New filing on ecourts re MB

Poor Bart, whoever he is. Why is he getting dragged into this.

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It looks like he is a building contractor who worked on the Lindbergh home and not on mbā€™s property


That is what I thought too.


Lawyers come to court literally all the time and need to be told what to do and often how to do it. Itā€™s clerks who instruct them. Plus lawyers in one area of law are often unpracticed in other areas of law.


YEP, everyday


Thank you!


Mr. Siver seemed more concise and to the point in his filing today. Lets hope he doesnt make a habit of it.


I wonder if the Kanareks are trying to say good olā€™ Rob Goodwin was employed by Mr. Anderson and, therefore, he didnā€™t need a license? /s

Iā€™m surprised the Kanareks havenā€™t involved the USPS and the local mail carrier. How about Amazon delivery folks? Goodness, so many targets to cause frivolous delays, eh?


Possibly Bart Anderson provided a quote on the post-flood renovation project, and MB rejected it, saying he could get it done more cheaply with RG.

If Anderson bid on the project, thatā€™s relevant as to whether MB was underpaying RG and that part of the dispute between MB and LK/RG.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:ā€¦ :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :sweat_smile:




I paid in advance! :grinning:


So what does that have to do with the civil suit? RG isnā€™t suing MB, and MB isnā€™t suing RG. Eh. Just one more person to depose.


Nothing. Itā€™s a distraction. Maybe to introduce other irrelevant distractions. Dazzle them with bull kind of thing if I had to guess.


More obfuscation on the part of LK and GAS!

Sadly, par for the course!

I am so glad I have not held my breath waiting for the bombshells and the real story according to LK to come out!


So let me see if I got this.

SGF is going to respond to requests for documentas that GAS asked for, early, to get rid of some of the complex motions on the calendar (nice move). One of the things GAS asked for, GAS sent an email asking for ā€œthe emails and texts from Sweet Grass Farmā€™s principals (John and Bonnie Lundberg) to and from Bart Anderson between 12/1/18 and 12/1/19ā€, and SGF said there are none related to the property in question. There are some related to their personal residence (I presume one in Florida) but nothing regarding New Jersey, but they are objecting to producing them because they are overbroad and unrelated.

Next, SGF responds to an email request "asking for information and documentation
in connection to ā€œinstances of harassment allegedly committed by Plaintiff in addition to
the NC incidentā€, saying that it is privelged information, and the attached exhibit shows its privelegged because it is both public information (get it yourself) and its part of the attorney work product. Makes sense.

Now SGF declares they will, after all, be reserving the right to use co-defendent Barisoneā€™s witness list and may call upon them. It sounds like SGF wasnā€™t going to ā€œgo thereā€ necessarily about LKā€™s harrassment of other people, but now they might. Iā€™m guessing about that, it seems like SGF is concerned with her harrassement as much as MBā€™s team is;

Sounds to me like SGF is gearing up to be well-armed in this trial. Nice work.

So, for those that know, what is ā€œthe NC incidentā€?


SGF is saying that LK with her provocations contributed to the tense situation that led to the shooting.

LK has said that the reason that she didnā€™t leave was that MB owed her a lot of money. If Anderson submitted a bid for the renovations for, say $50,000, and MB hired RG instead, that could lead RG to believe he was owed money by MB.

Iā€™ve said all along that I think the multiple unwritten deals that MB had with LK and RG where each side interpreted what they were owed differently, or each side was trying to use the lack of a written contract to their advantage, contributed to MB and LK bring enmeshed in a way that would not have happened if she was a simple boarder/student only.

Some of LKs provocations ā€” for example the building inspectors ā€” were motivated by her feeling ripped off by Barisone. If there was a contractor that bid on the renovation project, thatā€™s relevant to the renovation dispute and related provocations.

D o n a t i o n sā€¦

Anybody want to run a tab? :wink:


I agree. Talk about distractions, I need to be more careful who I quote. I didnā€™t read carefully, wonā€™t make that mistake again. Anyway, it canā€™t be that BAnderson provided a quote on the NJ property, because SGF, after a search, found texts and information only relating to their personal property, which is irrelevant to this trial. Oh well. Too bad. So sad.