New filing on ecourts re MB

Thank you for the clarification. Apparently in the Yvette Gibbons vs the State of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety there was an original question of jurisdiction between the state and federal court resulting in the case being moved to the federal court and then remanded to the state court where it was finally settled in 2022 on one count which did not include any personnel and did not include a race claim but did include gender and age.

She’s giving traffic, clicks, and ¢ to her most hated enemy (well, ONE of her most hated enemies). Dressage Hub literally wished her dead, and she’s now putting money into her hand (pennies, but still money).


Yes. It appears that once again her desire to be the center of attention has over ridden her ability to think and use any common sense.


I’m confused. Who is trolling whom? LK is responding to other people’s posts so she isn’t trolling and she can’t post here anymore and is out of the MB lawsuits. Why is there discussion about her still on MB threads? Is the trolling by people here talking about her here the trolling under discussion?

Y’all ignore me now so I guess I’ll have to figure out the answer to my own question by myself. Hmmmm. Yes. It must be trollers still discussing LK here that are under discussion. Who else could it be? No one.


That is wonderful! Those are the very recommendations made to those who have to untie themselves from a malignant narcissist! I have had to, and the most satisfying response I gave was a chuckle and observation of absurdity. It was also very satisfying to go “grey rock”. One I worked with would use simple questions to elicit details from me tgey would turn around on me. I remember having to clam up over simple things like “How was your weekend?” To answer her was to invite her to dig into my privacy with insinuations and questions. I learned to answer with questions back, “How wS yours?” Or just “weekend?” And leave the room. Anything except actually answer the question, which fed her. So glad you came put of the other side of things, VHM.


She had a hard time with alot of facts about herself. Alot of “flexibility” in her stories.

And how desperate for attention is that to go posting on DH! That’s a big wow for me! Nobody responding to her on YT any more, she resorts to DH? I guess it follows, she has really few people responding to her on her own social media, and none of them know anything about dressage. I just d9nt understand her need for acceptance in the dressage world. All you have to do is ride your horses. She’s spending her money she could be using on training on :shopping". Shut up and ride! That will get you satisfaction in dressage.


What are the odds that, when LK decides to show, SW has someone at the ringside videoing it?


It gives me a headache trying to make sense of that manic writing “style” with all the “quotation marks” that don’t really “belong.” Then she has the temerity to chastise the “unintelligent” jury.

And what exactly does she mean by some of the recordings were collected while in transport in Rob’s pocket?


It means they’ve been lying. How many times have we been told the only recording devices were the 3 cameras in the house and the one in the locker? And, no, LK/RG didn’t exactly testify to making recordings from a device in his pocket. That was offered by the defense to impeach/break attorney client privilege (that LK ranted about here) for the ear witness.

Now we know about the bug to be planted at the dumpster (which LK mentioned MB telling people not to “discuss here” but out by the dumpster) and that RG kept a recorder going in his pocket. (Makes you wonder about that lack of chit-chat in the cross ties).


My guess is because dressage and horses are just trappings, things “rich” people do/have. The need to be accepted stems from needing to feel like you have to have money to be worth anything and not from anything else. It’s pretty sad actually.


Honestly, no one would give a fig about the recordings of LK & Co. hadn’t crowed about them endlessly and relentlessly from the bringing. BOMBSHELLS!..and other incriminating things…murder plots, etc.


He has a penchant for walking around with the voice memo feature activated on the cellphone in his pocket. He can casually walk up and stand near someone and record a conversation they are having with someone else - and those parties will never know they have been recorded unless he or LK decides to make the discussion public.


Once again…

Who does that?!?


Which she bragged about doing on FB during the Gladstone show (July 25th, solid gold).


Just unreal.

Bad enough to even think of doing it in the first place, much less brag about it on social media.


I do love how she deflects to “why doesn’t Barisone post the recordings…blah, blah, blah?” Um, it hasn’t been him screaming from every SM platform warning about all the terrible, awful, horrible things MB & Co said about poor little Lauren. Murder plot, starving/poisoning horses, on and on and on with whatever her little imagination can muster.

I have no doubt that RG records most everything on the chance they can find something to threaten someone with for whatever gain they are after. Wasn’t it at the actual trial that that attorney who allegedly heard the gun shots learned he had been surreptitiously recorded the day before?

I feel confident Michael Barisone will release any recordings he has if he feels it is necessary and if he is advised by his crack team of attorneys to do so. Clearly if they say what the Kanareks have repeatedly said they say, he has no reason to release them…but she does have reason if they prove her point. Checkmate.

I wonder how that CBS 48 Hours suit is progressing?


Amen. Plus, possibly anything and everything else they have.

Only one party was running away from their discovery obligations.

ETA: were there not just over 80 of them?




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