New filing on ecourts re MB

Interesting indeed.

I will amend my assessment in one way: LK had her ability to participate in the world of dressage as a vulnerability.

From what I read here and elsewhere, she does not seem to have had much of a standing to lose/damage before this and, in fact, had several very bad interactions with other riders and professionals under her belt before this tragedy (and, I understand, reports by third parties of her behaviour to SS prior to this incident).

But, I suppose there was the future goal of being part of and successful in that milieu. It seems that was a(nother) miscalculation in the escalating campaign of terror as that seems to have been a casualty of this whole mess as well. I suppose it remains to be seen how that bit will ultimately shake out.


From what we have seen here of past posts and diatribes, it appeared to be one side, no? One side posted inflammatory stuff and their friends and family members reacted, but the other side made no such posts themselves and did not engage in the ones LK made.

That’s what I’ve seen so far.


She snooped in his medicine cabinet and/or office? I mean, she says she took photos of overflowing cat litter boxes that were over MHG’s children’s beds and that involved being in a private area/somewhere she had NO business being in.

ETA - plus the cat box story is ridiculous at best.


:100: for this entire post. I am sorry that I can only like it one time.


Yes, it strikes me that a certain someone is quite delusional if they try to equate LK’s situation in life with MB’s (regarding what they each had to lose). :thinking:




Another excellent post that needs to be quoted and can’t be liked enough!


I think what has been missed here is that FitzE is talking about before the shooting, not after. LK had nothing to lose before the shooting, as noted with her Finish the Bastard plan, in her mind her plan rewarded her greatly. What who knows, much speculation has been made, I think most of us cannot possible place ourselves in LK’s mindset, and thank our lucky stars we can’t.

Before the shooting, what was her value? I don’t mean that in a nasty way, because everyone has value. But what were her contributions to society? What were her contributions to the horse world/dressage world? Was she a good person? Was she someone you would take into your confidence? Were you able to trust her? Certainly her parents love her and defend her and have her back, but what about society beyond the family?

She had a reputation and not a good one. It is hard to build back what you have torn down. It takes time, lots and lots of time and good deeds and in many instances a total rewiring of your though process. It takes a lot of work and self reflection and learning from your mistakes.

To me, LK has not learned from her mistakes. And at this stage in her life, she may never. Why do I say this? Because she is still posting on YT a year later, spewing the same old same old.

Oh well, I don’t think I worded the above very well, I am certainly not a writer, but I have been thinking of what was written after I went to bed last night and found it, interesting, baffling even. Mental health is NO joke and should never be made fun of, should be respected and held in a place of empathy in our hearts and minds. Bullying someone with known mental health issues, inexcusable. Someone with mental health issues bullying someone with mental health issues = disaster.

Adding to what I owe.


Yeah, I mean, they both had something(s) to lose but dressage, riding, training, and the whole operation was MB’s livelihood and established career/life. LK has no established career nor does she have the need for any livelihood from riding. Her money is from other sources and more than adequate to sustain her lifestyle and wellbeing. So if she stopped riding tomorrow, it’d have no bearing on her income, she’s not a pro.

So I wouldn’t say that she had nothing to lose, but IMO MB had more to lose. LK is a hobby rider and some might argue that she could be more, but that’s debatable, and again, she had nothing established and no long standing career and facilities like MB did.

I think that there was “power” on both sides, and you can look at it a few different ways (except if you’re blinded by your own bias or you’re being obtuse). I ultimately think that MB had more to lose, and I know some are questioning if this one rider who isn’t a big name could truly destroy him, but I think the answer to that is yes. You’d be surprised how one “nobody” can manipulate things.

I genuinely believe that some people have never experienced or witnessed true human evil or certain levels of wackjobbery, so they just cannot fathom it. They’re fortunate, in some respects.

I mean, I think that both parties were being barstewards at times, and just not being rational, but one of them was experiencing insanity/a mental break, so there’s that. The best thing to do when you encounter someone like that or someone going through such a time (mainly in a business relationship) is to keep your head down and make your calm, quiet, exit, IMO. Not do weird sh*t and act like an arse, but YMMV.


You don’t learn from your mistakes if you don’t acknowledge that you’ve made any.


To quote the classic line, those who cannot learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.


Good post - you worded it beautifully.


It’s interesting that when LK came to NC after the shooting for preferred care for 1 or 2 of her horses, she was accepted by several decent trainers who knew of her past but couldn’t/wouldn’t grasp the reality of what she did to Barisone until she began her online attacks again and telling her fantasy story. It didn’t take long for them to see the truth about LK, directly from her own posts on FB and the forum. While two of these trainers are still FB friends with her, they thank their lucky stars she moved on rather quickly.


Who was it who “equated LKs situation in life with MBs (regarding what each had to lose)”?

Not me.

I countered FitzEs assessment that LK had “nothing to lose”. She had her life, her health, and her dreams to pursue in dressage and elsewhere.

Barisone was at the pinnacle of the sport and had attained much more — more to lose, but also more resources to handle the situation legally and without violence. Resources and professional stature are not vulnerabilities. Mental instability is a vulnerability.

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LK is really her own worst enemy. Her inability to show any remorse or self awareness is a pretty serious character flaw. The SR K’s can pay for image damage control all they want, however, they really should be focusing on the source of the vitriol, LK herself.


I agree 100%.

Thank you!

Oh CH, I be sad. I did not get to read this before you deleted it.


But when she reported him for bullying, that was part of her plan to destroy him, not simply holding him accountable for his actions?

Both reported the other. In both cases, I see it as part of their tit for tat war of attrition.

Don’t be sad, TB. it was easier to delete and repost rather than edit. See the post 2 minutes later.

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