New filing on ecourts re MB

Dismissal of the effects of the head trauma was notable to me as well.


Maybe because as horse people we understand the effects of head trauma and have either experienced it or have seen it in others.


Interesting post.

I donā€™t think itā€™s as simple as believing their own BS. I donā€™t think they would be so aggressive about pushing their narratives if that was the case. I think if it was just a matter of believing their own BS version of events, and feeling like much of the Dressage community have been unfair jerks to them, LK would have stayed offline and kept busy riding her horses, and kept to herself in Florida.

The aggressive pushback on these forums in discussions? Plus earlier posts and discussions and narratives on other social media platforms before Lollypop made her accounts private last year? To me, thatā€™s about damage control and narrative control. I definitely think there are plenty of reasons for it, having to do with ego, lack of shame, etc etcā€¦but more than anythingā€¦ I think there is some sort of driving money related reason she has been so darn assertive about all this online. I have no clue what it isā€¦ but there is something weird about it all. Rememberā€¦ the woman was shot and nearly died. Thatā€™s a fact. Her behavior after going through something like that? It really doesnā€™t make much sense. At all.

I donā€™t know if we will ever know what the truth is.

In another bit of fascinating psychology, however, she publicly posted a short video clip of her riding one of her horses on Facebook about 4 days ago. The choice of music she used is rather interesting. She seems to want to project something or other with itā€¦ :smirk:


Once again its like CH never looks at any of the primary source material. Must be easier to just create ā€˜head moviesā€™ and accuse everyone else of hating her ā€˜truth.ā€™ le sigh.


Suing the ā€œcarrierā€??? He was, after all, it seems, insured about five different ways, and the carrierS went on to pay to represent RC in a confessed felony, as well as SGF. Since he is innocent, it seems to me they have some ā€˜splaininā€™ to do.

Itā€™s interesting that he has the tapes and texts he collected for his suit against the Kanareks. No, he canā€™t bring that suit back to the courts against them, but I would imagine thereā€™s a whole lot he can do with that material. Sorting out the insurance companies he paid polices on to defend him against liabilities like Lauren Kanarek may be just one.

I am still stunned that it was HIS policy that defended Ruth Cox. I guess we know how she was insured, now, donā€™t we.


Donā€™t you think itā€™s strange CH is still here arguing on LKs behalf?

I think itā€™s rather weird. The suit has been dismissed. LKs part is over. The remaining issues are:

  1. When will MB get released from Greystone and return to his farm in Florida?

  2. Will MB prevail in terms of his latest complaint against the insurance companies, and get a settlement that covers much of the litigation expenses he has incurred so far?

  3. What will happen with SafeSport when MB is released? Will they reinstate him, since he was found not guilty and the civil case was dismissed? Or will he have to go through a full appeal process?

Isnā€™t Lollypop busy riding her horse horse around with a song playing in her head about how sheā€™s ā€˜doing it all for the glory, writing her own story,ā€™ etc etc etc? She shouldnā€™t be paying any attention to what is going on with MB anymore, if thatā€™s true.


I find that crazy as well.

Iā€™m still hoping one of the legal experts can look at the latest complaint and give an opinion. @lazaret - maybe if you have time you could look at it and share thoughts? Or @LilRanger ? Or @AbbyGRP (I think you are in the legal field)?


Injury to his TRIGGER finger.


what is the music?

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That says she has access to the office.

It does not say she has access to the safe.

There is a short video on her Facebook page. If you are on FB, you can see it. She posted it publicly.

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If so, perhaps the other posters over there are not as restrained or polite as we are.

Hard to imagine, I know. Lol.


Easy enough to bug or plant a camera in an office you can access without authorization. Makes it easier to open a safe too if you can see how to open it.

$105 owed


100% - The tenacity is impressive. Definitely up there with the things I feel are unanswered.


Iā€™ve been saying that on these threads for years.

If youā€™ve been around horses much, either itā€™s happened to you, or itā€™s happened to someone you know, if not both.


EEK - that was hard to watch.


I would then hazard to guess that there are other texts that give context to the idea that she could access the safe because she was talking about something that was kept there.

Remember what looked like all the horse passports and the big file folder full of documents in the crime scene photos?


Right?!? :smirk:


Michael Barisone, MBD, LLC and SGF are all different entities.

I think it was probably the liability insurance for SGF that paid for RCs defense, as RC was a guest on the property.

She brought the gun, but Barisone used the gun to shoot someone after asking for it and taking control of it.

RC committed a felony (although the charges were dropped). It was MB who asked for the gun, had possession of it, and used it to shoot someone.

Being found NGRI is not being found ā€œinnocentā€. Juries donā€™t find defendants ā€œinnocentā€. They determine whether the defendant is acquitted or found guilty. Acquitted is not the same as innocent.

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Thatā€™s a really great typo.