This is a general thought and my opinion only on Taylor’s attitude towards the MB verdict.
I actually doubt that the K’s and Taylor know each other at all. Taylor was a prosecutor (as reported much earlier in some bio material linked in an earlier thread), and as such, I suspect that he identifies much more closely with the prosecution than with the defense. Trial lawyers are out to win, and can be just as competitive as any pro athlete.
For a defendant, any defendant, to get off in any case involving a serious felony might be seen as an affront to a former prosecutor, even one who is now a judge. Yes, absolutely, a judge SHOULD be able to put aside any such bias, but we’re all human, and possibly this case triggered some type of association to Taylor or somehow he identifies much too closely with the prosecution in this particular case.
Then there’s the consideration that Taylor and Balinkas used to work in the same office (per earlier threads). Maybe there is some type of competitiveness between them, or antagonism, who knows? Earlier discussion about one of Taylor‘s decisions that Balinkas was involved with being reversed on appeal is probably something that most judges accept as part of the job though, even if they don’t like it.
My point is, I really doubt that there is a personal relationship between J K, and Taylor. Possibly they do know of each other or possibly even know each other in some fashion, but I doubt that they are golf buddies. I may well be wrong, but that’s how I see it.
That said, it does seem to me that there is real bias on Taylor’s part against MB. Both during the trial, and afterwards, as far as the continued commitment goes. I just think that the reason behind it is different.
Keeping him committed may be more a case of CYA for a judge with any defendant who receives an NGRI verdict. (I was amazed to read in the recent Jeffers article that this is the first time in 30 years a defendant has received an NGRI verdict in New Jersey.) Combine that with even an unconscious bias against a defendant being acquitted, and Taylor decides to extend MB’s commitment at Greystone.
I realize that I may be off-base, and there may in fact be a personal relationship between them, but I prefer to think that the criminal justice system is a little better than that.
Just my two cents.