New filing on ecourts re MB

Oh. Ok. Didn’t happen. Got it.

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So, here we go…no, I don’t intend to go back and reread any Kanarek posts to locate the exact post for you. Sorry. Perhaps those who take screen shots might have the post to share. But honestly, I don’t give a tinker’s damn whether you recall it or not since you have always tended to gloss over or defend/deflect the Kanarek BS. Thanks for once again showing all your true intentions.

Edit to share the screen shot of one of IM’s mention of the GFM. This was during his rants about the great settlement he was sharing.

The post mentioning contacting GFM seems to have disappeared. Imagine that.


OH How I wish people would have continued to IGNORE the drama mongers, instead of giving in and sniping at idiocy. It just isn’t worth it, folks. Please


Ok. So we know IM didn’t make that claim. He too seems to think the GFM is legit.


A few posts back, I made a comment about trolling. I would like to clarify what I meant by the word ‘trolling’.



[ trohl ]

See synonyms for: troll / trolled / trolling / troller on

verb (used with object)

to fish for or in with a moving line, either working the line up or down with a rod as in fishing for pike, or trailing the line behind a slow-moving boat: In September, boat anglers were starting to troll the river for salmon.

to move (the line or bait) continuously through the water while fishing, as from a moving boat: As his outboard chugged past the island, he trolled his line out fifty or sixty feet behind.

verb (used without object)

to fish by trolling: We spent the day trolling for muskies.

to browse through the internet, a collection, etc., in search of something: I trolled through my photos for hours to find the best shots of the two of us.


Internet troll:

An individual who posts false accusations or inflammatory remarks on social media to promote a cause or to harass someone. The anonymity of such venues enables people to say things they would not say in person, and they often like to ratchet up emotions to generate strong reactions.


That’s a fair description of our trolls and how they fish for attention here. Thank you, both @Horse_Daft and @McGurk!


Other countries take guns significantly more seriously than the US does. A first time offender transporting their own registered small handgun across state lines potentially not knowing it is illegal is a bit different than an unregistered weapon at an airport.


Why does the ammo in the safe matter? RC admits she gave Michael the gun to put in the safe with a full clip and a partial clip.


In case anyone was missing the ridiculousness that is NJ ecourts captcha. DD sent this to me today incl a little interoffice banter.


IM posted that during the discussion that MB paid zero money to LK in settlement. He’s pointing out that the fact that MB needed a GFM to help finance his legal costs, that indicates that he didn’t have assets that could have gone toward a settlement, explaining why LK would rationally dismiss her suit.

IM is saying the GFM is not a scam.

I saw no post about anyone contacting GFM.


Because they think it implies intent/planning/conspiracy if he had to go get ammo for the gun. The box had been open and some amount to ammo used. The state wanted to paint a picture that Michael had gone and bought the bullets and loaded the clips himself just before going down to the house.

So, since RC brought the ammo, and testified that the clips were as she gave him, that was clearly a dirty tactic by the state. Trials are supposed to be about fact finding and truth, so for the state to engage in such behavior to skew the facts/truth is reprehensible.



That’s crazy.

And it does look like a young person fleeing for their life.


Putting “LK” and rationally in the same sentence is…interesting.

I would say the interests were more selfish than rational, but aight. I also think there were some other factors aside from MB not having assets.

Also, do people suffer from memory loss on these threads? Confusion? Or just straight up make things up? Or just hear what they want to hear? It’s weird at times (from “both” sides), but I guess with the amount of riff raff floating around, it happens.


If someone reported concerns to GFM and they found it credible they can (and have) frozen campaigns while investigating them.


I’m guessing IM is implying that asking for money through the GFM means MB is running out of money.

IIRC, the GFM was set up because people were asking how to help.


You recall correctly. Straight from the GFM page.


I think all parties acted rationally in pursuing their self interest in agreeing to settle the suit (and counter suit).

It would have been irrational and against their own self interest for either MB or LK to refuse to dismiss their suits and insist on going to trial when the trial would have been expensive, stressful, bruising, and unlikely to generate awards that the parties could actually collect.


Agreed. Since LK was so desperate to get out that she failed to tie up loose ends, we’ll just have to wait for the tell all book/movie/documentary deal that Michael can collect millions from.


My point was that the considerations were symmetrical on both sides — each party would have had to endure an expensive, stressful, bruising trial without the prospect of actually collecting on an award.

Do you think MBs considerations were significantly different? Should he have refused to dismiss his case and insisted on going to trial just to “show the world the truth” (in his eyes) even though LK doesn’t have much in the way of assets even if he won an award?

You’re right that the fact that both sides settled and dismissed their suits, there’s information that won’t come to light.