New filing on ecourts re MB

Judy would also mop the floor with her.

Judge Judy is my guilty pleasure. <3 her.


Another eggbuttism for fun!


Really interesting article about con artists:"From%20a%20personality%20perspective%2C%20psychologists,are%20overrepresented%20in%20con%20artists.


Her use and comprehension of the English language is about the equivalent of her comprehension of the law, which she loves to brag about.

It is incredibly amusing to see her ugly, if not out and out nasty, posts in comment sections. We all know how insecure one must be to react so violently to people who are absolute strangers on the internet. Just like she did here.

Sadly, she shows no capacity to learn or grow!


Thanks, I’ll go look for it.

I rarely watch non horse videos

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  1. A case can’t be “remanded” to the federal level. A remand by definition returns a case to a lower level. The only way something can be remanded to a federal court is by the Supreme Court at a level above.

  2. Insurance companies generally have the right to either approve of or assign counsel. If someone’s defense is being paid for by an insurance company you can bet that the insurance company either selected the attorney themselves or the attorney was chosen from a list of provided attorneys they will cover. In a high profile case it is possible that the attorney was selected by the insured but the insurance company also provided their own attorney to join the case. It’s never the case that you just forward the bill for whatever attorney you selected and the insurance company just writes a check.

  3. What’s being litigated right now isn’t so much the insurance exclusion but the right to defense inherent in an insurance policy. It’s often the case that the policy provides a defense with reservation and then the policyholder is found not eligible at a later date and then that portion can be litigated. Right to defense is a sort of unique provision in insurance case law.


. gaslighting games that malignant narcissists play.

After dealing with this sort of thing for years, and being accused of having “anger problems” by the gaslighting narcs
 I found a simple response to such things that is now my favorite “go to” :

“I don’t have anger problems. I have a$$hole problems.”

:rofl: :woman_shrugging:

When it comes to malignant narcs and their awful tactics
 the coping lessons I have learned

  1. Go grey rock on them
  2. Go no contact if possible
  3. If you must interact with them, keep a sense of humor and never miss an opportunity to laugh AT them. Narcs HATE being laughed at. It’s satisfying to watch them come unglued over it.

Sounds like something a complete narcissist would say.


Hello everyone, and welcome to today’s episode of the Art of Trolling.


Last night’s selections


Same ol’ story. Still full of it.

Well, at least she’s consistent :rofl:

Again, when pigs fly


 in all fairness, trolling isn’t even a thing anymore.

At this point, we can just mosey along beside the pond with a fishing rod in hand, and a largemouth bass will literally jump right out and angrily chomp on the hook.



Awww. Lollipop has trouble coping with losing.

It’s pretty pathetic she’s been reduced to ranting on Dressage Hub’s YT channel


LK was never charged criminally regarding the recordings. Despite your continually referring to them as “illegal”, their legality or illegality was never established, either in criminal or civil court.

Barisone has dismissed with prejudice his civil claim regarding the recordings. That’s what LK received in return from settling her case against him.

What would be the purpose of her releasing them now? No purpose.

If she did release them publicly, Barisone would potentially have a fresh claim against her. She is wise to decline to release them at this point, despite the goading. If the civil case had not been settled, perhaps they would have been used. But the case was settled.

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That makes absolutely no sense, correct? I’m not missing some key bit of information that makes the word salad make sense?


I’d like to just point out that, surprisingly, we now have an admission that the recordings weren’t just from the locker.


So the recording devise that they were putting by the dumpster in those texts where Jonathan Kanarek is demanding they get the device there that very day does not count in Lauren Kanarek’s counting?


It makes perfect sense.

Deininger and Silver made it pretty clear that there were missing conversations (Kirby’s transcripts and SS, the text with a time stamp). And there was a lot of heat about Tarshis in the last round of inappropriate

with all three Kanareks now accusing him of perjury.

Seems we know who the next target is going to be.


To be fair, she had a hard time with the number of bullet wounds too.


You have a very limited imagination.