New filing on ecourts re MB

Schrodinger’s Tapes! :open_mouth:


The way I understand it, Safe Sport has some transcribed bits, not actual full tapes.

Ya know, the transcripts that were too overly burdensome for Kirby Kanarek to produce during discovery of her daughter’s civil suit.


They have SOME of them. IIRC, in the civil filings, Silver referenced text message from RG to JK about specific time/date stamped recordings and those were not included in the recordings turned over for the criminal case. I believe the generally accepted belief is that there are FAR MORE recordings than were actually turned over.


I’ve come to realize that whenever a guy promises to rock my world in any way it always turns out to be 3 inches of waiting turned nothingburger.



I know, right?

Especially if his end goal is to try to make the Ks look any better in the public eye.

Spoiler alert. It’s not working.


I would certainly be interested to know exactly who transcribed the bits that were sent in to safe sport.


As IM has ceased as of this morning, I vote we cease to post. Maybe it will all just go away.


The Krol Hearing is coming up.

LK dismissed her case against MB, bye-bye settlement $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'s

MB has filed suit against his insurance companies. Potential $$$$$$$$$$$$'s for MB.

The K’s are PO’d!!! PO’d I tell you. They dismissed too early to get a piece of the pie.

And desperate because there is still stuff out there that would not put the K’s in very good light.

OR perhaps JK’s golf game is off.


We had a working student many years ago who walked up to the head trainer and told him she wanted his job.

That was something to see.


It seems pretty hard to comprehend, given all the promised bombshells, recordings and other things that would make MB look like a monster, that none of these was ever released or brought to light. Surely the trial would be the one go to place to share all these gems. The more you see of this family, the more you discover just how repulsive they are. IM coming on here spewing lie after lie after life pretty much says what type of life he has, or LK has, as it might just be her behind the keyboard. They have showed their true colors over and over and it is truly disgusting, Just move on or stay off the BB’s. No one here cares to hear ANYTHING you have to say.


Good points, all.

Especially with the very clear chain of events laid out.


I’m guessing she didn’t state that as her goal but instead as something she expected then and there. Yes?


I don’t recall after all these years if she expressed an actual timeline that she had in mind. But she certainly seemed to think it should happen sooner rather than later.

Even though she kept falling off the very safe small pony we let her ride, since she was on the short side.


Especially when someone is trying to flex their verbal muscle on a Dressage forum which is just one section of a small forum which is part of an equine magazine’s website. Not exactly a huge platform to strut your stuff and be all tough and what not - and get noticed. Especially if you could not find letter G to halt and salute at or even accomplish a 3 loop serpentine from C to A. Basic stuff. Braying all over YouTube would get you a bigger audience.


Perhaps there is braying on YouTube or elsewhere.

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Why yes there is, however I was not able to copy the YouTube link here, but how about this substitute photo of pure adorableness?



THIS is my hope!


Is it on one of the Law & Crime videos again?

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Did anyone see the CNN article about Olympic wrestler Helen Maroulis? She was admitted to a psych ward and has a history of concussions. Some of the behavior she describes is similar to what what was described as MB’s after the shooting. I have heard other similar reports about others with TBI experiencing similar behavior.

This is one of the reasons why I don’t understand Judge T’s attitude about MB’s conduct after the shooting. It seems to fall in line with what other people have experienced and what Dr. Simring testified to at the trial.


I am always fascinated by what motivates people and how we create on our own realities. In the case of the KPopTarts, do you think they believe what they spew here? Meaning they have have bought into the lie and retold it multiple times that it is their reality now. Or there are multiple realities that they trot out depending upon the audience.

The reason that I am pondering this is I am blown away that the KPopTart Family are attending events in the horseworld with their heads held high. Personally, I believe that they are expending significant amounts of energy/effort in doing damage control. They know their actions are wrong/distasteful, yet, hiding would be to admit to it. However, its a huge disconnect for me. I guess its exactly why Princess PopTart came here before the criminal trial and fought with people. No shame? Low intelligence/emotional quotient? Exceptionally high ego? All of the above?