New filing on ecourts re MB

I believe it’s a need for attention for whatever reason.

Kind of sad actually.

Just a horse of course.


[quote=“Sdel, post:2648, topic:783563, full:true”]

I think in the most recent legal complaint, Deininger mentions in it that there are texts involving LK claiming that she does have access to the safe. I’d have to go back and look, but I thought I saw that.


Where is his evidence that LK and RG were squatters?

Deininger is the least credible of all the attorneys, based on his filings.

It’s inflammatory to misrepresent their relationship as student/teacher in order to make a borderline defamatory statement. They were, at the time, boyfriend/girlfriend with MHG having a full time training/teaching role on the farm.


I wonder why she thinks their relationship was a power imbalance? Is my partner not allowed to teach me? These were consenting adults. I don’t think CH knows the first thing about Safe Sport.


Yeah, just like Vera was his student! MH was his fiance at the time!! What a horrendous accusation!


I went back and listened to much of his second day testimony today, and I don’t think Bilinkas questioned him specifically on the hand injury.

Man oh man, if I was Deininger, I would be asking for information about that as part of discovery in this latest lawsuit.

RG has always been the weakest link in holding their story together…


Right, so now MHG and MB’s relationship is a SS issue due to an imbalance of power? How so? Because there was an imbalance of power? Ok…2 consenting adults in a relationship, one trains the other, not a safe sport issue. Happens all over the world, actually. It can be a functioning and healthy partnership and not all that imbalanced depending on how you look at it and how it’s carried out.

I mean, if we want to go down that slope, MB’s not the only one up for investigation here. Lots of other Equestrian couples out there where one trains the other or competes at a higher level than the other and so on. Quite a few details to be considered. Then again, I’m also not obsessed with MHG.

I mean, I know we like to die on hills around here re technicalities and words meaning words, but uh, I don’t know that SS is all that concerned with this.


Not only that, but if MHG never complained to SafeSport about the relationship… SafeSport isn’t going to investigate it. These were two consenting adults, neither was complaining about their relationship to SafeSport, and SafeSport is hardly interested in becoming the relationship police when it comes to adults across all sports. That is not their mission.


I think you meant tenacity, not veracity. There is nothing truthful about those tired arguments.


How rabid are the Ks going to be when Barisone gets a big old insurance settlement after they walked away? Remember how rabid she was that she didn’t get any of the insurance check she found out about when insurance paid for the damage to the farm house? This is going to be millions, baby. And nothing for you.


And it will probably be highly confidential!


Assuming MB gets a dime from the insurance.

Some of you are really putting every egg you can find in your basket. I wouldn’t be soo quick. I’m not saying it’s out of the question (again, in the details), but I suppose some are far more optimistic than me by nature.


I’m just hoping the poor guy can get his civil litigation fees covered. That would be a big help, I would imagine.


True. But I would imagine that, in general, after everything coming out about how this Olympic athlete has been abused, they may just like this one to go away.


No, I just don’t see Barisone filing frivolous law suits.


Me thinks that the latest little SS rant is just a sidetrack trick. How many times have we seen it employed on these threads.

I find it amusing that as soon as the discussion turned away -with the latest filing from Lalalaloopy, someone had to login and spew garbage again.

Just a horse of course


QFP because this current tangent of the poster’s leaves my incredulous!


I’m predicting this lawsuit will fail, just as the lawsuit against the police failed.

MB complains about his legal expenses, but continues to waste money on low probability suits.

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Just because a lawsuit doesn’t work out in favor of the plaintiff/whomever filed it doesn’t mean that it’s frivolous.