New filing on ecourts re MB

I have to say this is the first time in my legal career that a plaintiff has invited a defendant to publicly publish the evidence the plaintiff has tried so hard to obfuscate or hide.

Truly incredible.

  1. You’re right that he has no reason to release the recordings if they say even half of what the Kanareks have alleged. That’s why LK is asking, rhetorically, why he doesn’t release them. She knows he won’t.

  2. What point does she have to prove? The criminal trial is over and can’t be appealed. The civil case is settled. It would be both malicious and risky tor LK to release the recordings at this point. You are now criticizing and mocking her for a display of good judgement.


That may be just how discovery is wrangled in New Jersey. In the lawsuit between MB and SGF over ownership equity, there are several motions to compel and accompanying complaints of no response to discovery subpoenas.

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If her claim that he already had it all is correct, then it makes perfect sense.

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The plaintiff filed a motion to quash a subpoena for transcripts.

Barisone has had the recordings for years.

She would only dare him to release them — the recordings — if she knew he won’t.

LK doesn’t have to release the recordings (even though she was the one that wouldn’t STFU about the recordings), and neither does MB.

And or course she’d only dare someone to do something she knows they won’t do. No brainer there!


I dare say, it doesn’t seem like team Barisone has been too terribly shy about correcting the record and calling out lies. They’ve done plenty of that through various filings and the GFM. Plus both Silver and Deininger point blank said they didn’t have all of the recordings.

It just might take some time

In the mean time, only a few here lack the ability to accept that there is most likely a lot of evidence behind their statements, as has been repeatedly proven.


SMH. This woman would not know good judgement if it bit her in the ass.


People are trying to goad her into releasing the recordings. She has declined to do so.

On this particular issue, that’s an exercise in good judgement.

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Yes, it’s usually good judgement not to out your lies. It usually gives grounds for libel/slander. Something LK hasn’t done very well.


Not a medical professional, but in my experience with some troubled family members, chronic drug use that begins at a young age can sometimes stunt the drug user and make them perpetually stuck in that level of maturity (or immaturity). Again, not a medical professional and not diagnosing LK.


It is good judgement tor LK not to release the recordings for several reasons.

  1. Since the criminal and civil cases are over, there is no legitimate reason to release them.

  2. Releasing them would be malicious.

  3. Given that their legality of illegality has never been determined, releasing them could give MB or others a fresh basis to sue her.

It is likewise good judgement for MB not to release them, either.

You never cease to amaze me, and not in a positive way. Your position of spin doctor for the Kanareks is truly profound. Seriously. It’s so entertaining watching you twist yourself into awkward positions to project the unnecessary defense
but yet you do. Kudos to you for your exercises in attempting to impress someone, anyone.


I’m just posting my opinions, Eggbutt.

I’m not trying to impress anyone, least of all you!


There is a lot more to come before this long saga is over and, for all practical purposes, all of it will be out of the Kanarek’s control. They have made themselves obsolete with their rush to beg for dismissal rather than be deposed. Time will certainly tell. Obviously Lauren is trying to remain front and center for some imaginary reason. Pathetic.


Interesting spin on what would be, if he ever released the recording, an effort to clear his name, something Michael has always been about. The whole trial was about telling the world what was done to him, and the world saw. The same for the civil trials.

Time will tell

but there isn’t actually any legal downside to LK releasing them. If they are as legal and as bad as she says, then they provide their own defense.


Well, you certainly exceeded expectations as far as I am concerned. It is incredibly clear you post for a very small audience who won’t publicly give you the time of day. Yet, you seem to yearn to be relevant with your pseudo explanations of whatever. I still wonder why you continue to post here. You’ve made it quite clear you disagree with the majority and if your buddies stop making spectacles of themselves, you don’t have a dog in this fight. That said, the forums are open for anyone who wants to contribute.


Read back again. LK was not called a troll in that post.


If the civil trial was about telling the world what was done to him, why did he agree to dismiss his counter suit?

He voluntarily gave up the opportunity to defend against LKs suit and to pursue his counter suit.

You have it backwards — there is considerable downside to LK releasing the recordings, give their legality was never litigated if established in court. There is no upside, other than to embarrass MB and MHG.

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Yes, I disagree with the majority. So what?