New filing on ecourts re MB

There is always

Buck Fart

But I am just a horse of course


Pushed out another monthā€¦egregious


Such a sad update. Just amazing that the law has not been followed. And nothing is being done to insure the law be followed.


How lucky is MB to have LO keeping people apprised of the situation. How many other patients* are at Grey stone without an advocate like her?

*patients should be in quotes, because Iā€™m not sure are you a patient if you donā€™t actually receive therapy.


I know New Jersey is a crap state, but how can they just keep doing things outside the guidelines of the law and get away with it? Too bad some good journalist could not follow this case and find out exactly what is going on. Maybe Taylor is now annoyed becaue LK dropped the suit and the precious princess got nothing. I do believe, in the end, Michael with have his revenge by being able to live his good life again.


I am still just gobsmacked itā€™s been a year since the acquittal and heā€™s still being warehoused. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I agree. I also wonder if this is to accommodate the appeals court? If they wait until the appeal comes down* it could impact at least whether the hearing is closed or not.

  • I say this assuming this is an interlocutory appeal, which in my state can be put on a faster calendar if appropriate.

I may be pessimistic but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Taylor again denied MBā€™s release with the same old excuse. IOW, he will use the fact that MB has now filed a lawsuit against his insurance companies as proof that he still hasnā€™t come to terms with what happened and hasnā€™t accepted responsibility for his actions. Taylor may not put it in those exact words but that line of thinking might very well drive his decision. I hope he proves me wrong, but I do wonder if his intent is to keep MB until he has been incarcerated for at least four years.

Edited to add that he may also view the Krol appeal as an attack on his judicial decisions, which might make him even less inclined to grant MBā€™s release. (Yes, a punitive action - but he has gotten away with them before.)


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Taylor denies MBā€™s release again out of pure meanness. Yes because of the appeal and his golf buddy JK. This is just my opinion and I stand by it. You will have a hard time getting me to believe that JK and Taylor do not know or socialize together.


This is so sad that there is another delay. Why does the judge have to be involved? I thought in the first one that MB could move through the levels without appearing before the judge. Boo Taylor!


Only the judge can end or continue his commitment so he has a right to have the hearings under NJ law. Granted, he also had a right to have this hearing happen a long time ago, but, here we are.


Why canā€™t Judge Fair take over his case?


Judge T refused to recuse himself last month. Whether Michaelā€™s attorneys have other recourse to have him removed from the case, that I do not know. I have no idea what that would look like under NJ law, or if it would be a cost-effective use of attorney funds with the other appeal still out there.


I hope he wins the appeal. I do not see any justice for him until T is off the case


My attorney friend was talking about interlocutory appeal. Is that anyway related to writ of mandamus (sp?) She was talking about that too and I did not understand the words coming out of her mouth. :smile:


I will not invoke the demon Kā€™s by saying the name, however, I am amused that she hasnā€™t come back to tell her twisted, perverse, and pathological side of the tale.


But those steps require therapy, that they donā€™t offer him, correct?


A writ can be an interlocutory appeal, or just on itā€™s own.
Interlocutory just means itā€™s an appeal that happens in the middle of a case to decide an important issue,rather than after the judge rules on the whole case.

A writ of mandamus is asking a court to make someone (usually a state actor, like a jail warden) do something they are refusing to do that is part of their job. Say a warden is refusing to provide a bland menu to a prisoner, that may be cause for a writ of mandamus within an 8th amendment (free from cruel and unusual punishment) lawsuit.


That would be extra wierd. MBs filing insurance claims has nothing to do with him accepting his circumstances.

