Let’s make this clear once and for all, the subpoena was quashed long after you ignored it. In fact, you never responded at all. You never hired an attorney, nor did you make representation that you were representing yourself. Who was it, oh I believe BN, LK’s attorney got the subpoena quashed. Again well after the deadline that you were supposed to respond to said subpoena. Need a refresher, go look at the court doc ents and their timeframe. You also never responded to the second subpoena timely. Wash rinse repeat.
If the recordings/tapes have so little importance, why has such a big deal been made of what they supposedly reveal, you know, the murder plot against LK an RG. If I had that kind of proof, I would be using that proof for my case. Along with the transcript that your wife said she transcribed from the recordings/tapes.
Let’s hear the recording/tapes. It may shut us all up if they have the information you say they have. LK’s case is done. Can never be filed again. Doesn’t need to be kept for evidence for a trial any longer.