New filing on ecourts re MB

Oh how nobly you try to justify bullying on SM. At least LK can sit in court and admit her bad behavior. You and @eggbutt and others sound like witch burners on a holy mission.

It’s social media bullying. @SoCoPony brought up how many people commit suicide from online bullying so at least she knows hat she is doing. My goal originally was to get everyone to be kinder but I just sank down in dirt with the rest of you on a snarkfest.

MB needs support not delusion encouragement. He had the good reputation, the accomplishments, and the law on his side. He had all the power. Yes he was tripped a bit by his own decisions to not pull required permits but that is temporary. A formal eviction is a temporary situation. LK was a relatively unknown client complaining about a generous and talented successful man. She could not hurt his reputation. He was the one with all the power, he just needed a bit of patience and to have listened to Tarshis and MHG.

LK went too far and has been called out for he behavior. The problem with the SM bullying is it also goes too far and loses its impact by its meanness.

These threads can be interesting on the law and court process but when they go on and on and on about one person, LK, they might as well be DH.


Your facts are once again so … well… the same as you usually do.


My facts are stellar as usual so once again you resort to yet another weak personal sneer instead of a calm disagreement.


AND it kept the threads open instead of playing the game of back and forth insults and getting thread after thread closed.

It’s been how many years and it’s the same thing over and over. And I’m sure some of those who just love to respond to those two are now going to tell me to scroll on by but for the love of God, be the adult and just ignore the same crap.


They need to go have the back and forth with posters on YT. A whole new audience to engage with and just leave this thread for those who don’t want to have the same conversations over and over and over never getting anywhere.








Simply because the Kanarek family tucked tail and skedaddled away doesn’t mean LK isn’t still stirring the pot, as shown with the latest screen shots of her malarkey. As long as she posts her fantasies, there will always be those who will push back with the truth. I realize that is hard to comprehend for some. She will always be outed for what she is until she learns to move on.

No Barisone insider speaks or posts publicly other than Lara with the GFM updates. ALL the rest, from AB to ST, never discuss any Kanarek with anyone. That will be left for Michael Barisone when he is finally free if he chooses to go public with his truth.


No, VHM.

It was the New Jersey Jewish mafia that you brought into the discussion.


I guess, too bad I am a Gelding.



You’re someone who communicates with the Barisone insiders, and who had interactions with LK and MHG in real life.

You post publicly about LK all the time. Why?

When MB is finally free, I hope for his sake as well LKs that he chooses not to continue a SM war nurtured by his purported supporters.


You would look amazing in that top hat though.




Let me fix this for you.

He was tripped up by the incessant demand for attention by the resident narcissist, by her utter disdain for how he runs his business, by her wanton disregard for barn rules, by her lack of respect and decency toward him and his staff and other clients, by her nutjob antics at the farm such as sneaking around the property at night dressed in black like a Ninja and sneaking into the barn after hours, and mostly by the vicious lies, taunts, and threats posted on social media that not only sullied his reputation but also put him and his loved ones and his other clients in fear for their own well-being and the well-being of their horses. And all perpetuated by the twisted mind of a sadistic egomaniac who believes the world revolves around her and has somehow managed to get two grown men to do her bidding (not to mention her other sycophants on this forum and other SM platforms).

Sheesh. And now I need to make this month’s contribution to the GFM. :grin:


That only makes sense if:

a) Michael said fox it, I’m not waiting for the eviction that was noticed two days ago, got in his truck and went there with the specific intent to kill LK and RG, even though he thought they were not there, which even the jury didn’t believe that point

b) people are somehow sending Michael messages to “support his delusions” (like that’s a thing) through COTH and

c) every time you mention anything Lauren and her family have done, very publicly in most cases, you are bullying her for discussing her actions.

MS - May - $10


A year later, I don’t recall if that came up at the trial.

Was there any mention of the idea that MB might have thought the house was empty due to the fire marshal’s actions the previous day?

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The fire Marshall guy testified that he did not notify MB that they were allowed back in. He was going to do it later.


Thanks. I remember that part.

I don’t remember if it came up when they discussed MB’s actions when he went to the house.

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This meme came up on my facebook memories yesterday. Sometimes it is very appropriate!