New filing on ecourts re MB

Also, have you seen the settlements? How do you have any idea that they accepted liability for her injuries?


ei yi yi yi

I am a pretty shades of gray person, I am pretty good at interpretation and reading between the lines. There are certain things that are pretty black and white.

LK being all bragidousious about well, everything, to me she thought she was the bestest, bestest technical and mostest dedicated rider at MBā€™s, behind MB.

I am ā€œguessingā€ perhaps, JH and MHG may have been riding baby horsies. And baby horsies being baby horsies may only have been training or first level whereas LK was riding at what 3rd, PSG? So I can see her not taking all relevant information and formulating her self absorbed opinion of her greatness.

OH, I forgot, wasnā€™t MHG knocking on GPā€™s door with Dee Dee? hmmmmmmmm


Oh, I am sure this is like the proclamation about the police report contents. They are assuming things and stating them as facts instead of saying that they are once again making things up. It is hard for this poster to not pretend they know things while being a nobody.


Like how they also ā€œknowā€ MB wouldnā€™t dare to release the recordings.


You are once again WRONG!

He did not file a lawsuit against LK.

He did file a counter claim when LK sued him. Which is very different than filing a lawsuit.


How dare he not roll over and just give in to LK?

Again, someone is just mad LK didnā€™t get her way and that MB didnā€™t just play the role they wanted him to play in LKā€™s made up story line in her head.


And her response to those who donā€™t see her brilliance is a sign, to me, of misplaced ego that will prevent her from progressing.


It seems you have finally understood how things have worked in LKā€™s bubble for a very long time. Malicious is enjoyable to her - sadly, she has made that clear many times - and long before the shooting.

It is - it is also something LK has claimed to aspire toā€¦ and if those tapes contained the bombshells or evidence she has always brayed that they do (as did IM and KK), she would have had zero hesitation in publicly posting everything. She would have done it with glee.

Lather-rinse-repeatā€¦ we are now back to the tiresome and ridiculous ā€œpleasure of hateā€ nonsense.
Sorry, these threads are about ā€œthe Barisone caseā€ and all the characters involved.
It seems to me that LK is a main player here (unless I misinterpreted something?) ā€¦ and thus part of ā€œthe Barisone caseā€ - and continues to flog her whiny nonsense and hints of bombshells publicly on YT. Thus she is continuing the ā€œcaseā€ā€¦ with her usual tactics.

Your constant need to paint LK as a wide-eyed innocent ingenue who has never said or done anything naughty is almost as bizarre as the constant assertions you have made that IM/JK is always credible and a bastion of truth.

Or maybe it is just the pleasure of hate for youā€¦ see how that works and how accurate it is?


The Lundbergs sued him and he filed a cross complaint against them.

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So you are saying that you do not understand the difference between suing someone and filing a counter claim? Got it.

One is the person taking an action against someone. The other is a person responding to that action.


He never sued them. They sued him in the above captioned suit.

They all filed cross-claims in the Lauren Kanarek suit, which, as I tried to explain to you ad nauseum, was not him suing the Lundbergs or SGF and had everything to do with defending the lawsuit LAUREN KANAREK filed.

You can pretend he sued the Lundbergs all you want. But there is no evidence of that happening in NJ court. Sorry if that disrupts your movie.

Also, your bold statement that he sued them regarding ownership of SGF being a travesty is patently false since that lawsuit never happened.


All we know is that she has not posted them.

You have no basis for claiming to know that she would have posted them ā€œwith gleeā€ if they contained what she asserts.

There is no reason to post the recordings given that the court cases are over. Further, by posting them she could expose herself to fresh claims if it turns out thereā€™s were illegally made.

It would be dumb for her to release the recordings, whether they say what she claims, or not.

No. Defending against the first persons suit is responding to the action.

One can defend against a suit without filing your own suit against them.

The court docket has filings of MBs cross complaint against the Lundbergs. He is described as ā€œdefendant snd cross complaint plaintiffā€.

There was an equity lawsuit over the equity ownership of SGF. It was settled in early 2022.

If Lauren Kanarek had never filed a lawsuit do you think any of the counter claims would exist?


This has been explained to you so many times. So very many times.

The movie in your head has fallen off the sprockets again. I can hear the familiar clicking noise.


Where is there a lawsuit where MICHAEL BARISONE sued The Lundbergs as you asserted here:

Can you give me a link? A filing? Anything that proves what you claim?


So youā€™re saying then that MB shouldnā€™t defend himself lest he be called out by YOU?

Thatā€™s hilarious!!


Yep. Who sued whom?

Iā€™ll give you a hint. Michael Barisone was THE DEFENDANT.


Which is why I expect Barisone will, eventually. Because she obviously isnā€™t going to stop making claims until he does.