New filing on ecourts re MB

Technically, I said that the statement that another human being had “nothing to lose” was arrogant and hateful.

I used no adjectives to describe the poster.

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You disagree that MB was vulnerable because he was mentally unstable, and became delusional? That’s been established in a court of law.

I do not have a “blatant cruel take on mental health issues”.

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Technically, you act like a jerk on these threads and hide behind some kind of deranged virtue
signaling. It is odd.


I disagree with you. I think you do have a problem with humans and mental health issues. So there’s that.

How about that your post on SM? You seem to ignore that call out.



[quote=“CurrentlyHorseless, post:3884, topic:783563”]
Technically, I said that statement that another human being had “nothing to lose” was arrogant and hateful.

Oh boy. You technically said what? You are embarrassing yourself. Maybe stop?


It is interesting.

There’s a lot of noise about SafeSport and USEF rolled into that. It makes me wonder if team Kanarek is refocusing on those issues again now for some reason…


Lauren Shay Kanarek referenced Michael Barisone’s legally prescribed medication(s) prior to the day she was shot. She KNEW he had struggled with depression and she WEAPONIZED that intimate knowledge to deliberately make him paranoid and drive him insane.

That is cold and callous.

Rather than do any and all of that, the nasty piece of work should have packed up her cur, her dogs, her horses and left for another barn. Forced him to come after her for the money she owed (or just write it and her off).

No one was supposed to be occupying that house the day MB drove down there. If no one had been there, no one would have been shot. Or shot at (my bet is he shot at Rosie when she was biting his groin and Lauren got in the way - not that I’ll ever know).

If you don’t like where you are - LEAVE. It’s not as though people didn’t offer to take her in and move her horses.

MS - May total $20


Well, the squawking has become a predictable metric of “something”……


And she did so here as well after the shooting……made a defamatory statement about them being for “antisocial behavior”…… and then deleted it when she was called out for it.



Your claim that I called another poster “arrogant and hateful” is untrue. It’s a lie.

I said a specific statement she made was “arrogant and hateful”.

I discussed the statements in the post and made no characterization of the poster. I posted no cutesy cartoons with sea animals.


The same applies to discussion boards.


Tongue in cheek.

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She deleted many claims, threats, lies and what not… or edited them long after the fact when a thread had moved on or been closed. Once threads were closed and archived, the posts could no longer be edited so late - or so I understood.

And thus others started quoting every post as then it could not simply disappear in a wave of feigned innocence.

CH - I wonder what you would have thought of the onslaught LK revelled in here - so there would have been no need to visit other SM spots to get a feel for her tactics and insistence that she was So Very Much Smarter than anyone else. What remains to be found in old threads is but the tip of the iceberg - some threads disappeared completely.

Would you have posted behind her agreeing with every bit of entitled nonsense? Would you have approved of the sneering and YELLING and the thinly veiled threats? Would you have had to acknowledge the FACT that posters here advised LK not to post, not to insist she had amazing life-altering bombshells that her Very Clever self had recorded, not to further mess up her case…just to recover and ride and enjoy her horses?? Because we did - over and over again. So much for your cherished “pleasure of hate” theory.

May you never have to deal with a person like LK - as we did here on this farm. Until you have (not that I would wish that on anyone), you can sit there on your imperious high horse(less) and scold and sneer all you like - but you are completely clueless about how devastating a situation like that can be. You have NO idea… and frankly, your almost desperate need to excuse a lot of LK’s behavior is sad*. No doubt you would have danced the same dance for our Trainer B**** From Hell.

You truly have NO idea… :expressionless:

* I originally said something more descriptive than “sad”… but thought better of it.


He didn’t. He tried to have her held accountable for her own words and actions by filing a complaint with SafeSport / USEF. Her actions were the problem, not his reporting of them. Unless you live in the upside down.


Her behavior warrants banning. 911 calls were justified. It seems you believe he should have just acquiesced to her. It also appears that despite your occasional statements to the contrary, you actually believe even her worse behavior should not have consequences such as reporting, suspension or legal actions.

MB trying to defend himself was not bullying.

This is all on HER.


Can not be said enough.


Another thing that can not be said enough.


I believe May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Just like a visible disability it can be debilitating on its own without someone using a person’s illness as a weapon against them.
I think Society as a whole needs to work on removing the stigma that can be attached to disabilities and encourage and support those who seek help.
I hope MB is steps closer to the treatment he needs and deserves so he can get back to his friends and farm.
Edit for clarity


Referencing that, how would LK know what medications MB was taking?


Does anyone recall what MB did to whip her existing SM enemies into a frenzy since he wasn’t on SM?