New filing on ecourts re MB


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I think you are really wrong about that. Michael has always shown a lot of motivation to clear his name.


I do not disagree with that.

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ā€œClear his nameā€ in what sense?

Itā€™s known that he shot LK while delusional.


We all have our own agendas and reasons to participate in these threads. No one needs to agree or constantly argue with others who donā€™t suck up to lies, innuendo, half-truths, BS, etc. Some behavior simply can not be defended, yet some continue to try.


This is the song that never ends. :wink:


Speak for yourself, Eggbutt.

I donā€™t have an agenda. Iā€™m just posting my opinions.

I agree with you that thereā€™s a fair amount of ā€œlies, innuendo, half-truths, BS, etcā€ posted.


I am glad that you are admitting that it is your opinion and not a fact.



Do you expect Michael, and the others, to just sit idly by and allow Lauren and her family to continue to taunt, threaten, defame, accuse them all of plotting to kill her all over the internet, and it was all MHGā€™s fault?

Do you really expect them to sit quiet about that if they have evidence to the contrary?


Of course she does! Anything Lauren and her family says or does is A-okay to this anonymous poster.



Some assembly required.



This is from the most recent update to the go fund me. Could somebody please refresh my memory regarding the latest change in the date for the next Krol hearing? I was still thinking it was this week.


Thanks for the response. I donā€™t understand the whole GFM/scam topic. It was just to help him. His legal bills for the equity lawsuit, the criminal trial, defense against the hospital, the failed suit against LE must be astronomical (though I suspect the purpose of that one was to get unproved allegations out in the public and never have to back them up because the suit was fatally flawed in its essence). Both parties said they agreed to dismiss the suit against each other with prejudice because they had not money. MB has his property in Florida but with the homestead law and mortgage(s) it may not be an asset that is available for seizure except for failure to pay taxes.

I just want to see them both past this and still riding.

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The May 26, 2023 is the latest and next date. The information in the GFM update is all that is available to the public as far as I know.


Thanks. I thought maybe there had been a reason mentioned for the latest delay and I had missed it.

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There have been several comments over the past many, many months on other SM sites by particular poster(s) that have been typically snarky with innuendo. I suspect the person making the comments just canā€™t comprehend or has never experienced how people will come together to support someone they believe has been wronged. Itā€™s an experience they will never have IMO. Michael Barisone would not have lost millions of dollars over almost four years if one nasty piece of work had simply left rather than Finish the Bastard.


If that truly was her intent and not just another fantastical literary tag that only she understands, she was getting a lot of help from people sending him alarming information, scaring him even more, and then on here telling him to spend his last penny to ruin her. Whose agenda was that?

Tarshis and MHG were telling him to evict her. Too bad he listened to others. Lucky for them, now we will never know.

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I think LK and her family are relieved the criminal trial snd the civil suits are over. I think they agreed to the dismissal in order to be able to put the whole thing in the past.

I have not noticed them continuing to ā€œtaunt, threaten, defame, and accuse them all of plotting to kill her all over the internetā€, or claim ā€œit was all MHGs fault.ā€

Youā€™re the one posting screenshots of LKs posts on DH. Why? Because you want to taunt her for not releasing the recordings?

What a senseless thing to criticize her for. Not releasing the recordings is the sensible and rational thing to do.

Looking forward, not back, the issues in this saga have to do with Barisoneā€™s Krol hearings and eventual release, his status with SS and his suit against the insurance company. From here on out, LK pays no role.

Youā€™re the one who insists on trying to keep her in the discussion.

It was conclusively determined in the criminal trial that MB shot LK and nearly killed her while delusional. MB has no evidence ā€œto the contrary.ā€ I see no benefit to MBs mental health or Krol status from his ā€œsupportersā€ continuing to foster the delusion that LK is responsible for ā€œdriving him insaneā€ and thus responsible for her own shooting.

MB had the option to go to trial and attempt to establish that preposterous position and decided not to. He has dropped that narrative. Why canā€™t you?