New filing on ecourts re MB

Ahhh, the aroma of Nacho Doretos as the bag is pulled open!


Oooh the ironyā€¦

But LK can continue her little SM war nurtured by purported supporters and that is peachy keenā€¦ yet more irony.

In all seriousness - do you not understand that your incessant, ongoing insults and posting in that way are actually doing what you claim to dislike??
Do as I say and not as I do seems to be the modus operandiā€¦ again. And again.

And no I am not telling anyone how to post - or not to post. That was YDā€™s crusade. I am simply pointing out some hypocrisy hereā€¦


Letā€™s replace ā€œstellarā€ with ā€œcreativeā€.


Perhaps they post here because LK cannotā€¦and if they wander over to YouTube where she does actively post, they end up on her radar?


I donā€™t recall MB choosing a SM war at any time. Thatā€™s all the doing of LK, CH. Maybe you should reach out to her with your wishes. Maybe she will threaten to sue you but hey, we all know she canā€™t appear in court so thereā€™s that.


The testimony from the marshall guy is as ekat stated. And to expound further, he never did notify MB evicted tenants fixing the smoke detector. Pictures and/or video was sent to the Fire Marshall by the evicted tenants of the fix. He said he was not going to go back out that late at night to inspect the fixing, and that he would notify MB later, he may have said in the morning. But he never took the time to notify MB at all.

Pure speculation on my part, MB very well could have thought the house was empty of occupants.


Plus why in the world would a fire marshal or building inspector take the word of a tenant? Or the owner without proof the work was done on the actual residence (not a photo swiped or photos hopped ā€œrepairā€)? Their job is to do the inspection themselves or at least have a bill from a licensed contractor.


I swear Iā€™ve never heard of Michael Barisone posting anything on social media - EVER. I could be wrong though. Why would he start now? I believe his FB page may have been maintained by someone else but he may have liked a few things. For sure his website was handled by someone else. Heā€™s always been a quiet professional publicly although a bit jovial and gregarious when happy and among friends and supporters.

Why on earth would he begin posting on SM when he gets home??? There are so any other very productive ways for him to personally get his story out. I feel almost certain he doesnā€™t need to publicly ā€œbashā€ anyone. Those people have already proven enough all by themselves for Barisone to stoop to their level.

But alas, these other posters know so much more and maybe are using tea leaves, tarot cards, and clairvoyants to predict what Barisone and those close to him will do in the future.


Sure he did. Prior to shooting LK, he (or MHG) actively sought out people like GirlJoey and HaileyBot and anyone else who had a SM spat with LK to add to his USEF complaint against LK, to try to get her banned for life from USEF.

Instead of dredging up SM on and by LK, he should have asked her to leave and evicted her if necessary. It was a one of many indicators he had lost his sanity.

LK testified as a witness in the criminal trial. MB chose not to testify. Even accepting the amnesia, there is plenty he could have testified on, but he chose not to.

If he chose not to testify at the civil trial, the jury could hold it against him.


Remember some months ago there was speculation and discussion the Kanareks may have presented themselves to local authorities as the owners and Barisone was the tenant? I have no clue where that idea came from.


Its not their house, its not their responsibility.


My response in bold at firstā€¦ as the carousel spins in its usual endless cycleā€¦

Just because you were completely unaware of the venomous way LK carried on on SM before the shooting - does not mean it never happened.

I wish I could reassemble LKā€™s FB postings that said she was asked to leave and yet she declined every offer to help move her horses as she had no intention of leaving and sneered that she had BOMBSHELLS and was so very smartā€¦ or words to that effect if not the exact terminology.


I want to see Proof of any negative SM that MB, MHG , etc posted about LK.
I wait for that. Let me guess, oh you saw it just like that mysterious police report you were crowing about in another thread.

Oh, btw, still waiting on that explanation of a former post of yours CH regarding SM and bulling.
I must say that was pretty low even for you CH.

Who had - CH wonā€™t say anything? I have a Top Hat for you.



And opened himself up to be questioned about anything. It would have been PURE STUPIDITY for him to have testified in the Criminal Trail when he could not remember the time just before and the time of the shooting. His attorneyā€™s were correct in not allowing him to testify.

Dang how I wish he could remember, because I for one do not believe it happened the way LK and RG said it did.

I still owe for the last time and now I owe for this on too. I am keeping a tick sheet.


I believe thatā€™s called due diligence.


And here the old canard that she was never asked to leave is trotted out. Man, this is tiresome. Please stop responding, folks.


So, let me see if I understand your train of thought -

Speaking offline to several people who hadā€¦less than pleasantā€¦ interactions with LK while trying to suss out whether she was a legitimate threat to his business and family is the same thing as LK posting on SM very thinly veiled threats? No one has ever shown a single public SM post or screen shot of MB seeking out information via public SM about LK. Has it been established that MB sought out either HaleyBot or GirlJoey? Or did they reach out to him when LK went off the rails? Or did someone in his inner circle get contacted by a third party about these and other people LK has gone after before? If sheā€™d done to me what sheā€™s done to them, Iā€™d have reached out to his lawyers.

As an example - I reached out to the prosecutor regarding a case where a contractor that stole from me had gotten arrested for several other theft by conversion charges. I wanted his lying, thieving ass in jail for as long as possible and the more of us that came forward the stronger the case. They did not know about me prior to my reaching out - but they used my testimony and proof.

Sure MB filed a SS report of his own - LK was the one who methodically weaponized SS originally, and I think LKā€™s managed to demonstrate all on her own that she is a bully to many, many people.

But wait - I thought you wanted LK left entirely off this thread? You only wanted to discuss MBā€™s ongoing legal cases and poor little LK left alone? Why do you keep bringing her up then?


Since when are private phone calls now considered ā€œsocial mediaā€ with an assumption the phone calls were to bash sweet princess?

By the way, I didnā€™t receive a phone call and wasnā€™t asked any questions until well after August 2019. Phooey.

But hereā€™s the thing, if all of us who had had previous threatening, dangerous experiences with Lauren Kanarek had actually posted the experiences on SM, chances are good Michael may have declined her begging requests to train with him. And here we are full circle as to why I ever began posting in September 2019.


Thatā€™s not a SM war. Your spin doctoring is showing. Thatā€™s someone whoā€™s looking for help and answers on how to deal with the insanity that is LK. Once he found out more he reported her to SS. Donā€™t blame him there (even tho itā€™s not a SS issue). He seemed pretty desperate to have someone/anyone help him. He was under attack. Letā€™s not forget that.

None of this would have happened if she just left.


Alternative facts.