Oh how nobly you try to justify bullying on SM. At least LK can sit in court and admit her bad behavior. You and @eggbutt and others sound like witch burners on a holy mission.
It’s social media bullying. @SoCoPony brought up how many people commit suicide from online bullying so at least she knows hat she is doing. My goal originally was to get everyone to be kinder but I just sank down in dirt with the rest of you on a snarkfest.
MB needs support not delusion encouragement. He had the good reputation, the accomplishments, and the law on his side. He had all the power. Yes he was tripped a bit by his own decisions to not pull required permits but that is temporary. A formal eviction is a temporary situation. LK was a relatively unknown client complaining about a generous and talented successful man. She could not hurt his reputation. He was the one with all the power, he just needed a bit of patience and to have listened to Tarshis and MHG.
LK went too far and has been called out for he behavior. The problem with the SM bullying is it also goes too far and loses its impact by its meanness.
These threads can be interesting on the law and court process but when they go on and on and on about one person, LK, they might as well be DH.