New filing on ecourts re MB

Yeh it’s going to bring notoriety to the area. We had another high profile trial about ten or so years ago. So hopefully the police are on this one.
The other trial was a classmate of mine and a 48 Hrs episode as well


For some unknown self-torturous reason, I just rewatched the You Tube cross of LK and read the comments. She has not too long ago been posting. In one post, after someone mentions that MB was found NG BROI, she states well, he will be in a state run facility for years. Interesting comment from her…. Is she getting this information from their good friend, the not so honorable judge Taylor? This is most concerning and upsetting. Surely, something can be done to get this crooked judge removed from this case.


Meh, this woman lies by her own admission. She has no idea.


In your quest for justice, I’m including these articles. Maybe the Barlyn guy would help in getting MB’s story out.
The articles may have been shared before. There are many out there about this case.


FinalBarlynComplaint.pdf (3.1 MB)

The lawsuit that was filed.


A new installment from the Boyd Martin Riding School. :grin:



As entertaining as those videos are, I might have to stop watching them. They make me too nervous. Lol.


Is the Stephen Taylor in the first article the same one for MB? Holy Moly.


Two responses to this: first, no, they can’t, but the issue is the only remedy for the disadvantaged party is also the court system. To change the law, you have to work within it, if that makes sense. Someone has to do what they’re doing - challenge it - to prove that a. the law as written is correct and b. what remedies exist for not following it.

What often happens if a higher court finds that a lower court erred is twofold:

The case goes back to the lower court for a do-over or the higher court’s decision gets appealed to the next highest court. If that court affirms, then the original action stands namely it goes back to the first court for a do-over.

In a civil case it’s possible to just vacate or reduce a judgement but in criminal court, much like a sentencing appeal, it gets passed back to the originating court for a new sentencing.

I do hope Lara can eventually share the briefs once they’ve been decided on. I’m very interested in a legal sense as to how they are framing this appeal, but of course only want to see them after a decision has been rendered.


I’m blaming it on being sick, but I can’t see Taylor’s name in that article. Just the other judge.

I’m the whistleblower who cost N.J. taxpayers $5.3 million; don’t let it happen again -

About halfway down:

Two weeks later, I was fired in a one-sentence fax signed by the then-Director of Criminal Justice (and now Superior Court Judge) Stephen J. Taylor.


ETA - There are a few more details in the second article


I think it is unlikely that there are two Stephen J. Taylors who are Criminal Presiding Judges in New Jersey. So yes, the judge mentioned in the article is undoubtedly the same SJT who presided in MB’s criminal trial.

It’s there.

[Edited to add that Christa P also replied while I was composing my post.]


Thanks for all that info, @lazaret!

So if the higher court passes it back for a “do-over” - does that mean just the sentencing part? Because if they have to hold the entire criminal trial again - holy c***!

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There is not an appeal about the results of the criminal trial. The appeal is regarding the Krol hearing results.


Ah, I was thinking it meant that Taylor’s original sentencing of MB to AK might be called into question. But it is really just regarding the fact that he did not follow the Krol guidelines - correct?


They wouldn’t be appealing the result of that trial. Just the ‘sentence’ in this case and compliance with the legal process for that jury finding.


Got it. Thanks. I was reading the wrong link. I’m still going to go lie down for a while. :slight_smile:


Ben Barlyn I believe, is also a blogger and does podcasts. As he is most likely not a fan of T’s, I would be interested to hear his take on MB’s Krol hearing saga.


Feel better soon! Sometimes reading about judge Taylor can make a healthy person feel nauseous! :wink: