New filing on ecourts re MB

I remember that it was Mrs. B’s birthday—maybe her 60th?—I’m not sure if I remember a number. We also learned early on that Mr.B was Judge T’s boss when they were both in the prosecutor’s office, but if there is some animosity, it probably has to do with the appeal Mr.B won against Judge T :woman_shrugging:t2:.

Sometimes I wonder if Judge T is just trying to establish himself as a respected judge because most of the law folks in that county probably were his peers at one time or another.




That could be. I just remember it being a small celebratory personal aside and being startled that Taylor was, well, such a jerk about it.


Just one of the many, many times.


The appeal is regarding the first Krol hearing - correct? I can help but wonder if knowing that decision is being appealed will make Taylor even more vindictive. Or will it make him decide to be less punitive because he may worry what effect a successful appeal will have on his judicial record?


Taylor refused to recuse himself when asked so I think that is your answer on how Taylor feels about all this.


I believe it was her 60th birthday. Mr. B mentioned it when Taylor decided to end testimony that day at a reasonable hour. Considering that Bilinkas and Taylor once worked together - and Bilinkas was Taylor’s boss for a while - it is very likely that they had attended social functions together that also included SOs. Taylor has no doubt met Mrs. B on several occasions, so his curt dismissal of the fact that it was her birthday was especially harsh. I don’t remember which day it happened, or who the witnesses had been that day, but that remark by Taylor made it clear to me that he was not pleased by the way Bilinkas was chipping away at the state’s case.


I can tell you that where I worked there wasn’t such animosity between judge and attorneys especially if they had been coworkers.


Maybe Mr B knew Taylor would react that way, which the jury would surely see… And mentioned it for that purpose?


Could be. Although from Mr. B’s tone at the time, I wonder if he was rather expecting Taylor to express birthday wishes - and especially so if Taylor and Mrs. B had gotten along well when they had met during previous occasions. Taylor’s somewhat rude retort was just another smackdown to Mr. B - which the jury very well may have noticed.


Why do you think Taylor was so hard on Mr. B? Could he be bitter about something that happened when Mr. B was his boss? Or perhaps they had gone head to head after Bilinkas left the DA’s office to become a defense attorney - as in, Mr. B. won a case against Taylor while Taylor was still with the DA’s office, and Taylor has felt rancor toward him every since. I also wonder if it was because of the successful appeal in that other case, although Mr. B wasn’t the attorney that handled the appeal. Or was his treatment of Mr. B simply because as a judge, Taylor wanted to see the state make its case?

So many musings on a drizzly Sunday morning…


I don’t know what happened. I always saw judges tread carefully with attorneys unless there was something big but then the judge would return to a neutral demeanor. I’ve never seen a judge maintain the bias this way. I would think any judge I’ve worked with would have said “Happy Birthday to your wife” just being a decent human. And I’ve worked/known/watched in action dozens of judges. Probably 40 to 50.


I wonder if Mr. B knew there would be a snarky reply.


There is always some who seem to be grudge holders


Eww… especially gross letting a rapist off for time served.


I’ve never seen any judges in action outside of a horse show setting, but I thought it was remarkably bad behavior from Taylor throughout the whole trial.

If he was trying to appear to be unbiased, he was doing a terrible job of it.


ANNNNND he was on the ballot for retention and WON, He won because of no one in the rest of the circuit seemed to care. He lost the county where this took place.


I would not suggest you google him to see what is his latest


It is a rabbit hole and will probably eventually be on one of the crime shows or at the very least a podcast.



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