New filing on ecourts re MB

It’s also hard to teach feel. Especially, if the drive really isn’t there.


Would you please explain who came on this forum and espoused what statements that y’all consider misogynist stereotypes about women?

Edited to remove tag of @erinmeri as she clarified she is not a part of this particular conversation.

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Why are you tagging me? I wasn’t part of that discussion.


That is a way too logical question.

Should I google and see if I can find an answer that does not apply?


Apologies if this was already posted - if so, I missed it.

But it looks like the court is making progress in closing out the LK/MB case.

I am sure it is a huge relief to LK to not have to sit for a deposition while under oath and try to remember if her current story in any way matches the stories she previously told while under oath.

And I am sure it also a huge relief to MB to have that monkey (her lawsuit) off his back. As others have said, now he can focus on continuing to heal emotionally and on his upcoming Krol hearing and on his new lawsuit against the various insurance companies.


Thank you for the clarification. I will correct it.

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Weird that we’ve not heard from JK since he libelled Tarshis - maybe they didn’t buy the wifi package on the ship? :wink:


I only lightly noted all that. He was trying to say Tarshis was a great friend and say Tarshis was a great liar? There wasn’t a whole lor making sense there.


A “pathological liar” and a “moron”, but also a golfing buddy. :wink:


Maybe the esteemed Mr. Tarshis contacted his “good friend and golfing buddy” and let him know his public derogatory comments were not appreciated. You know, one lawyer to another lawyer chat.


There is an update on the GFM. Im not able to copy it here.


from the GFM
Today marks the 1-year anniversary for Michael of the Not Guilty and the NGRI verdicts being read.
I am going to look back at what has happened and what should have happened in this past year concerning Michael’s rights to due process and his involuntary commitment.
April 14, 2022, Verdict read.
May 4, 2022, the date that the initial hearing should have happened, according to the law, had Michael been moved to Ann Klein. 20 days after the verdict.
May 13, 2022, Michael was moved to Ann Klein Forensic Center. 29 days after the verdict.
May 24, 2022, the date Judge Taylor scheduled for the initial Krol hearing but was cancelled due to Michael not being moved in a timely fashion. 40 days after the verdict.
July 14, 2022, the date Judge Taylor rescheduled the initial Krol hearing but was cancelled by the court. 91 days after the verdict.
August 4, 2022, the date that the second Krol hearing should have been held if the law was being followed. 112 days after the verdict
August 30, 2022, the date Judge Taylor yet again rescheduled the initial Krol hearing but was cancelled by the court. 137 days after the verdict.
September 8, 2022, the initial Krol hearing FINALLY happened 147 days after the verdict.
During the Krol hearing Judge Taylor advanced the case for commitment without any of the doctors agreeing with commitment. The law very clearly states that; “The case for involuntary commitment must be supported by the oral testimony of a psychiatrist on the patient’s treatment team.” This was not the case at all. All 3 doctors that testified recommended release with outpatient treatment. The law also states that; "It is inappropriate for the judge to advance the case for commitment ‘Because it places the judge in the role of an adversary rather than that of a decision maker.’” *
October, 12, 2022, Michael was moved to Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital. 181 days after the verdict. *
February 4, 2023, date that the third Krol hearing should have been held if the law was being followed. 296 days after the verdict. *
February 21, 2023, appeal for the Initial Krol Hearing filed. *
March 8, 2023, second Krol hearing scheduled. Krol hearing was cancelled due to the hospital not having the appropriate paperwork done and distributed to council and the court. Motion for Recusal of Judge Taylor went forward. As expected, Judge Taylor would not recuse himself. 328 days after the verdict*
April 25, 2023, second Krol hearing scheduled and cancelled. 376 days after the verdict was read. *
May 4, 2023, date that the fourth Krol hearing should happen if the law was being followed. 385 days since verdict was read. *
May 26, 2023, date that the second Krol Hearing is currently scheduled for. 406 days from the verdict. *
*None of these additional hearings would have even been needed to be scheduled had the law been followed at the initial Krol hearing. Each hearing and adjournment costs us quite a bit in attorney fees, as well as costing the NJ taxpayers!
Additional dates of note.
April 3, 2023, Plaintiff’s attorney contacted us because she agreed to dismiss the civil suit with prejudice if we would also agree to dismiss as well.
April 10, 2023, Civil suit against the insurance company filed.
Michael is doing well, please keep writing to him, it does help keep his spirits up.
For anyone wondering what the donations are with the interesting names, they are all in reference to the threads that are on the Chronicle of the Horse Forums. The threads have some interesting things that happen there including postings from the former Plaintiff’s family members.
Thank you all for your continued support and kind words.
Please share the GFM link so that people can stay updated.



Thanks for posting!


But… you (general) really should go check out the fun names on the donations over there. There are some very creative people making donations.


Cancelled and rescheduled again? That’s outrageous.


It’s getting harder and harder to believe that this is just a scheduling problem in the courts.


They are wonderful, a small ray of sunshine in this whole mess. I’m trying to think of something exceptionally witty to use, but keep on coming up blank…


How about F. U. Taylor?


Some ideas:
Polly Petty Poser Pants
Situation Sans Equine
Laundry Workers Union
Tantrums R Us