Australia doesn’t play around with people having unlicensed guns. Within days of a mass shooting several years (?) ago, the nation immediately revised their gun laws. The US should have paid attention to the Aussies!!!
Well, it should be easy to clear up. LK proudly announced she recorded the conversation and that it would be forensically transcribed. So, Barisone should be able to easily clear that up when he’s ready to. I mean, since he has “all the recordings” and all.
I mean, it’s not like RC was testifying under the threat of jail time if she didn’t tell the story the prosecution wanted or anything….
IDK, I’m not the one who made the accusation. I assume the person was implying it was simply a bogus way to play on sympathies to get cash. IMO, only someone who would consider scamming someone would make that sort of accusation. If I recall correctly the poster implied they were going to contact GFM for an investigation or audit. Imagine that!