New filing on ecourts re MB

When your father is an allergist, you learn to grin and bear it.


I find the voluntary use of a deadly toxin for the sake of vanity one of the more bizarre traits of humans.
Therapeutic use for musculoskeletal/neurologic disorders are a different thing entirely


I can imagine LK &Co get upset that Michael gets all the attention. There’s no clamoring for information on sweet, sweet babykins and her family, but let Barisone sneeze and people are interested. What a shame for the attention seeking Kanareks. They aren’t mentioned anywhere but here. Aww.


OK. Mondo has gladly donated for my transgression. While I may donate again, I won’t make the same mistake again. :wink:


That’s true. If not for here, nobody talks about her, nobody has anything to do with her. Even the people on her FB look like they either don’t know her in person, or they aren’t horse people, as none appear to know what they are talking about. When this is all over, and nobody is talking about her any more, I wonder what she will do. Escalate again on Facebook until someone talks about her?


I know, she claims to speak German, but she didn’t have any insight for the German woman’s mistranslation when trying to describe the jerky fast tempo movement of the horse. That was bizzare. But when she really defended herself as riding well, I knew then she really has no understanding of dressage. She has no sense if tempo, it’s too fast, and no attempt at half halt. The horse is not collected, and the hind end is strung out. What really struck me is that she must not have a trainer. Or she would see these basics in herself, or at least be concerned. It was a surprise to realize she has no self awareness of her riding.

And I can say this based on the public nature of her videos and posts about her claims of riding at high levels.


I don’t know who you directed that to, but I don’t think there’s a woman on this board who considers themselves sweet, or gentle, nor would want to be talking to or about manipulative liars.


I wasn’t surprised bc some of my very old fb memories show the same level of ignorance however mine didn’t have any level of arrogance like hers do. Lol

The bragging (German, guitar, piano, stripping etc) just goes to show the level of insecurity that festers right below the surface. The condescending tone of every post of hers, is indicative of her mental capacity or lack thereof.

The video is painful


Also it’s sexist to think women don’t know anything about guns. Shame on HH. LOL


I agree. What is this “sweet and gentle” precluding being an expert or even knowing about guns? What kind of sexism is that? It’s a male kind of attitude, in a negative way of looking at women. Is it HH trying to shame us because some of us know about guns? Shame on you, @Hut-ho78


And delusional if anyone thinks liberals don’t have guns


So true, but a lot of them think that way. Stephen King tweeted the other day something about gun control and got a nasty response from a gun “aficionado” (was going to say nut, but that’s not nice) who dissed him for, among other things, not having any guns. “I have guns,” was his reply.


I’m as liberal as they get and I have guns. I have guns and I also think guns should be highly, tightly regulated. And such a thing doesn’t threaten me or my sense of personal rights, but that’s a different thread. Just thought it was pretty pukey that someone would come on this board espousing misogynistic stereotypes about women on this thread. Of all places.


She has a trainer. At least she did over the winter. However the student has to be teachable / trainable and actually listen to what the trainer is saying.


I missed whatever video that you all are on about, but that’s not why I am here anyway
 But BigMama has a good point.

I’ve seen various riders say they train with so and so, but they don’t actually listen to or truly implement what so and so tells them, exactly. Sometimes they might think that they do, but they do not. Just generally speaking.


It’s on Facebook. There are a bunch of her fan girls praising it and one woman from Germany criticising it. She reacts as expected.


Ah, ok. Sounds like the nature of the internet. Whatever you post is open to criticism. In fact, a woman from Germany criticizes my riding frequently :rofl: for many years.

But I pay her to do that!


Here is another article about the current lawsuit.


This article is wrong in about 7 ways/facts.


I noticed that, especially about the part of him receiving treatment.