New filing on ecourts re MB

Or like when LK posted repeatedly on social media that GirlJoey was having @n&l s*x (lordy, the things you have to type when you don’t want to get flagged) whilst her child drowned? That certainly seems QUITE “unkind or nasty (malicious)” and obviously was part of a plan to “embarrass them” or “make them look bad”.

I just can’t believe anyone could defend that kind of thing, but I guess there’s no bottom in some folks souls.



Little side note for those who may have missed it, Boyd and Silva Martin are helping to make the world a better place. :wink:



@trubandloki doesn’t always hand someone their arse, but when she does, she brings receipts.



Plus LK claims to be training up the horses herself.


I am confused how some people seem to forget that all the recordings were not handed over. That subpoena that Jonathan Kanarek ignored twice had proof behind it, that was asking for a video. His claim that it was too burdensome to produce and that he was not a party to the lawsuit so should not have to be burdened does not make that proof go away.

I assume the lack of handing over was on the part of the Kanarek family and not the prosecution, but heck, who knows. I can only guess.


Next, we want to see KK’s transcripts. :laughing:


Intensity, drive, dedication - another one of her delusions. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


How does one ride at the highest levels of intensity and dedication when they consistently blow off their lessons?


I have said this before, but my guess is that KK’s transcripts were altered to fit LK’s narrative and to minimize any malfeasance on her part. You know, a little addition here, a little deletion there, perhaps a made-up recounting of a conversation or act that never happened - all for the purpose of constructing a “story” about how MB was not only bullying his clients, he was also (even worse) misbehaving toward minors on the farm. And since those transcripts were what was sent to SS to back up her complaint against MB, she had to make sure they focused on what she knew would get MB in trouble with SS - i.e., alleged inappropriate behavior regarding minors, perhaps even allegations of “grooming” of said minors. Remember, she knew that SS didn’t much care about the fact that he might be “bullying” AA clients, but instead was concerned primarily with the issue of sexual abuse of minors in sport. Altering the transcripts to help build that narrative would be right up her alley of constructing a “reality” to fit with the movies in her head. :roll_eyes:

And that is why they fought tooth and nail to prevent turning over the evidence that supports KK’s transcripts - because they knew the documents had been embellished and were either not faithful to the actual recordings that did exist, or the transcripts contained contrived conversations for which they had no empirical evidence (no recording to support said contrived conversations).


But, when she bothers to go, and bothers to ride, she is very intense and dedicated while she is in the saddle…
(That is this forum’s theory on what confused looks like in an emoji, I am almost as confused by that as I am about the intense and dedicated thing.)

Here, this emoji works better.

I would say she is more intense and dedicated to whatever it is that causes all her spider bites and what she considers a game called Finish the Bastard.


I do try to give you the benefit of the doubt, but no one would genuinely read that and interpret it the way you say. You have to really be trying to twist it to make it mean what you want it to mean. Either you are being disingenuous and know exactly what she meant by it but are still trying to help her cover her @$$, or you genuinely do not interpret things correctly. Which is better for your character, but also means nothing you say can be truly contributory as your comprehension and interpretation of things are unreliable.

If you are being disingenuous, well, have fun. If you are sincere, I hope you can step back and recognize that you are demonstrating just as much bias as some others here are. Which is fine, but own it.


One could interpret it as riding whilst under the influence of illicit substances, but I don’t think that is any more accurate than “intensity and dedication”.


Did you see the statement in my post where I said I understood how people would interpret “no one rides at a higher level” as saying she is the best rider? I agree that’s an obvious interpretation.

I appreciate trubandloki posting the original post, as it provides more context. Did you see her explicit statement that there’s always someone who’s a better and more accomplished rider, but she was claiming superiority in terms of drive and dedication? Given that set up to saying that no one rides at “a higher level” another interpretation is that she’s claiming a high level of dedication, not accomplishment.

Again, I thank trubandloki for posting her statement in context so everyone can choose their own interpretation.

Am I biased? I’m open minded that she might have made a claim somewhat different from ‘I’m the best rider in the barn’. Obviously you’re free to interpret the statement as you wish. But so am I.

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I’ve got one! Finish the Bastard took considerable conspiring and drive!!


My general opinion is that open minded is not the correct terminology.


I don’t mean to speak for you, but yes, you are biased. You are frequently, but not always, blinded by your bias.

I can see how you could interpret the quote from LK that trubandloki posted the way that you did. I’m not sure if that was the true meaning, but I’m not sure anyone could convince you otherwise, so it’s a moot point. If you want to split hairs all day long, then knock yourself out, I could say the word “green” and we could interpret it at least 3 different ways.

There are times when you are not wrong, but get a bit Sheldon Cooper about it all :joy:


Yeah, “open minded” doesn’t attack every single post that interferes with your opinion or lack of facts.

The idolization continues and confounds so many of us. There must be a reason to be so dedicated to such a malicious family who would do anything and everything to destroy another human being with plans for a large financial gain. It’s all about getting much for nothing to these people, yet they more than likely disapprove of people on welfare, unemployment, any government assistance, etc.


Open minded which means, “I’m open minded in that I’m open to something meaning something else so that it fits my desired narrative.”


I’m not confounded, but I can’t say more on it :woman_shrugging:t3:

Although, depends on how much I care about getting banned that day, tbh :rofl:


Well, yeah, there’s that coupled with all the gratuitous flagging. I can’t believe the amount of time I take to edit words that one or two will twist into an offense!