New filing on ecourts re MB

Nicely done. :joy:


If MB had not shot LK, the relationship with MHG would not matter to SS.

However, he is being investigated by SS for shooting LK. I just think the relationship with MHG, given the imbalance of power, puts him in a weaker position than he would otherwise be in.

Kirby definitely said RG had surgery on that hand. She went on and on about how she had to convince him to go to the ER have his hand checked, and how he needed surgery to have it fixed.

Many of us have questioned from Michael’s arraignment hearing on the truth about RG’s hand and supposed surgery. RG did not appear to have the hand wrapped as if he had just had surgery. There was a picture of him caring for LK in a hotel room after she was released from the hospital where he appears to have no bandage or cast either.


Yes, in fact LK said he had “several surgeries” due to the horrible broken hand he suffered


Stop thinking maybe. It’s not helping you and your wrongness isn’t even defendable. You’re talking gibberish.


I had one of those too. Couldn’t understand why she wasn’t riding client’s horses and coaching students. That was fun.



Once again, you are way out of your lane on this one. Be careful.


Have you ever taken the Safe Sport training? I really want to know. Because I believe you haven’t. You don’t seem to know the first thing about SS. “
he is being investigated by SS for shooting LK.” How the heck do you know that? You don’t. Since he was acquitted (I know that term grates on you, but it is accurate) the “shooting” is now also rendered moot. And what you think of the relationship putting “him in a weaker position” is nonsense. No one cares what you think. Least of all, SS. And yes, it was worth it to me to have to donate. I won’t respond to you again, because you are clearly just trying to get attention.


Here we go. It’s on the Chronicle site, but it’s listed as a press release from the Ks.


But she has a nice old schoolmaster who can passage, and she can get video of it, and then add some inspiring & defiant music that makes her seem like a bada$$.

For her next video, I’m hoping to see some tempi changes, maybe set to “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten.

She’s going to be win the public relations battle in the end. You’ll see. /s


Isn’t it strange that Superman laundry boy Stark never filed a suit against MB on that horrible broken needed two surgeries hand to at least recoup his medical costs.

Things that make you go hummmm.

Yes, I remember the hotel after the hospital post. Nope not even a band aid.

Just a horse of course.


Or a malpractice suit against the doctor that told him he didn’t need a cast for a broken bone that required surgery to fix

and then required an additional surgery because of complications


One thing that always bothered me was how the owners of the property allowed the squatters to stay there so long.

Add to that LK speaking of being welcome and it seems wrong on the Lundbergs part. Of course I’m assuming that in order to be partners in a LLC with them that at one point MB and the Ls must have been friendly.

If someone treated my friends badly and all this drama happened, I’d want them GONE yesterday. Yet it seems LK stayed until she was ready to move to FL for the season.


Maybe it was the same one? :thinking: Lol.

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What do you think he is being investigated for?

Why do I need to be careful?

:horse: goes hummmmm

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This is a very good point.


Does anyone know which horse it is?


HH seemed to think it was Jay-T.

I didn’t think any of her other horses had been schooled past a certain level
 or maybe that’s just the impression I got from the video of the chestnut in the nose to side rein device.


I think its the new one, which was sent out for 90 days training last fall. She got it back, saying the horse just came back, and videoed this same out of cadence passage in November, saying more to come and showing her collapsing after a few steps after trying to sit it. This new video is from January, with a new trick, scooping into the saddle with no half halts. I seriously wonder if she has a trainer. I can’t imagine a trainer would let her ride this horse like this.v