New filing on ecourts re MB

See, you fail to “read the room”, as well as for comprehension too @CurrentlyHorseless! No one is telling @Inigo-montoya not to post!

Maybe Inigo-montoya should familiarize himself with his audience here before he attempts to pedal more lies. Maybe understand what readers here might actually fall for in the way of untruths.

Why should Inigo-montoya waste his time, pushing the same old same old lies that no one, other than you and one other poster, fall for whole heartedly, while the rest of us stand here shaking our heads in disbelief???

Why is a 70 plus year old man so invested in posting on a horse forum to begin with??? Most men of that age group would not be caught dead here!


The jurors determined that it had not been established beyond a reasonable doubt that MB attempted to kill RG. That’s not surprising given no bullets connected with RG and the third casing was not found.

For all we know the jurors thought it was likely that MB shot at RG, but it was not proven.

Although you’re the one who has said repeatedly that there’s no evidence that MB shot LK, either.

Real talk though: it would be interesting to actually here the recordings. It would also be interesting to see pigs fly.

I don’t think that MB is an outstanding citizen, and neither is LK, not by a longgg shot! But what does it matter? If either of the 2, or both, can get their proverbial together from this point on and live a decent life, that would be great!

I don’t care to be involved with either one, personally. I don’t mind following this dumpster fire on here, because it’s just interesting at times, but I’m not nearly as invested as some others on here. Yes, ultimately I’d like to know the truth (believe it or not, dear Inigo), but I don’t know that I ever will!


Well, what do you mean when you advise IM, or me, to “read the room”?

I understand the room well. I’m not trying to change your mind — as IM said, you’re not interested in the truth if it gets in the way of your “narrative”.

I think it might have been the same poster who went on and on and on about how MB was foolish to not have insurance.


Oh puleez!!! IM wouldn’t know he truth if it came up and bit him during his golf swing! He has proven that here repeatedly!

But, you do you @CurrentlyHorseless! At least you are consistent!


Either are you though, sometimes. You are quite blinded by your own bias at times.


There has been a lot of ridiculousness posted here over the years in particular by various Ks, but this takes the cake. Anyone with common sense let alone legal training would know: you use ever bit of legally obtained evidence you have to make your case.

Why? I think it was in IM’s post: you never know the jury you’re going to get.

His explanation is self-contradictory. Is he really expecting anyone to believe Schellhorne said: we aren’t going to use the legally recorded murder plot b/c we have an airtight case - but you never know when you’re going to get an OJ jury! :crazy_face:

If you never know when you’re going to get an OJ jury, you use everything you’ve got as long as it is legally obtained and admissible.




Wow. I used the beautiful weather and had a very productive afternoon, then check here before bed only to be 300 posts behind. Start reading and :flushed::rofl::flushed::rofl:.

Both emojis fit.


You can always pretty much tell when something big is happening on the thread by the number of posts you’ve missed. Lol.


Yes, recipes and donuts are a VERY BIG deal…


And crumbl cookies


Betcha he’s been snubbed by Tarshis of late.



This thread was slowly winding down… perhaps an occasional update along the way - but it was done. Yet for some damn reason, JK/IM/whoever seems to think that this very small, insignificant forum on an equine website is worth far more of his attention than two subpeonas.

So we are back to rages and rants, posturing and pouting. One would think that Kanareks would simply be glad not to be facing a deposition… and more than happy to drift off into their lives… including bragged-about cruises and golfing. You know, jubilant sh-stuff.

And yet… here we are. Lather, rinse, repeat.



You, surprisingly, didn’t read the new complaint. The insurance company defended RC. Barisone’s insurance company, it seems. We were wondering what kind of insurance RC had that covered her. Apparently it was Barisones Farm insurance. If they cover her, pleading guilty to a felony, he feels that they should cover him, the insured, whi was found not guilty. Sounds like he’s got a case to me. Should be interesting.


Her “wrongdoing” was bringing the gun across state lines, not shooting LK.

Also, Dienenger is including in his filing, statements for which there has never been evidence.

Liability insurance does not cover “intentional” acts and he is not arguing that MB was unable to have an intent and was proven to have had a disability at the time, he is throwing out an alternative scenario for which he only proved he had no proof in the criminal trial.

This looks like another messy filing similar to the attempt to sue LE. At least for that one, it could have just been a means to publicly blame the victim and influence the public thereby influencing the jury pool, knowing it would be tossed.

This one, the victim is out of the picture. All the insurance company has to do is point out that he was proven to have performed the act in criminal court, and the insurance company is not bound to meet the criminal standard of intent, just the laymen’s.

Maybe someone in his firm will clean it up for him and there will be a revised posting.

I really liked Stone’s filings. I’m missing him already. Professional and to the point.

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It seems to me that Barisone has himself a case which may very well result in a settlement or judgment to his benefit. That seems fair.


I’m a few hundred comments behind AGAIN, hasn’t this all kicked off again?

Anyway, I’m a bit boggled that Tarshis, the “moron” and “pathological liar”, was worthy of the Kanarek’s collective attention at the horse show. Mommy, Daddy and Baby Bear all went and had long conversations with him in front of witnesses, yet he’s such a “moron” and a “liar”.

I do wonder what Tarshis, the lawyer, thinks of these claims by Daddy Bear, who’s also a lawyer - seems like libel to me (but I’m NOT a lawyer).

How very odd.


Can I be the tailgunner?