New filing on ecourts re MB

Please stop saying Beetlejuice three times!


I dunno Inigo, you (and fam) have been going on about these damning(!) recordings and bombshells(!!) and weā€™ve seen and heard a whole bunch of nothing all that impressive.

Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not entitled to hear or see sh*t, but your credibility is pretty low at this point, but youā€™ve been dropping and dangling morsels from the beginning because some of the eejits here will jump and hang on your every word.

At this point, Iā€™m just here for the jokes and multiple userā€¦erā€¦personalities that surface at times.

But Iā€™m sure there are juicy secrets! But how much does it all matter now, really?


I understand you have zero interest in the facts and have never exhibited the slightest curiosity about the truthā€¦but Iā€™ll say this anywayā€¦

As your post points outā€¦the cameras were newly installed and operative the day before the shooting. Precisely! They were brand new.
They were on when LK and RG were out of the houseā€¦on August 6 when they were visiting their attorney. It recorded Ruth Cox illegally entering the premises.
When LK and RG were home on 8/7, the day of the shooting, the camera was turned off! As anyone with these kinds of cameras knows they make noise every time a car goes by. They are annoying devices for when youā€™re home. They were purchased for they same reason most people purchase these camerasā€¦to surveil the home when you are away.

Words donā€™t exist to make clear how little I care if you want to ignore those factsā€¦but those are the facts.


How much Windex does it take to keep that gigantic glass house of yours clean?






Then why did RG get a notification on his phone from the camera just minutes before MB turned up at the house, per the evidence in the trial?

And why would RG have turned his camera off at that point if it had been on all day?


You know who else didnā€™t believe Michael Barisone intentionally tried to murder people?

12 jurors.


Iā€™m getting really tired of this malicious comment. Did you miss the criminal trial? MB did NO SUCH THING. He was acquitted. Stop saying it. Why do you persist when the prosecution lost? LK failed in her civil suit attempt. Just stop. Why do you give two hoots in Hades about a civil action MB is taking against his insurance company. Itā€™s none of your bloody business. Stay out of his life and go on with your fantasy world. Donā€™t you have a cruise to pack for?


I wonder if they will get through any discovery in the current complaint before settlement talks commence?

If I was MBs team, I would want to go after RGs medical records about his finger injury, and I would want to depose himā€¦

There are so many details about RGā€™s role that have yet to be fully explored.


I see some kind people linked this fascinating document.

Yes, I will be very interested to see what happens with this claim.


:rofl: :rofl: same old nonsense. If anyone had all the ā€œevidenceā€ you say exists, your buddy Schellhorn really screwed the state by not presenting it, or, did he save the Kanareks from being indicted for illegal recordings? Gotta protect that good olā€™ NJ family and all their secrets, right?

Seriously Jonathan, go pack, get ready for your 33 day cruise and find someone, somewhere who actually cares what you have to sayā€¦oh wait, you have two followers here who hang on your every word. Your stories are tired. You are simply entertainment when you show up here. Bon Voyage!


If LK feared for her safety, why on earth would she turn cameras off?

@Inigo-montoya, LK stated she would release the recordings if not released during the criminal trial. When does she plan to do so?


Oh dearā€¦ now youā€™re going to present your bombshells? Just like you mailed the lovely transcripts your wife worked so hard to prepare?

Give it a break Jonathan. No one in your family has any credibility. All this is over for you, move on. Seriously, fix yourself a G&T and take break from all this. You got your settlement - go spend it! :slight_smile:


Were the cameras on the night of August 6th, when LK and RG returned to sleep at the house, after a long day involving the BI and FM visiting the farmā€¦ and kicking MB and staff out of the barn (in terms of sleeping there).

As @Warmblood1 notedā€¦ if LK was so afraid of MB, itā€™s safe to assume they would have kept those cameras on all night at the house on 08/06/19ā€¦ right?

Iā€™m curious about any footage from the night of 08/06/19.

Will you release those tapes?


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Did you tell him all of that at this event? Just curious.


Ooooh. This seems kinda defamatory. And you are speaking about a well respected attorney.

I think this was a really stupid thing to post.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Itā€™s like watching a horse scramble to get up after falling on ice but this time itā€™s FUNNY.

Caught dead to rights. Busted. And hilariously, they still think the lies will be believed.

Looks like Deininger has out chessed the 15Dā€™er.

And how I laughed and laughed!