New filing on ecourts re MB

Perjury is a crime.

I clearly remember the Ks demanding identities and proof upon anyone suggesting illegalities on their part on this very Board in the past. I guess for them life is different now with new rules for them.


Will the insurance company’s responses be posted on ecourt too? I’m directing this question to @ekat since @Inigo-montoya said she is my lawyer of choice on this thread.

Speaking of ekat, IM mentioned the game Jeopardy in his rant
I do believe we have enough history and weird situations to turn this into a Jeopardy game! “I’ll take Lauren’s lies for two thousand, Alex!”


I am trying to catch up again this morning. But the whole thing about MB not having insurance was part of their plan to debunk the picture of him as a successful and responsible businessman and professional.

And I do believe their current extreme distress is because they knew that policy carrier had denied his claim and they believed he was going to be ruined financially because of all the legal costs. They therefore thought they had accomplished their mission to “Finish the Bastard” - only to find out that he was suing the policy carrier and may receive a payout from them anyway. So - horror of horrors - they may have failed to FTB. No wonder the liquor cabinet is wide open. :wink:


Yes all papers, answers, interrogatories, Bills of Particulars, motions, replies, oppositions, orders, exhibits etc are filed in the court file.


Hoo boy, to be a fly on the wall in the Kanerek camp these days!

Just when LK and JK thought KKlan members would not need be deposed, BAM, a new suit that will likely require depositions!

Seems to be concerning enough to get their collective knickers in one big knot!

So much for the 76D chess game. Might be time to go back to playing checkers! Maybe online!


Insurance companies like to cover their losses in situations like this, don’t they?
If they insurance co pays out to MB, and settling is often cheaper for them, would the insurance co then go after the PD who dropped the ball, repeatedly?


I completely agree with your take on this.


Hmmmm. You are 100% correct about this, KM!

Just to underline the fact that IM did up the ante yesterday, and made full blown perjury accusations, here is my quote from yesterday of the IM post in question, in which IM makes detailed accusations with respect to lying & perjury


Tiddlywinks, or maybe Candyland.


Is it me?
Just because they weren’t recovered, doesn’t mean they didn’t exist, and get “poof” ed


I am curious as to what CH thinks Deininger is lying about when he talks about Taylor not allowing Barisone to present self defense. That is fact. Deininger’s recount of the incident is all true, it all came out in the trial. The only remaining question is, in what order did it actually take place?

We know Lauren lied about where Barisone was standing if and when he fired the gun, the forensics and trajectory proved that. In fact THAT is the only thing that was proven besides the obvious of Lauren having been shot, Michael having been beaten, choked, attacked by a dog and his arm badly twisted and broken, and Rob having some injury to his finger.


I agree. They definitely might have existed and gotten “lost.”

The whole situation is really crazy.


Yep, just like those pesky alleged KK transcripts. I wonder if she was blowing smoke when she bragged about being the dedicated transcriber here just to make herself feel involved and important?


If you’re hearing your murder being plotted, I’m guessing you would turn those cameras on ALL the time, not just when you’re not home.
No matter how annoying the beep.
In fact, its been repeatedly suggested that this altercation was recorded.

If you’re such a fan of recording things that you record an innocuous meeting with your own lawyer, I’d think you would record other, more pressing, and in your own imagination potentially life threatening, situations also.


This is an interesting thought.

My mind actually went to whatever settlement this insurance company apparently paid to LK, as a result of RC’s part in the matter.

What if during the course of the discovery in this latest MB legal complaint, it’s discovered that LK and RG had more of a role in the shooting than was previously known, and additional evidence of this is found.

Might that jeopardize the settlement they already paid to LK ? Maybe there is a possible claw back provision of some kind?


Or not share with the prosecutor?


That’s a thought. :thinking:

My gut still says the prosecution and police want to avoid ever admitting that they screwed up or missed anything.


I think it has more to do with the treasure trove of evidence that the K’s no longer have control over. There is still more discovery to be done and no more control to be had over the situation.


That’s the whole with/without prejudice thing.


For a few posters here, Go Fish.