New filing on ecourts re MB

Not saying.


Exactly what I was saying.


I feel like that category would be a giant nightmare to moderate, since there would be so many possible answers.


Are you talking about the latest MB complaint?

Maybe it has something to do with it being a complaint seeking declaratory relief from a judge?


I’ve explained that at least four times. If you’re curious as to what I think, maybe you shouldn’t have me on ignore.

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I would think you’d have them on 24/7, saving or uploading EVERYTHING, and would WANT to hear the beep, because you’d want to know if those people you’d previously recorded organising your murder (which is apparently why you installed the recording equipment) were anywhere near you or your property. Weird 


I have to agree.

Maybe the system we have is different but we can still record stuff, but not have a noise notification when it happens. Yet another reason why I find this whole - we shut it off while we were there - thing weird.


Yes, the current one. You may be right, legal terms trip me up!

Edit to add-google search says they are expedited and normally are resolved within 12 months.

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I’m reminded of the scene in Young Sheldon when he loses the game and flips over the chess board. Lol.


Didn’t Deininger what the insurance company to pay for MBs lawyers in the criminal case as well?

In the suit, Deininger says the fact that LK dismissed her suit “absolves” MB of responsibility. Yet he continues to yammer about her provocations and illegal recordings despite MB having dismissed his suit against LK. It appears that MB dismissing his suit against LK doesn’t “absolve” her of his complaints.


No one was charged with conspiracy which is a bit “funny” given that there were recordings!1!!11!!! and so much plotting, bombshells, planning, a fixation on the role of MHG, and whatever else. No one, including FitzE is saying that premeditation is required for a charge of attempted murder.

While the persecutor did succeed in making his case, it wasn’t guaranteed. We now know that he succeeded, but did he really go into it 100% knowing that he would succeed? There can always be that odd chance, especially with a jury, which is why people are referencing the OJ jury here, mainly. You want to go into any case fully armed. So if there was such strong evidence such as what was on these recordings, why didn’t the prosecutor use them? I really think it would’ve done nothing but strengthen his case, even if it wasn’t about conspiring. He might’ve gotten a straight up guilty because the tapes might have showed planning, coherent thought, and not necessarily insanity if they really say what LK & Co say they do. Inigo alluded to “insanity” being a cop out when they posted yesterday, after all.

The prosecution could’ve added conspiracy and/or other charges if these recordings say and are what the K’s say they are. So, a different case could’ve potentially been built, no?

Unless the tapes are a big nothing burger and/or inadmissible. So there’s that.


Maybe I’m being daft, but why haven’t the recordings been released?


I have finally caught up on the thread again. I had to go back and take another look at the stuff from last night, since I was sure I had missed a few posts in the midst of all that frenetic activity.

Yowza. Quite a scene!


And for some, Mouse Trap.


The payout to LKs family would have been much higher if LK had died, so the police (and RG) reduced the award by a lot. Unless the insurance company settled for the limit of the policy.

I assume that they are both a nothing burger AND inadmissible.

Also, if some of the tapes were of conversations that happened in MBs office, it would raise questions about LKs potential access when it comes to that office, and possible access when it comes to the safe. That combined with her texts claiming to have access to all of the above MIGHT have raised some problematic possibilities for the prosecution when it comes to possible questions about possession of the gun, and reasonable doubt.


Well, that’s one f-ed up way to look at it.

Not wrong tho.

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In what text did LK say she had access to the safe?

The police and RG stopped the shooting before anyone died. It was one of the few positive aspects to this mess.

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