I guess we now know what policy probably covered her settlement.



At the conclusion of that altercation Mr. Goodwin was all but unscathed except for
an injury to what would have been his trigger finger had he been holding the firearm involved in
the Shooting.
33. The police were at the scene of the Shooting within minutes after 911 calls of the
incident occurred.
34. Based upon statements made to them by Mr. Goodwin, the police arrested
BARISONE as the alleged shooter.
35. The scene of the Shooting was heavily populated with police, detectives, and other
members of law enforcement conducting an immediate investigation, which was completed at
some point later in the evening of August 7, 2019, or thereafter.
36. But the investigation that was conducted never included the preservation of video
recorded on the cameras at the scene of the Shooting; failed to preserve any audio recording of
the incident from the recording device Mr. Goodwin had in his possession during it; never
included gunpowder residue analysis of BARISONE, Mr. Goodwin, and/or Ms. Kanarek; never
located one of the three shells alleged to have been at the scene based upon allegations that three
shots were fired during the Shooting; never included any finger-print-analysis of the firearm
allegedly involved; and was conducted in a manner which left Mr. Goodwin unsupervised and
unrestrained at the crime scene during the ongoing investigation of the alleged crime, in the
immediate aftermath of the Shooting


IMO, THAT ^^ is the best part! What have we all been saying all these years? NO FORENSIC evidence! The fact that his defense wanted to prove self-defense and it was barred from doing so by the duplicitous and unscrupulous Tayor, is SO telling. The fact that Goodwin wasn’t restrained, but they just took his word for it that Barisone was the shooter. Oh, this is so brilliant! They are getting the info out about the Ks and staying true to the dismissal of the civil suit. Just brilliant.


The injury/surgery/broken hand that Seeker was so concerned about and had to send him to the ER for, and that RG supposedly couldn’t recall much about during the trial. That should tell you all you need to know about that…



Thanks for sharing it. This is FASCINATING.

Maybe @ekat can help? I have to imagine she is going be super interested in this latest legal turn of events!


I am sneaking in while waiting for a help system to compile. I haven’t had time to read the new filing yet but does it say that the same insurance company defended RC? And was it for her defense regarding the gun charges, or for her defense in LK’s civil suit? If so, why would she have a farm liability/casualty policy?

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Another thing of beauty!! Thank you Mr. D. You are a good man. Thank you for fighting for the truth and what is right.

My my my, what a tangled web we weave when at first we try to deceive. Or whatever that saying is, but you get my jist.

I am pondering, it could be that all that was not known before the Dismissal by LK, NOT settlement, we may know the whole story and the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Poor RG, that trigger finger got an owie.


Wow wow wow.

You have a SERIOUS point here… regarding the timing of the BI and the FM, and the fact that everyone sleeping in the office was forced to vacate. Was that the night of August 6th?

And the comments about RG. Wow wow wow.


First… you gotta read the new filing when you get a chance. It’s pretty astonishing.

Second… it seems to indicate the insurance company definitely provided RCs defense in LKs cases vol suit… but I am unclear about whether they did for the criminal charges against RC.


Well well well.

Now we know why Jonathan was lurking and watching earlier… don’t we?


Relinked for anyone who needs it.

CivilCaseJacket (37).pdf (486.3 KB)


You think it’s likely the insurance companies settle with MB?

If he could actually recoup his legal expenses, that would be FANTASTIC news.

He still has to get out of Greystone, but wow… he might be able to really and truly rebuild his life.


Thanks @Aurora58 for the update. Very interesting.

There were a couple of cases regarding commitment hearings in NJ that were recently decided by the Appellate Division. They ARE NOT the same set of circumstances as MB’s but it was interesting to read what the Court looked at in making their decisions. I found it interesting that the recent behavior and recent activity of the person was mentioned in determining dangerousness.

If you are interested, google
In the matter of the commitment of D.G. Docket No. A-3603-20
Submitted May 9, 2022, decided March 30, 2023

In the matter of commitment of E.S.-D Docket Nos A-0324-01, A-0750-21, A-0975-21, A-2368-21
Submitted March 6, 2023, decided Decided April, 5, 2023


The truth will always find a way to come out. Always.

RG had his pocket recorder on during the altercation? WOW! Let’s hear that recording!


Hm. I’m curious. Idk that the insurance will pay a dime, it depends. There are a lot of details to know before one could really speak to that, IMO.

I’m assuming there’s a somewhat decent chance which is making it worth trying for, otherwise I don’t know that MB & Co would pursue it?


I wonder if any case law exists that’s…wait, I’m going to regret saying that because Google Law is going to show up here :joy: