New filing on ecourts re MB

Second request.

Please stop speaking on my behalf.

It is not true that “anything Lauren and her family says or does is A-okay” to me.


I will word it differently.

In my opinion, your posts very consistently make it seem like you feel that anything Lauren Kanarek and her family says or does is A-Okay.


Sorry, but my opinion and perception stands pat. You’ve proven it to me time and time again with your uber supportive posts.


The subject of my post was the digs at the GFM. Period. It had nothing whatsoever to MHG, TS, or anyone else. Read it again. It was YOU with questions about remarks made implying the GFM was a scam.


And just like that, you prove my point yet again. Sad really.


Sdel responded to a post of mine, tagging me, and addressing two questions to me.

You chimed in answering those questions on my behalf.

Please don’t.

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LOL. I had the nerve to answer the questions Sdel addressed to me, despite your already answering on my behalf.

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Yes, that was you claiming that someone said the GFM was a scam. I don’t remember any. AFAIK the GFM for MB is because people wanted and want to actually help him.


So, how do you explain her continuing to threaten witnesses from the criminal trial, Barisone, and others with lawsuits in connection to this case?

Since she’s done that in the last few days (which is after the civil trial closing), do you not think that your thinking on the matter is fundamentally wrong or uninformed?


I don’t want or need LK to release the tapes. Her refusal to do so tells me all I need to know about what she claims is on them. I’m not the one who has made numerous claims that they’ll be released no matter what.

But I will say, that as long as LK continues to make her statements, without providing the recorded evidence, she is committing libel/slander and is opening herself up to a different type of suit.


It’s really odd that you and a couple of others refuse to accept the direct statements made by multiple defense witnesses, Michael’s’ psychologists in the criminal trial, his lawyers in the civil trial, and their combined interviews on 48 hours, that it was Lauren’s behavior/harassment that drove him over the edge into delusion.

You want to know why no one believes you aren’t some close personal friend or a sister/family or whoever……no lay person would be so wedded to the idea that Micheal never claimed or that it wasn’t proven that had occurred. Everyone recognizes, even the state psych witness, that her behavior was extreme and would negatively affect anyone who was her target.

Your continued denial smacks of the “I was never asked to leave” refrain.


She claimed she could reopen the civil suit against Barisone if she wanted to. I think it would be very difficult, given it was dismissed with prejudice. But I don’t consider that a threat.

I also don’t follow what she’s posting, so I’m only aware of what you shove in front of my face by reposting it here.

You (g) criticize her for not just getting back to riding, then she posts a video of her riding passage, and you (g) have a field day saying what a horrible passage it was. Why is the quality of her passage of any interest to you? Why taunt her for not releasing recordings? If she did release any snippets, you’d criticize her for that, too, right?

Her role in the Barisone saga is over. I certainly hope, for his sake, that Barisone is moving on.

“so I’m only aware of what you shove in front of my face by reposting it here”

So who is responsible for making you read, login, reply to this site. huunmmmm?

That is solely on you CH.

Stop with your twist, twist, twist tonight. It’s and old song that you have been singing for way too long and frankly it’s beyond boring now.

Walk away, right down the center line, don’t stop at X, Don’t halt, halt, just bow out.

I am just a horse of course.


When you claim to be the best rider in an Olympic level barn people tend to want to see the claims backed up. Her videos show the level of her delusion.


To the extent that I read and post here, it’s purely my voluntary decision. Obvs.

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So does anyone have a screenshot of her saying she was the best rider at the barn apart from Barisone?

I haven’t seen such a statement.

If she did say that, I agree it’s not believable. At all.

But everyone here had as already ridiculed that claim (if indeed she actually said it). You hardly needed to see her passage to make up your mind about that statement.

Hmmm, an interesting level of anger there. Another reason why no one believes you are a random nobody, the very weird reaction you have to others posting public comments from elsewhere that relate to this case. If Lauren didn’t want it to be seen she would have kept it private, and she clearly doesn’t care what other people think about her comments.


Do your own homework on it.
It was posted on one of the Barisone threads.

Go fetch.



It’s been posted before. You ignored it.