New filing on ecourts re MB

You are so right. I had naively assumed that since Lauren cowardly asked to dismiss her suit rather than be deposed and have a very bright light shown on all that she and her family fights to keep hidden, that some posters would stop their asinine BS. So when my ignore dates came and went, I didn’t reset them. Lesson learned and I have reinstated the ignore status. :slight_smile:


Thank you for posting that.

If I saw this a year ago, I didn’t remember it.

I can see how you would interpret her statement that “no one was riding at a higher level” than she, except for Barisone, as saying she was the best rider.

However, she starts by saying that there will always be better and more accomplished riders, and switched the metric from “best rider” to “training with dedication and intensity”.

When she says that no one was riding at a “higher level”, one could interpret it as no one was riding at a “higher level” of intensity and dedication.

Was that true? Who knows? But claiming to pursue dressage with a high level of intensity and dedication is not the same thing as saying that you’re the most accomplished rider in the barn. Having started fairly recently as an adult, most people would know they’re not going to ever be as accomplished as those who competed successfully in the Young Rider program, as MHG did, and that one would need a high level of drive just to progress to PSG or GP.

I understand your interpretation. But I don’t think it exactly claims that she is the most accomplished rider in the barn. I think she’d chosen the metric on which she thinks she excels — drive and dedication.


No, I was saying it would be malicious for LK to release them. At this point there’s no legitimate reason to release them, and releasing them just to make Barisone and MHG look bad would be malicious.

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Please explain how it would be malicious of LK to post the recordings if they contain what she says they contain? Wouldn’t that be a PSA? How would it be solely to make them look bad if they are, in fact, demonstrating malicious behavior on the part of MB or MHG??? You aren’t making sense.


And please explain how it is less malicious to publicly continue to make the unsupported claims attribute to recordings……you know, continue the “plan” to destroy his reputation on SM.

  1. The recordings were not used at the criminal trial because a) it was not clear they were legally made and b) the prosecutor did not need them to prove actus reus. Regarding the civil suit, everyone already had the recordings. It was the transcripts that the plaintiff opposed turning over.

  2. I have always said that it’s not clear whether the recordings were obtained legally or illegally. Neither LK nor RG were charged criminally. The civil suit was settled before MBs counter suit regarding the recordings went to trial. Given it not clear that they were obtained legally, it is risky and unwise for LK to release them, as it could expose her to a fresh claim regarding them.

Yes, you are missing something. If there is nothing to be accomplished by releasing them other than embarrassing MB and MHG, releasing them would be malicious.

Which makes no sense….unless you consider that they were altered or it was proof of, as the the defense attorney’s repeatedly stated, there were recordings they didn’t have.

I mean, she could send them to Anne Klein after the criminal trial (according to another public post you probably chose to ignore). That wasn’t too hard or overly burdensome to do.


It is unkind and nasty (malicious) to publicly post material for the sole purpose of embarrassing someone and making them look bad.

You think she isn’t already trying to “embarrass” MHG and everyone else? Or that wasn’t the intent that started this whole thing?


Well, all we know is that the motion to compel on the subpoena for the transcripts was withdrawn before the judge ruled on it.

:joy: You’d argue with a stick.


No one at Barisone’s barn was riding at a higher level than I was. Not one person except Barisone himself.

How does this not claim that she is the most accomplished rider in the barn? :rofl:
(I am not a stick.)


You’re a twig!


I’m sorry, but in dressage, accomplishments mean riding levels and show scores.


Wait, What?
No, drive and dedication is when you go to ride/train when you have menstrual cramps up to your eyeballs or aching joints or a migraine, not when you are too busy playing chess on line or napping!


You mean like when LK took that video and then posted it online, ridiculing and making fun of someone in a store? Or the way LK demeans pretty much anyone who disagrees with her and does it in a very public way?


I would still have liked to know where, exactly, MB and MHG had their discussion about the murder plot “…let’s get RC to do it” that was recorded. Was it in front of RG while he pocket recorded them or in front of her locker?


Oh how I love it. CH being teared a new one. Please don’t stop.

Nasty people get e posed for who they are with their own words.


SHE has no drive. She has no core, according to her videos, so there is no dedication. It takes work to ride well, and She Doesn’t. If she was dedicated, her work would show. She displays riding in November and again I January which shows no changes, no improvement, and a horse even less capable after three months than it was in the fall prior. She rides incorrectly. Wha in the stupid world of your brain makes you use the words dedication?

Drive in the language of LK is defined as “how can we sue people for more money”. I defy you to give me a different example that shows drive.