New filing on ecourts re MB

If I had to guess, I’d say they haven’t been released because they’re more valuable as an empty threat. For evermore, the existence of the recordings will be teased, and their content alluded to, in an effort to intimidate and curry notoriety.

Otherwise, bring 'em on. (But I’d expect some heavily edited, Spartan clips of selected words and phrases that ultimately mean nothing).


The issue of whether the recording were illegally made has not been litigated.

If they were illegally made, isn’t releasing them a fresh crime? MB has dismissed his counter suit regarding the making of the recordings. But if the Kanareks released them, wouldn’t MB have a fresh basis for complaint?

Not releasing the recordings is the safe and conservative things to do. No one owes you the recordings for your curiosity and amusement. Both the criminal case and the civil case are over.


The recordings have not been released because they are more damning to LK obviously


I know that no one owes me the recordings. Did I say that I was demanding them or owed them? Just as I said the other day, I’m entitled to exactly nothing. Zero. Diddly squat. Got it?

I’m not amused at all, are you? I don’t wish to be amused by any of this, personally. Aside from IM’s jokes, obvs.

I’m fully aware that the cases are over, but I really do appreciate you pointing out the obvious. Since they are over, and the K’s keep crowing about the recordings being released, that’s why I asked, why not release them. Your second paragraph is certainly one legitimate take on the matter.


No attorney worth their salt would reference a text message that didn’t exist.


How many community flags does it take to take down a post? IM’s post calling ST a liar could be deleted.


I would not be surprised if the Kanareks make them available to SS or USEF.

Deininger has the recordings. Why doesn’t he release them?


I do not have a high opinion of Deininger. I do not think he is “worth his salt”.

ETA. on that same page, Deininger refers to LK snd RG as squatters.

Obviously they were not squatters.

Another misrepresentation by Deininger. He does that a lot.


I will do you one better.

If you have a recording of people planning your murder, why not just leave??? Why would you stay somewhere where there were people plotting your murder???

Why stay- because no one was plotting your murder and you had a plan to “FINISH THE BASTARD”, and you estimated the potential payout to be worth your while!



Ahem….LK isn’t the only one with the recordings anymore.


Well well well.

Maybe the latest complaint will involve discovery. and Lollypop can sit for a deposition and answer questions about this.


Maybe she and the family need to get over feeling agitated that their whole “finish the ba$tard” plss asMB seems to have failed, and start actually HOPING that MB gets a generous settlement from the insurance companies that covers his fees, per the terms of his original policies…

Otherwise, looks like Lollypop might still find herself subject to lots of scrutiny. And that might prove excruciatingly embarrassing.

Oh well. Too bad. FAFO, stupid games stupid prizes, etc.


That is not how this works, that is not how any of this works.


Legal peeps, help me out here.

Does this mean that LK/RG/JK could actually be dragged in for a deposition as a result of MB’s legal proceedings with his insurance company? Even though the Ks have no direct involvement in that proceeding?

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:


Attorney(s) have them, as well as Safe Sport, who (allegedly) has some sort of something that was transcribed. Is that correct?

But it seems that LK/IM are the only ones who dangle the tapes out there, as if promising another bombshell.


… and then when you realize that they do not portray the tale you are trying to tell - but something completely different - they magically go “poof”. Or are suddenly unavailable despite repeated claims of bombshells that will rock our world.

Aaaah… but remember we have been told that IM is always credible and amazing and never to be doubted.

I am still dumbfounded that IM would be posting here and crowing and insulting and threatening… when all he had to do was move on with his life and go golfing and enjoy that cruise…


A veritable oracle rivaling Pythia! So - prophecy or a belief system/politics put to the test?

The oracle of Delphi prophesied that only the death of the Athenian king at the hands of the Dorians could ensure victory for the Athenians. Codrus, therefore, went disguised into the enemy’s camp and provoked a quarrel, in which he was killed.


ROFL. Yes, truly endless. One reason could be a diva prima donna boarder who was making the atmosphere in the barn toxic.

There’s also:

Not able to keep up with the work
Limited ability to ride
Deciding life with horses wasn’t for them
Missing SO at home
Going back to college
Found a paying job
Illness or injury

and on and on.


Who knows if all the tapes were seized? Only the Kanareks, specifically RG and JK, know what was hidden or disposed of, although I doubt those trophies would ever be destroyed. The Ks are the type of people who like to savor their deeds. Of course I am just speculating.

BTW, no prosecutor would ever not find a way to introduce evidence to win a case. He could have easily said the “murder plot” illegal tapes simply confirmed the K’s fear and suspicion…but then the question would have become why didn’t she leave instead of conspire to FTB. No amount of spin will ever improve the Kanarek reputation.