New filing on ecourts re MB

I simply did not have the time to read through all of some the huge previous threads.

I know it has been said that LK is suing 48 Hours. Has anyone found a filing or is she just blowing smoke up our collective a**, again? I find it nearly impossible that any sort of suit she would file would have any chance in hell of getting anywhere. She sat for the interviews and signed the releases. You’d think IM would have explained to her that she would have no control over the final product and how the viewing public would form their own opinions - for better or worse.

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I would think it was more smoke and bluster like when she said she was suing USEF and USDF and I believe at least one judge and show manager.


Double post

Sorry I was thinking of this one.


The hearing is not happening tomorrow. It’s been rescheduled for May 27.

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From the Go Fund Me page:


I don’t think Judge Taylor will work on a Saturday.

Edit to add - Maybe the 27th is when Judge Taylor has a golf date with someone…


oh boy…LK pushes people to the brink and you think they should be embarrassed? LOL I would have kicked her ass to the curb quicker than they did and wouldn’t care if her daddy threatened to sue me.


I don’t know what’s on the recordings. Some of it might be embarrassing to Barisone and MHG.

If by “kicking her to the curb” you mean evicting LK, perhaps that’s what MB would have done if he had been sane.

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Any talk by LK about more lawsuits is TOTAL bluster.

She folded like a wet dishrag when it came down to it, rather than actually sitting for a deposition…

People should not lose sight of that.

From here on out, any and all bluster about lawsuits coming from Lollipop’s corner should be laughed at. Because it’s comical and absurd.


Thank you for clearing that up.

I can’t believe you had to make clear that most of us can distinguish between trolling and trawling. They are such different things. Like, not even close to the same meaning. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but here I am. :astonished:

The deflections are getting positively stupid at this point. :roll_eyes:


I know and I know I shouldn’t have responded. $20.00 for the GFM, after I have paid our tax bill for selling our herd of cattle.


I cannot find any record of any suit filed in any of the jurisdictions in which CBS or its well known subsidiaries has previously been sued.

It’s possible there is a suit against some small production company or contract production provider but I cannot find any records of a suit against “CBS” for this subject.


Her claims would be thin and the evidence against her. She might be having a hard time finding someone willing to take their time to bring it, especially if she’s trying to get them to do it on a promise of a payday instead of retainer.


I was just going to say the same thing. A sad existence indeed, trolling the internet looking for comments and replying to them, a year later. Who does that? Sadly, LK does that. She who must never be denied or doubted - about anything. The fact that she is jumping on comments made a year ago and is obviously completely unable to move on now for some damn reason… is pathetic and telling. Why waste time trawling through old YT comments if you have great horses to ride and a supposedly amazing life…

Hey, @hut-ho78 - kindly note that I used trolling in a general sense (meant to say trawling but whatever - did not catch that one) and yet said LK was trawling through the YT comment section… which she is doing. Dragging her seine nets and catching year old quotes that she finds annoying for whatever reason.

I find it amusing that you fixate on one post like that when LK is once again bragging about recordings and carrying on in the same way that she has for over 3 should be concerned about her need to focus backwards on picayune things instead of forwards towards a brighter future.


It was @Horse_Daft who used the word trolling responding to a post by @cutter99. @smoofox just agreed with @Horse_Daft then used the word trawling.

A woman has been arrested at an Australian airport for having a $2,00.00 unregistered golden gun in her hand luggage.

She could get 10 years jail.

RC got off pretty lightly. I am guessing hers were at least registered.


Actually, I am concerned about that. She has lovely horses and is able to ride. Why on earth she would worry about anything on a DH post or anything here is a mystery.

I’m looking forward to MB someday being deemed healed by all staff evaluating him and released and riding again. I’m curious as to how his exchange with the insurance companies will turn out. I wonder if his celebrity status will help and then the insurance companies can hold him up as an advertisement of how they were able to help him after his NGRI verdict. I also wonder if instead that since the criminal court proceedings met the burden of proof that the act happened will be the deciding factor in “wrongdoing.” Then, of course, I wonder how SafeSport will look at this situation when he is finally deemed no longer a threat to himself or others and reinstate him or if they will continue with a temporary suspension for some time. I haven’t heard of any other situations quite like this.

I was hoping if the civil trial happened that we would find out who put the ammo in the safe and where did it come from and who sent what information and was it accurate or made up to RC, MHG, and MB right before he snapped and what effect that information had on MB. I also wonder if that information was not accurate if MB would blame them too the way he does LE and the insurance companies and how he will handle that.

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Yep, didn’t she threaten to sue several posters on these threads too?


I believe that question was answered in the latest filing. MB and RC agreed to put her gun and ammo in the safe because of fears LK or RG would access it if left in her vehicle.