New filing on ecourts re MB

CH isn’t dumb. She knows Michael never attacked Lauren on social media. Lauren is the one who attacked Michael on social media. Michael didn’t even know what Lauren was saying on SM until someone showed him.

CH knows this. She just repeats what she’s been told. At least I hope that’s what she’s doing, othwise she’s outright lying, and I don’t think CH would lie.


I spy with my good eye a Pot Stirrer who pops in to spew garbage and then disappears once they lead the conversation to what they want.

But I am just a horse of course.




Just because….


Power in a relationship as relates to bullying is not as simple as who is more famous, more accomplished, or even physically larger.

Someone with nothing to lose like LK has enormous power over people with something lose, like MB or even posters on this board and other places. LK literally has nothing anyone can threaten: no job, no family business, not even her parents have jobs, no reputation - hell she, her boyfriend, and her parents all have extensive rap sheets.

MB on the other hand was very vulnerable in comparison. He had his business, his professional reputation, his property, and MHG and the kids - all of which could and were threatened and actually attacked.

The willingness to descend into the gutter and do things most normally functioning people would never do is a super power. A sad and sick one, but one nonetheless.

Most of us are unwilling to the point of being unable to respond in kind. SM flame posts filled with unsubstantiated accusations, mentioning a BO’s race in a scathing review of their business, alluding to fire arms and mental instability over which one has no control, manifestos with truly bizarre fantasy world creation, calling building authorities, bugging/wiretapping/illegally recording, turning up and screaming at night, sneaking around in the dark, posting private conversations in public SM accounts, having daddio call and threaten, contacting SS with allusions to child endangerment - the list goes on.

Most functioning decent adult humans cannot even conceive of acting this way. Even if they could, they would be aware that their target could respond in kind and do the same back to them, threatening the things that make them vulnerable. But mutually assured destruction only keeps insane behaviour in check when both/all parties have something to lose, something that makes them vulnerable.

When you have nothing and, thus, nothing to lose, you absolutely hold the power in a relationship in the context of what happened at Barisone’s farm. He was 100% the more vulnerable party here.

It’s the same reason LK’s threats here drove some posters to stop responding altogether and, in at least 2 cases, leave the forum. Look what happened just to @BigMama1.* Sure, LK can’t turn up in court and her legal threats have been defanged now, but she can still harass and stalk and make someone miserable by finding their identity and contacting their employer or coach or whatever.

And that, sadly, is what power in a bullying situation like this one looks like.

*not saying it was LK, directly or indirectly, who did that to BigMama1, but what was done to her is an example of what people with no scruples will do. Luckily BigMama1’s employee and coach were intelligent and reasonable and responded to the attacks like the garbage they were, but not everyone’s employer is necessarily so chill about attracting that kind of unhinged attention.


I wish I could like this :point_up_2: post a million times.


I second this thought. That is one amazing post.


Me too! Excellent post @FitzE.


Quoting this post because it is simply spot on and amazing!


You are so very right. And I’m glad I aired offending messages. The light of day IS the best disinfectant.


Hope this doesn’t get me spanked, but my takeaway on the last few days…


Another post that cannot be liked enough!!!


Merci! I call it “The Canard and the Sea Lion”. I think we can all read between the lines.


Wow. It’s an arrogant and hateful statement to pronounce that another human being has “nothing to lose”. LK had her life, her health, and her life goals in dressage and elsewhere to lose.

She almost lost her life. MB didn’t “intend” to attempt to murder her given the delusions. Perhaps by the same reasoning you can say he cannot be blamed for attempting to destroy her dressage dreams by getting her a lifetime ban by USEF.

Yes, MB had a lot to lose - his reputation, his business. But his reputation, business contacts, support network, and lawyer friend were all resources that would have enabled him to handle the situation legally and professionally.

He didn’t. Even before driving over and shooting her, his approach was to bully, threaten her with the USDF ban, harass her with calls to 911, and whip her existing SM enemies into a frenzy.

His reputation, connections, friends and lawyers should have enabled him to handle the situation.

He was vulnerable because he was mentally unstable, not because he had a lot to lose.


You know, there have been quite a few reports to SS regarding Lauren Kanarek’s behavior over the years. Just think if SS had acted on that file they had on this woman. Somehow this woman has never been held accountable for her behavior.


Perfect. Truly perfect.


How dare you? Wow. How dare YOU. You are the epitome of arrogance, with your constant posting here and demanding others adhere to your idea of social norms. And you have the audacity to call another poster arrogant and hateful? Your meltdown the last few days has been interesting to watch… but I wonder why you are so incredibly invested. It doesn’t seem healthy.


And who made him unstable? One guess…here I will help you. LK, you know your shining star.

How about fussing up about your post regarding SM. Humm? Or are you too busy scheduling a speaking tour to spew your sad reality to all the parents of children they lost to bulling on SM.

Come on now CH you got some explaining to do. We are waiting for your twisty spin on the words you wrote. Give us another laugh.

I am just a horse of course.




I see another trend with CH, The blatant cruel take on mental health issues.

That’s sick, heartless and ugly.

Yeah I am calling this one out.
