New filing on ecourts re MB

I think they were likely socially rejected by Tarshis. Jk clearly expected to play golf with him. When he found out Tarshis was asking after his plans, it was either to be polite, or so he could avoid him, but not so he could socialize with him, he’s now a liar and moron.

And you wonder why no one wants to have anything to do with these social rejects. Their inappropriate behavior at that dinner what, a year ago? Was witnessed by several people. Tarshis has probably had to explain it socially and now legally. Imagine trying to ingratiate yourself with Barisones lawyer. People notice these things.

He was never going to play golf with you. If he actually said he would, it was to be polite in the moment and save himself the embarrasment of actually saying no. A bully might not get the subtleties of not being wanted, though.


Oh look. More Kanarek family irony!


So, if subpoenaed you would actually produce that particular text?


That part was pretty mind boggling.

Like, it would have been mind boggling enough if Tarshis was just MB’s lawyer and nothing else. But it sounds like he is also a good friend.

Why would any K expect even the time of day from him, much less a round of golf??


I am way behind. Hopefully, this has been answered. I doubt I would have any insight. If I do, I will chime in.

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Here’s a funny thing.

I seriously had never even heard about the cookies. At all. Had no idea they existed. And then when the store was mentioned on one of these threads, I looked it up and found out that there are two different locations that I drive by on a fairly regular basis.

And then! Armed with that new knowledge, I realized that there is another one that is literally in the same shopping plaza as a store that I often go to when I’m driving in a different direction. Who knew???


Now I want to know… does Robert Guy Goodwin only do Lauren Kanarek’s laundry and labor services, or do you suppose he washed JK’s golf clubs and golf polos too?

I am not sure why these things have to be pointed out to us or used as a way to make some lost point.
Here is the thing, I think everyone here is willing to admit that they at times have said things that were less than complimentary about another person.
Life. That is life.
As an outsider looking in, I can totally see how Mr. Tarshis can not like MHG, can say less than positive things about MHG, but can also know that Lauren Kanarek is evil and a less than reputable person, on a totally different level than his comments about MHG, and also know that MHG being MHG only has anything to do with this because Lauren Kanarek wanted to take down MHG so Lauren could be the queen (as she said in her manifesto).

So keep telling us stuff that you think makes us believe you that Mr. Tarshis is some how not to be believed, and we will keep reminding you that your daughter admits under oath that she lies to get her own way. Something I am sure she does to you too. I mean, just because you are sometimes on the same side of the evil, does not mean at other times she is not using what you have taught her against you.


This is coming from the same people that claimed the owners of the farm wanted Lauren to continue to stay on after she systematically attempted to destroy them . Claiming they are socially desired by the people who have business and or are socially connected to Barisone is an odd piece of work. They move onto his property, they claim they are loved by his business partners, they then buy a house near his other farm and start to show up in VIP venues he would ordinarily frequent trying to ingratiate themselves with his attorney and friend, claiming they will be playing golf with an aquaintance, why, to wean this well heeled person away from Michael? What will they do next to horn in on his life?


Correct! There’s no physical evidence that MB brought the gun or pulled the trigger.


Have you seen the latest legal filing?

Here’s a quoted post where it was linked earlier

In summary, it’s a complaint for declaratory judgement by MB against two insurance companies. Apparently there were policies covering MB and SGF, and the argument is being made that they should have paid his attorneys fees for defending against the civil suit brought by LK. Apparently they didn’t, but now that he has been found not guilty in the criminal matter, and LK’s civil suit has been dismissed… MBs attorney’s are revisiting this issue with his insurance companies.

I’m curious as to whether or not anyone can speak to how frequently these sorts of legal complaints are made against insurance companies, and what the most common outcomes are.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It is a common suit.

In no fault law for auto accidents the entirety of the practice are entities like doctors offices or therapy programs suing auto insurance companies for non paid medical bills by insurance due to insurance rejecting their obligation to pay for one reason or another.

Insurance companies typically avoid paying if they think they can get away with it.


Absolutely agree, but it’s more the “Jonathan Kanarek has accused Tarshis of being a pathological liar IN WRITING” that I find boggling.

I messaged a group of my friends who are lawyers and judges and asked “if a lawyer accused you of being a pathological liar in writing, what would you do?” and I got back a bunch of laugh emojis, as obviously another lawyer would never be so foolish, but then they all said that legal action would be taken so fast that heads would spin.

Of course, I’m not in the USA, and maybe you can make such written accusations in America without action, but I’m guessing not. It’ll be interesting to see what Tarshis does about it.



It seems like MB has a decent chance at this point, given the criminal trial verdict and the way the civil case ended.


Tarshis was accused of PERJURY, in writing.


Circling back to the two NC working students who left Barisone Dressage early 2019, did they leave because they were intimidated/harassed by Barisone or RG or because MHG made them work? There were several reports of RG threatening other young women at the farm. So many questions remain, and always will, about this entire saga. The more the Kanareks project, deny, deflect, attack others and refuse to move on the more they are not believed about anything.


… and if it turns out that it was LKs turn on the IM (JK) keyboard last night, and Tarshis does take action against IM (JK), things will get very interesting AGAIN for the Kanarek family.

It’s like they just can’t help themselves.


It would seem the insurance company would argue MB is barred from re-litigating the criminal trial finding that he shot LK and that although he was found insane, he had the necessary intent to shoot her to trigger some contractual exclusion from coverage provision.But of course that is based on a google law degree analysis, not a real practice in litigation or insurance law. But of course for both insurance company and MB to continue and litigate this issue will mean more attorney fees for both.

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Yes indeed.


But did he have the necessary intent? He was found NGRI.