New filing on ecourts re MB

Good grief. I am a random nobody.

The mods banned both GirlJoey and LK from this site, for legitimate reasons, and then you have to import their SM exchanges from another site.

More importantly, nothing LK says “relates to” the ongoing issues in this saga: MBs Krol hearing, whether he is receiving due process, his suit against the insurance company, and the SS case.

I’m not angry. I had hoped that these threads could move on to the remaining issues, none of which involve the Kanareks, and I’m
disappointed that you and others continue to insist on making it about LK.


I believe you that you are a random nobody.


I was a lurker and only paying attention sporadically until a year and a half ago, so I may well have missed it if it was posted before that.

I’m skeptical she actually said it.

:joy::joy: I am going to choke on my hay.



Well that’s on you then.

Do the homework or don’t.



Hmm, Sdel has already spoken on your behalf and declared that “no one” believes I’m a “random nobody”.

It seems you are contradicting her.

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So, lurker enough to complain about the postings from other site. Got it. Hint, hint: you weren’t “lurking” when I posted it.


If you feel that way I can not do much for you…

I can only speak for myself and you know I have said that very same thing to you several times.


That’s very true but she still puts it out there to be viewed, so people are going to view it and when it doesn’t correlate to her statement then it’s just another level of crazy to discuss. But you know this. This is a horse discussion board first and foremost.


@CurrentlyHorseless, I will save you having to look for this. You are very welcome. It was posted in a thread that you very much participated in (June May of last year) so I find it disingenuous that you claim to have never seen it before. Maybe you chose to forget about it.


Edit to fix month.


Ah now why did you have to share the homework.

Next they will want to see your notes and all the highlighted areas.



Does anyone know which level that the next hearing hopes to move MB to? I hope he can progress quickly and maybe be released by end of summer.

Re: #1, if those recordings “say even half of what the Kanareks have alleged”, then why weren’t they a) used at trial, and b) enthusiastically delivered as part of discovery in the civil suit? Oh, right, that would be logical.

Re: #2; This is a lot to unpack. Apparently she has a LOT to prove given her recent rantings on YouTube. That said, it would ALWAYS have been risky for her to release the recordings. You keep trying to paint them as legally obtained, when all evidence says otherwise. They cannot be both legally obtained and risky to post, unless they don’t say what she says they do. As for “malicious”, if they contain what she claims they contain, then how would posting them be malicious? Even if she didn’t stand to “benefit” from posting them either financially (civil suit) or materially (criminal conviction)?

You are contradicting yourself with your logic here. The only way that posting them would be malicious would be if they were misconstrued, unless I am missing something.


She was saying it would be malicious for Barisone to release them. Which also makes no sense.

If they say what she says they say, he’d only look bad. And if they don’t say what she says they do, well it’s something to claim that anyone correcting the record on lies being spread around about them is being malicious.


I read that differently. CH said “ It would be both malicious and risky tor LK to release the recordings at this point.” That sounds like CH is talking about LK releasing recordings. Either way, it doesn’t make sense.


Your right. I misread. Anyway, how is it any less malicious for LK to just continue to go around and continue to claim there was a murder plot, insurance fraud, etc all over social media……all based on “the recordings”….



Only image I could find quickly. Please stop replying to garbage.


Beat me to it by this/much!


Mea culpa!!! Just too ridiculous, and I couldn’t help myself.


Since Bilinkas thanked Judge Taylor after the last Krol for allowing MB to move up the levels upon the facility’s decisions, I’ve been wondering if the additional delays now are to finalize arrangements for released care and transfer to Florida for follow-up.